2002-09-12 MINUTES – BEVERLY LICENSE BOARD – SEPTEMBER 12, 2002 Meeting called to order at 6:30 p.m. All members present. Lt. Roccio present. Chairman Kelley apologized for lack of quorum at September 5 meeting. Chairman Kelley introduced the Board. 1. Transfer of license from Simpson’s Inc. to One Stop Market, 174 Rantoul Street. Attorney Matthew Kavanagh present representing One Stop Market, Attorney Muggeo present representing Simpson’s. Requesting a transfer of license and location to 174 Rantoul Street dba One Stop Market. Mr. Gill will be expanding the size of the store by 25’. He has spoken to the Building Inspector. Placing all beer and wine near cashier with separate area for full alcohol. Full alcohol will go into a separate area. For beer and wine will have to go by cashier. Mr. Heller – Will it be separate entities? Attorney Kavanagh - No. He is pretty much hands on. He may well need another person. Mr. Gill will make it closest to the cashier. Will have two employees on site. Manager of record will be Gill’s wife. Amarajit is a citizen. He is not. Cannot be manager or director. Came here in 1985. Steven Vasilio will be financial business director. He has agreed to help. He has been named as a director. Mr. Gill has applied for citizenship. Mr. Vasilio will be available for consultation. Many customers would like to have a store in the area. Clean store. Hard working people. 800 customers would be supporters. Minutes – September 12, 2002 Page 2 Mr. Kelley – Does she have experience? Neither have experience with alcohol. Only with retail. Have spoken to the TIPS people. Both will attend. Has extensive experience in the retail business. Mr. Finn has also advised him that he would be available for advice. Mr. Vasilio has pouring license experience. Mr. Heller – Is Mr. Finn willing to train? Yes. He will make himself available. Mr. Kelley – How much time will Mr. Vasilio be in the shop? Mr. Vasilio – President and owner for 15 years as a financial business broker. Will be available on an as needed basis. Sold him three stores. All three businesses went up. Service to the customers is excellent. Will help any way I can. Mr. Kelley – One Stop logo, is it a franchise? No. Family business. Other store is a separate corporation. Mr. Kelley asked if there were any questions. No one had questions. Mr. Kelley stressed to Mr. Gill the importance of being diligent. Any type of violation is looked upon harshly. It may not be your fault. Maybe an employee’s fault, but ultimately it is your fault. If there is a violation, there are consequences. Each violation carries a suspension. nd 2 violation more severe than the first. Violations are serious and we take it seriously. Want to emphasize. Mr. Gill – Will have an ID checking machine. Planning to put it in my store. Mr. Kelley asked if there was anyone present in favor of granting the transfer. Mr. Muggeo stated for the record that Simpson’s and Mr. Finn endorse the transfer. Minutes – September 12, 2002 Page 3 Cheryl Crossman-Cronin – Beverly resident for 6 years. Found him to be extremely professional. Hard working. Like an old neighborhood store. Fully supports granting the license transfer. Pam Richardson – Known Amarajit for 3 years. Feels she is responsible and supports what they are trying to do. No one present in opposition. Mr. Ranta – Motion to approve the application for the transfer of the license and change of location from Simpson’s Inc. to One Stop Market at 174 Rantoul Street. Seconded by Mr. Heller – Motion carried 3-0. 2. Transfer of license from KC’s, 24 West Street to Sygnet Corp. Attorney Larry Pidgeon present representing the applicant Mr. James Glesner. Presented copy of the lease. Mr. Kelley – What is your experience? Been in the restaurant business for over 15 years. Went to school in California and hold a Hotel and Restaurant Degree. Ran a restaurant in New York. Trying to take KC’s and make a change. Mr. Heller – Are you familiar with MA laws as they pertain to alcohol? Somewhat. Mr. Kelley – What about OUI? Went to a party. I left and was proceeding slowly. Was stopped for going too slow. Alcohol level was just on the border. Any accidents? No. What about Mr. McDonald? Putting in equity of $160,000. Will be returned prior to profit sharing. Minutes – September 12, 2002 Page 4 He will be a 