1999-05-05CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD SUBCOMMITTEE DATE PLACE MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT OTHERS PRESENT RECORDER : Norwood Pond Commission : : May 5, 1999 : City Council Chambers, City Hall : Chairman Don Martin, David Lang, Bill Frost, Tina Cassidy, Joyce McMahon, J. Michael Lawler : Kevin Burke, Todd Lampert, Virginia McGlynn, Brace Nardella : : Tina Cassidy Chairman Martin calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and asks for public comment. Ron Johnsen of Brimbal Avenue states that he continues to be concerned about the preliminary design plan for infrastructure improvements near the Norwood Pond site, and is concerned about the possibility of a road being constructed through the Parker Brothers property. Renee Mary, Hale Street, is concerned about activity at the former landfilL Lang explains that the firm hired by the City to cap the former landfill is currently moving the trash on site into one area, and that work should be completed within two or three weeks. He briefly explains the steps in the capping process that will follow after that activity is complete. Martin asks if there is any other public comment at this point. Hearing none, Martin opens discussion on the draft interim report on the Commission' s activities of the last year. He asks if members have any issues or suggestions with respect to the draft report. Lawler suggests an amendment to the paragraph in the report that would clarify the reasons why the commission is anticipating supporting a new access/egress design to Route 128, and proposes language for adoption. Members discuss the proposal briefly and offer several minor changes to his proposal. Lawler: motion to modify the last sentence of the second paragraph on page five to read as follows: "Such relief would not only remove all institutional and industrial traffic fxom the residential portion of Dunham Road but also remove a major pertion of this same traffic ~'om Brimbal Avenue. Additionally, these improvements would considerably improve the dangerous traffic and safety issues which have long plagued this area and greatly improve the quality of life for the local residents." Motion seconded by Cassidy, all in favor. Motion carries. Norwood Pond Commission May 5, 1999 meeting minutes Page two Lang and Frost jointly raise the issue of modifying the third paragraph on page two which summarizes the events which led up to the Commission's recommendation on the former landfill. Following a discussion, members revise the language to be mere explicit about the information provided by the City's landfill engineer in this regard. Frost expresses concern that the draft re!Don' s summary of the Nonrood Pond Feasibility Study may be misinterpreted. In short, the current wording might mistakenly lead people to the conclusion that the condition oftbe pond is "healthy", when in fact it is not if the desire is for it remain a viable pond. Following discussion, members elect to revise the language to eliminate the possibility o f misinterpretation. McMahon ofters several suggested changes to various sections of the report she thinks advisable from an editing perspective, and the members agree to medify the report as she suggests. Following a final discussion, Martin asks fithere are any other changes members would like to propose. Thee are none, so Martin states he will revise the report as agreed to this evening and distribute copies of the revised draR to all members. He expects the Commission to approve a final dra~ of the report at its next meeting, and will provide copies of the report to the newspapers, the Brimbal Avenue Neighborhood Association, and the library once it is approve& Next, the Commission discusses the status of the design for interchange improvements. Cassidy informs members that HTSD has submitted preliminary plans to the State' s Highway Department for review and comment, and that agency is currently reviewing the plans. Frost asks ifa smaller sized version of the map prepared by HTSD showing the proposed improvements can be made available. Cassidy states she will ask HTSD personnel if such a plan can be provided. Lang asks for an update on the status of the Economic and Community Development Council's ("ECDC") economic impact analysis for this area. McMahon explains that the ECDC met in late March to draf~ a preliminary analysis and will meet again on May 20th to complete the report. She expects the report to be presented to the Norwood Pond Commission at its June meeting. Lang expresses concern about some of the information he read about the analysis in a local paper. He states that he has done some research on land values in the Cherry Hill Industrial Park, and that research shows that the average per-acre tax revenue is about $15,000, which is less than the $20,000 per acre figure quoted in the newspaper. McMahon informs the members that the ECDC report will take the assessed values at Norwood Pond Commission May 5, 1999 meeting minutes Page three Cherry Hill into account for comparison purposes, and asks the members not to draw any conclusions about the yet-to-be-completed analysis until it is fmalized and available for review. Martin asks if there is any additional public comment at this point in the meeting. Dan D'Angelis questions the quality of life in the Brimbal Avenue area that might result from the proposed overpass and interchange improvements. Martin announces that the next meeting of the Norwood Pond Commission would normally he on June 2nd. Responding to a request from a member of the public in attendance to move the meeting away tiom the Memorial Day weekend, Martin states that the next meeting will be held on June 9th, if in fact all or most members find that date more convenient. Staff will contact members for their availability both nights, and schedule the next meeting accordingly. Martin asks if there is any other business for the commission to conduct this evening. There is none. McMahon: motion to adjourn, seconded by Lang. All members in favor, motion carries. The meeting is adjourned at 8:10 p.m.