Meeting called to order at 6:35 p.m.
All Members Present.
Chairman Kelley introduced the Board.
1. Transfer of License from Barney’s to Thomas and Estelle Dill.
Estelle will be manager of license. 16 years owned and operated in
Lynn. Do understand the laws. College educated. Worked at G.E. It
will be a Mom and Pop operation. Not big into entertainment. Want
to promote responsible drinking. Have a lot of experience.
Mr. Kelley – License is going to be securing a loan? $25,000 note to
the owner. Pledge to bar owner. We are community oriented.
Mr. Ranta – Have you gone through TIPs? Mr. Dill – I have not.
Bartenders will be. It’s a good program. Board does not require that
you attend but insurance company probably does.
Mr. Kelley – Going to do anything to the building? Low
maintenance. TV and mirrors. Continue on doing what present
owner does.
Mr. Kelley – Anyone present in favor or against the application? No
one present.
Mr. Ranta – Motion to approve the transfer of the license. Seconded
by Mr. Heller contingent upon CORIs coming back ok. Motion
carried 3-0.
Minutes – January 10, 2002 Page 2
2. Peter Harrison – Beverly Golf and Tennis Club – Application for a
new license.
Mr. Ranta – What plans do you have with restaurant and bar? Mr.
Harrison stated structural things need to be done. I plan to spruce up
with paint and drapes.
Mr. Heller – Was CORI done? Yes, submitted. Has not been
returned as yet.
When do you plan to open? Before the opening of the Course. There
are some functions scheduled. We plan to ease into it.
Mr. Kelley – Anyone present who wishes to speak in favor or against
license? No one present.
Mr. Ranta – Motion to approve the license contingent upon CORI.
Seconded by Mr. Heller. Motion carried 3-0.
3. Miscellaneous –
One-day licenses. Motion made and seconded to approve licenses.
Motion carried 3-0.
Next meeting scheduled for February 7, 2002.
Meeting adjourned at 7:10.
Respectfully submitted,