1999-01-01CITY OF BEVERLY, MASSACHUSETTS PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES BOARD OR COMMISSION: DATE: PLACE: MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: ALSO PRESENT: RECORDER: Norwood Pond Commission December 1, 1999 Beverly City Hall Chairman Don Martin, Vice-Chairman Nelland Douglas, Brace Nardella Virginia McGlynn Tina Cassidy, David Lang, Bill Frost, Keyin Burke Todd Lampeft, Joyce McMahon, J. Michael Lawler City Engineer Frank Killilea Tina Cassidy Chairman Martin calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. and asks if there is any public comment. Pam Kampersoll, a member of the Norwood Pond Association, states that she was concerned at the last meeting that members of the commission) were not expressing great.. concern about the condition ofthe dam. She distributes pictUres ofthe dam and surrounding properties that were taken recently, and she notes what might be an unprecedented increase in the level of the pond for this time of year. The photos show flooding of adjacent properties and debris buildup against the dam. Nardella asks if the pictures represent typical high water levels, and Kampersoll says no. MeGlynn wonders if the dam once repaired could be used to control water levels of the pond. Douglas states that the dam would likely fail under the pressure of a lot of water. The quantity of water coming downstream if the dam failed could reach eight to ten feet. He believes the commission should support the notion of reviewing and repairing the dam for both safety reasons and its commitment to preserving Norwood Pond. Kampersoll reiterates the Norwood Pond Association's offer to help do clean-up work' around the dam. The3, are reluctant to undertake that xvork without at least some guidance from the City's Department of Public Services. Next, Martin asks the members if there are any corrections to the draf~ minutes of the commission's November 5, 1999 meeting. Martin asks that the last paragraph on page five be amended to read "...the City has no obligation to fix it.' There are no other suggested changes. Lang: motion to accept the minutes of the November 5, 1999 meeting ~vith the above correction, seconded by MeGlynn All members in favor, motion carries. Norwood Pond Commission minutes December 1, 1999 meeting Page two Next, Martin states that the commission will consider will consider drafting and adopt recommendations for the pond. He distributes a draft list of four recommendations to facilitate discussion. The first recommendation is to "recommend that the Mayor and City Council appropriate funds to hire a consultant to conduct a Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan on preserving Norwood Pond for passive and recreational uses." Lang expresses concern about merely suggesting a "study." Killilea recommends that the study include investigating all spillway control measure alternatives. Lang agrees with Killilea's suggestion. Following abriefdiseussion, members agree to add the phrase"...and to evaluate appropriate spillway control measures consistent with future recreational uses of the pond." The second recommendation concerns the repair of the dam at the pond. Following a brief discussion, members agree that the second recommendation will be to recommend that the Mayor and City Council take the necessary steps to repair the dam at Norwood Pond immediately. ' The third proposed recommendation calls for the Council to draft a letter to the City' s Open Space and Recreation Committee requesting that the dredging of Norwood Pond be considered a high priority in the City's new Open Space and Recreation Plan. Following discussion, the Commission qualifies that recommendation by including the phrase "...if recomntended by the 'Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan on preserving Norwood Pond..." The fourth draft recommendation is to draft a letter to the Planning Board recommending that it consider incorporating the State's s~orm:,,',~tcr :::aTa~eme,qt re_oula~ions,rBest Management Practices into its subdivision rules and regula"tions, an~that the sit~ plan review section of the zoning ordinance be amended to require the same provisions for all new developments in the City. Douglas states that given the sensitivity of the area around Norwood Pond, as noted in the study conducted by Baystate Environmental Consultants, best n: anagement practices should be implemented. Frost asks Cassidy if the site plan review ordinance is clear as to which projects nmst undergo site plan review. Cassidv states that there are threshold criteria for bofi~ new construction and additiop. s for each non-residential zoning district. Following this discussion, members agree to adopt the rough recomme~:datioli~as drafted. Lang: motion to accept the draft recommendations as amended this evening, seconded by Douglas All members in favor, molion carries. Norwood Pond Commission minutes December 1, 1999 meeting Page three IV artin states that the recommendations will be revised in writing as discussed, and a copy mailed to all members in the next several weeks. Martin asks Kil lilea to update the members on the review process that will be followed for the proposed overpass/interchange. Killilea says that HTSD will complete the conceptual plan and conduct a public information meeting on it. The comments received at the meeting will be considered and the concept plan amended as appropriate. The so- called 25% design plan will be prepared and submitted to the Mass. Highway Department with a variety of back-up material such as traffic count information and environmental studies. Douglas asks Killilea if he knows when the public information meeting will be held. Killilea answers that the meeting will likely be held by February 15, 2000. Douglas urges Killilea to suggest to HTSD that they have at least one alternative design to the June 1999 plan. Martin suggests that members consider attending the January public information meeting' in lieu of a January commission meeting. Members concur. Lang: motion to adjourn, seconded by Frost. All members in favor, motion carries. (recommendations are attachment) NORWOOD POND COMMISSION Pond-related recommendations for consideration: Recommend that Mayor and City Council appropriate funds to hire a consultant to conduct a "Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan on Preserving Norwood Pond" for passive and recreational uses and to evaluate appropriate spillway control measures consistent with future recreational uses of the pond. Recommend that Mayor and City Council take the necessary steps to repair the dam at Norwood Pond immediately. Draft letter to the City's Open Space and Recreation Commission requesting that the dredging of Norwood Pond - if recommended by the "Feasibility Study and Implementation Plan on Preserving Norwood Pond" - be considered a high priority in the City' s new open space and recreation plan. Draft letter to the Planning Board recommending that it consider incorporating State's stormwater management regulations/Best Management Practices into its subdivision rules and regulations, and that the site plan review section of the zoning ordinance be amended to require the same provisions for all new developments in the City.