50% partner. A non-voting partner. You are expanding the restaurant? What type of restaurant? Relatively upscale, moderately priced – under $20, lunches under $10. Market is good. Good American food with a little of a zing. Not fancy. A lot of people go to KC’s. Would like to have some steak and a good bit of fish. Will serve lunch and dinner. Will you be doing the cooking? No, I’ll be working in the dining room. Anyone present in favor or opposed to the transfer of the license? No one present. Mr. Heller – Recommend taking TIPS course. Mr. Kelley – Any questions or comments? None. Mr. Ranta – Motion to approve the transfer of KC’s license to Sygnet Corporation. Seconded by Mr. Heller. Motion carried 3-0. 3. Acapulco’s Restaurant – Request for an Entertainment License. Richard MacDonald, Bar Manager, present representing Acapulco’s. Would like a Monday to Saturday License. Probably will use it Wednesday through Saturday. It would be used in the bar area. Have some Karaoke. Mr. Kelley – Do not see any problem with noise. Have no problems in the past. Mr. MacDonald – We are looking to have oldies, solo acts maybe two people. Maybe some Latino music. Nothing on Monday and Tuesday. Mr. Ranta – Motion to grant Acapulco’s an Entertainment License for Monday through Saturday same hours as the license. Seconded by Mr. Heller. Motion carried 3-0. 4. Pisani’s - Attorney Goldberg present with Mr. Chowdhury. – Invited in by the Board for a possible violation. Minutes – September 12, 2002 Page 5 Lt. Roccio, Sgt. Vitale and Officer Corelli present from the Police Department. Report read into the record. Officers confiscated the license. Corelli followed suspect (Bennett) around the store. Bennett handed ID to clerk. Clerk didn’t ask for it? No. Bennett used Fellows license. Sgt. Vitale – Sansone who purchased for them was over 21. Bennett was known to us to be under 21. Mr. Kelley – Bennett was arrested? Yes. Attorney Goldberg – I would not dispute the Police Officer. This was a concerted plan with much deception. Clerk did card. Also in defense of the clerk. The cards were similar. It looked similar. The clerk did what he had to do. Board should consider, this was a violation. There definitely was deception. Clerk did look for the card. There was similarity in the person. The act was conceived in an attempt to buy with authority. Officer Corelli – The clerk looked at it and handed it right back quickly. Mr. Ranta – Last time it was more glaring. Lt. Roccio – It was an expired license. Mr. Ranta – Was it the same employee? Yes. Mr. Chowdhury – We do not want to have problems. We check nd carefully. We sometimes ask for 2 ID. We do not want to sell to underage. Minutes – September 12, 2002 Page 6 Mr. Ranta – Have you done anything with this clerk? No, the clerk recently quit. Mr. Goldberg – Since the last incident, not only does he take care, he refuses to accept anything but MA ID, ID card and passports. They have lost business. Will not accept other ID’s. Clerk no long employed. Have owned the business for three years. Mr. Ranta – This is a subsequent violation. Normally have a harsher penalty. This incident has extenuating circumstances. A harsher penalty but suspend it for one year. Motion – Mr. Ranta – That the Board suspend the license for a period of five days but suspend the suspension for one year. If there are further violations, they will serve the five days plus an additional suspension. If there are no violations for one year, the suspension is voided. Seconded by Mr. Heller. Motion carried 3-0. Mr. Heller suggested that employees be sent to TIPS course. 5. One day license – Farms-Prides Association – Request for a Beer and Wine License for a dance on October 5. Motion made and seconded to approve the license for four hours. Motion carried 3-0. 6. Lt. Roccio submitted information at the last meeting concerning Madison Grill. There is an outside deck. Noise complaints and numerous calls for police assistance in the last month. He stated the place was out of control. Clerk instructed to invite Madison Grill in to address loud noise, # of police reports and possible violation of serving an intoxicated person. Minutes – September 12, 2002 Page 7 Next meeting scheduled for October 10, 2002. Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, _____________________________ Clerk