1999-04-07City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Norwood Pond Commission Subcommittee: Date: Apdl 7, 1999 Place: Bevedy Public Library, 32 Essex Street Board Members Present: Donald Madin, Nelland Douglas, Virginia McGlynn, William Frost, Todd Lainpeal, Joyce McMahon, Ks/in Burke, Bruce Nardella Board Members Absent: J. Michael Lawler, David Lang Offers Present: Tina Cassidy, Planning Diredor; Frank Killilea, City Engineer Chairman Madin calls the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Chairman Madin makes comment of the fact that the next mccting of the Norweed Pond Commission will be held at Bevedy City Hall. Discussion on Issuance of Interim Report Joyce McMahon indicates that the Initial Economic Impact Analysis was released last week and presented to ECDC. She notes that with a potential overpass, and if the land were developed, the City could see between $500,000 and $1,000,000 a year in revenue from development at the site. She notes that over the next month, a repod will be put together, taken back to the ECDC for comment and input and then present it to the Norwood Pond Commission. Ron Johnson states he was alarmed to see one million dollars as possible tax revenue from the ECDC Committee. Noting there are 25 acres of wetlands, he is concerned that there is land that cannot be developed and is being ignored. He states she is upset that justification for the overpass would provide access to Norwood Pond and does not see any benefit to the overpass in getting to Norwood Pond, and therefore does not feel it would have a positive impact. Norwood Pond Commission Meeting Minutes - 4/7/99 Page 2. McMahon suggests there is a lot of detail not included in that information and hopes everyone would wait for the final analysis to check the figures before making final judgment. Cathy Burack questions when the final report will be beck to the Commission, and McMahon responds probably in June, two months from now. Cathy Burack wants to know with regard to the way the Commission Conceptualizes the overpass, how does the report address the open- ended nature of the design for the overpass, and McMahon replies it was looked at as proposed by HTSD. A discussion takes place on whether or not to hand out copies of the Interim Report to the public at this time. McMahon states she does not like misinformation to be shared, and Douglas replies it is a draft which most likely will be changed and based on that, there will be modifications before it becomes a public document. Richard Maestrazio recommends handing out copies of the report at this meeting noting that he has seen other reports in draft form and feels it would be better to discuss the Interim Report now. Cathy Burack adds that it will be in tonight's Public Record anyway and should be shared with the public. After discussion, copies of the Interim Report are handed to the public for review during comments by the Commission, to be returned to the Commission at the close of the meeting tonight. The Interim Report is now discussod by sections: Mayor Scanlon's CharQe - no comment. Organization - McMahon feels it is nice information to add to the report, stating who is involved and why. Norwood Pond Commission Meeting Minutes - 4/7/99 Page 3. Scope of Study - No comment. Former Landfill - In the first paragraph, McMahon would eliminate the phrase 'most challenging for the Commission'. Frank Killilea points out there is no signal that goes to the SESD. The signal goes to the City of Bevedy Department of Public Services, and SESD has no role in this. McMahon adds that with respect to Categories 1,2, and 3, there was a lot of information in that, including financial considerations. She feels it would provide more back-up to see why the Commission decided to go with the less expensive, simplified system. She also feels that the third paragraph could be expanded. Meetings with Business Owners - no comment. Nei.ghberhood Meetin.~ - McMahon feels paragraph one is okay, but with reference to the report from the Norwood Pond Commission on Page 2, she feels this is separate and should not be included. Economic Impact Analysis - and - Transportation Improvements - McMahon feels these paragraphs should be reversed. She further notes that a report will be issued by June to this Commission. Otherwise, the Transportation Improvements paragraph is suitable. Norwood Pond - There is a general discussion on the health of the pond and Cassidy remarks that a scientific definition of 'healthy' is needed here. Frank Killilea suggests simply stating that the pond is not in good shape but Douglas disagrees. Killilea states he was informed that on May 11t" the State would assign a consulting engineer