2001-05-10RICHARD S. KELLEY, Esq., Chairman
Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m.
Chairman Kelly, George Heller present. Lt. Roccio present
Board introduced.
1.) Application from 11-23 Enon Street Corporation dba Garden
City Pub for a new all alcoholic beverage Restaurant License.
Nick Ambeliotis present with John Athanasopoulos, President
of the Corporation.
It is a completely renovated building, 1800 sq. fl. Pub style
restaurant with a bar. Will be open 4:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.
Opening date is hopefully the first week in June. Mr.
Athanasopoulos has operated several restaurants in the past.
Been in the restaurant business all his life. He is well known
to the Board.
What is the seating capacity? 55 people. There is a center
island bar. When was the last time he operated a restaurant?
3-4 years ago. Clerk needs a copy of the floor plan. It will be
sent in.
Mr. Kelley- In terms of notice, any residents nearby?
Todd Rodman, Attorney in Worcester present representing
Win Cal Holdings (Bertucci's). Had a question about hours of
operation, size. Are you going to stripe the parking lot?
Minutes - May 10, 2001 Page 2
Behind the package store, how many parking spots do you
have? About 130.
Mr. Ambeliotis -The building is 1800 sq. ft. The other
businesses in front are low volume. There will more than
enough parking. The other attorney is curious about whether
or not we will be open 7 days a week. Yes.
No one present in favor or in opposition.
Motion Mr. Heller- To approve the application for a new all
alcoholic beverage restaurant license for the Garden City Pub.
Motion seconded by Mr. Kelley. Motion carried 2-0.
Mr. Ranta joined the meeting.
2. One day licenses -
Long Hill - All alcoholic 5/19
Beer and Wine 6/9
Motion made and seconded to approve the licenses. Motion
carried 3-0.
3. Discussion about the Press Box.
Clerk instructed to invite them in and stipulate there is a definite
potential for disciplinary action and that appropriate action will
be taken. Include copies of reports and letter from Chief Terry
along with two police reports.
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4. River Street Grille - Police report received and placed on file.
Board to keep an eye on things.
Next meeting scheduled for June 7, 2001.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,