2002-04-04 MINUTES – BEVERLY LICENSE BOARD – APRIL 4, 2002 Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m. Members Kelley and Heller present. Member Ranta not present. Lt. John Roccio, Police Liaison, also present. Chairman Kelley introduced Board. 1. J & J Engine Stop application for the transfer of the license – Attorney Thomas Bussone present to represent the applicant. He stated that the Purchase and Sale Agreement would be delivered tomorrow. Mr. Davis, an abutter, was present. He is in favor of the transfer. Green cards were submitted. Mr. Bussone stated Mr. Kevin Atwood had been running the business for 12 years. Steve Alongi had been manager on and off since 1986. He has a twin brother who will be helping him. It is a neighborhood store. Not going to make any changes. Does hope the Board will approve the transfer. He will pledge the license to Thomas Bussone and Kevin Atwood. $150,000 will be financed. Steven owned and recently sold Body Tanners. Mr. Kelley – Generally advise that owners and employees take one of the courses offered that teaches dealing with the public and alcoholic sales so everyone is certified. It helps brush up and helps employees recognize problems. Mr. Kelley asked if anyone in the audience opposed to the transfer. No one present. Minutes – April 4, 2002 Page 2 CORI came back okay. Has been no record of prior incidents at the store. Motion made by Mr. Heller to approve the transfer of the J & J Engine Stop License to Steven Alongi. Seconded by Mr. Kelley. Motion carried 2-0. 2. One day licenses – Stoneridge, 290 Hale Street – April 27 Farms-Prides Community – Hastings House – Beer and Wine – May 4 Shore Country Day – April 27 Motion made and seconded to approve the licenses. Motion carried 2-0. 3. Notice from DOR regarding L& G Package. There are taxes outstanding. Holding approval until taxes taken care of. 4. Kitty O’Shea’s - Communication from ABCC for serving an intoxicated person. 5. Communication from Daniel Wolentarski. Board had discussion. Received and placed on file. Board decided to take no action. 6. Application from Yanks will be forthcoming for a change in description of licensed premise to include outside dining area. Clerk instructed to speak to the Building Inspector to be sure there would be not infringement on the sidewalk with the installation of the trellis area. 7. Lt. Roccio submitted police report re Crackers. It is alleged excessive force was used against a patron. It happened on April 2. Just wanted to bring it to the Board’s attention because of the size of the bouncer. He doesn’t know his own strength. He is 6’3” and weighs 300 lbs. Minutes – April 4, 2002 Page 3 Next meeting scheduled for May 2 at 6:30 p.m. Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, ____________________________ Clerk