to inspect the ond and that he will be participating in that inspection, but the State has assigned consulting engineers to inspect vadous dams and that Norwood Pond would be inspected for safety. He notes this inspection will be at 10:00 A.M. on May 11t~, 1999. Norwood Pond Commission Meeting Minutes - 4/7/99 Page 4. Pam Kamperal, 241 Dodge Street, asks if the public can attend that inspection, and Killilea responds the public may attend. Cassidy says the odginal report should be revisited. McMahon notes that overall, the study showed that Norwood Pond is healthy, but with potential problems on the hodzon, and that the final report should state 'the pond status includes the following principal elements'. With regard to paragraph three, Cassidy says the word 'very' should be removed from the third line, but Douglas feels 'very' should remain. After discussion, the Commission decides not to remove 'very' from the third line. With regard to the paragraph beginning 'Fifth', McMahon questions line five where it states 'parcels abutting' - abutting where? Douglas replies this is intended to abut the landfill, and Cassidy states she does not recall any conversation regarding abutting the landfill. Douglas states the report makes note there is some available land abutting the landfill and anticipates there would be some potential use of the landfill at some uncertain point in time in the future, and that it could be developed for active recreational purposes. He states that use of that property for active use would make significant contributions to the recreation needs of the City, but that could be four or five years down the read. He feels there is a potential that based on the dispositions of some of the abutting property owners, they may wish to consider the possibility of making some land available for recreational use for the reclamation of the landfill area and that it would be less intrusive on the area. In the paragraph beginning 'These preliminary findings', McMahon feels the last line should be changed to read 'to develop recreational facilities at a minimum on land south of Rte 128'. The consensus is that the final paragraph of this section is okay as wdtten. Norwood Pond Commission Meeting Minutes - 4/7/99 Page 5. Chairman Martin calls for comments on the 'Conclusion' paragraph, and Cassidy notes she likes the idea of the recommendations being made by the end of the year. She also states that Exhibit A was a map of the area, and Exhibit B was an explanation that was going to be a general concept plan showing the different areas on the map, and feels that these should be appended to the report. Douglas makes a motion that all recommendations that have been made should be included in the drat~ and fccls it could be sent to the Mayor as an Intedm Report, seconded by Nardella. All members in favor, motion cardes. Discussion on Municipal Open Space & RecreaUon District Chairman Martin notes he feels this puts limits on what land uses can happen at this location, and McGlynn says the report is similar to what was passed at a Coundl meeting last week. Cassidy adds that the City Council mccting either in late May or June will be a public meeting. Douglas states he is not certain there is going to be any conflict between the Intedm Report and the Land Use Policy, but Martin states he tded to anticipate anything that might be suggested for the area and not to interfere with the Commission. He fccls it is restrictive, but liexible. Douglas says the next steps of the Commission should be considered, and he does not want to see a condition occur where it would be constrained. Chairman Martin notes there will be a public headng on the issue so everyone will have a change to have their say. Chairman Martin makes a motion to approve the minutes of the January 6, 1999 meeting minutes, seconded by McMahon. All members in favor, motion cardes. Norwood Pond Commission Meeting Minutes - 4/7/99 Page 6. Neiland Douglas makes motion to approve the minutes of the February 10, 1999 meeting, seconded by McMahon. Frost indicates a change in the second paragraph on the third page, stating he is not in agreement or concurs with Mr. Lang. All members in favor, motion cardes as amended. Cathy Burack asks if there will be a public headng when the December 31, 1999report is submitted, and Mr. Martin states there will be a public headrig before the report is released. Cassidy adds there was a two page memo issued which will be an appendix to the report. Chairman Martin states the next meeting of the Norwood Pond Commission will be May 5, 1999 at City Hall. McMahon makes motion to adjoum, seconded by Frost. All members in favor, motion cardes. Mccting adjoumed at 8:30 P.M.