1997-07-10WILLIAM F. TERRY, Chairman OLIVER T. COOK, Esq. GEORGE HELLER LICENSE BOARD CITY OF BEVERLY MASSACHUSETTS MINUTES - BEVERLY LICENSE BOARD - JULY 10, 1997 Meeting called to order at 6:05 p.m All members present. Chairman Terry introduced Board members. 1. Kitty O'Shea's - invited in by the Board - Vincent Giblin present representing Kitty O'Shea's. Lt. Roccio present representing Beverly Police Department. Mr. Terry - Mr. Giblin do you have a copy of the police report? Yes. Lt. Roccio read from the Police Report. McCarthy . Two persons sitting at the bar. 20 and Ms. Johnson 19. Negrotti with A Ms. Sparta Mr. Terry - Mr. Giblin, Do you want to be represented by Counsel? Will go forward. Do you have any questions? Hard to ask questions of officers that are not here. Mr. Giblin - Police didn't have to look for the patrons. They knew exactly where they were. Feel I was set up. Have been in business for 7 years, never had a problem. Feel that someone felt that someone on my staff made fun of his orange hair. It bothers me. Everyone knows my business. Under age drinking would kill my business. Everything taken as a fact. Anthony is the person's name. His address was 297 Cabot Street. Mr. Cook - Have you contacted individual? No. He is no longer at 297 Cabot but is still in the City. Who responded to call? Negrotti and McCarthy. This anonymous call gave them names of the individuals. How did the Police Officers know? The came directly to these two people and identified them by name. Three people have been fired - including the doorman. They said they didn't have an ID check. They may have. Minutes - July 10, 1997 Page 2 Mr. Cook - The officers took the girls outside. They stated that the doorman was not at the door. Did you ask the doorman? He said he had no idea how they got in. He may have been taking out the trash. I arrived at 10:15. Mr. Cook - He confided that he did not know? with you since you opened? Yes, he had experience before coming to me. Dismissed manager (12 years) and bartender (18 months). He's been 5 years doorman, Mr. Cook - Would you feel better if you could speak to the officers? Lt. Roccio - Police Report said teenage looking girls. Who carded them? Mr. Cook - What is your policy once they get in? Staff knows not to take anything for granted. I take it as a very serious incident. Incident obviously happened. Did you ask if they were carded? No they assumed that they had been carded at the door. Do you get many people from across the street? Not a big proportion. But we do get some in. Have you ever had an incident of serving under age? No. How long have you been in business? 12- 31-97. Discussion followed. Motion - Mr. Heller - That Kitty O'Shea's be given a 3- day suspension for serving underage patrons. Seconded by Mr. Cook. Motion carried 3-0. The suspension will be served for 3 consecutive days commencing July 21, 22 and 23, 1997. Discussion followed. Mr. Cook asked that the record indicate that ABCC stings, Salem and Peabody all have a policy of 3-day suspension for a first offense. When I came on five years ago, it used to be first offense carried a warning. We feel this is a serious offense and are being consistent with the ABCC, Salem and Peabody. 2. One-day license - Franco-American Club - Family event on July 19 from 6-10 p.m. in the Club's parking lot. Application for a license to transport from the Franco-American Club to their annual picnic on August 9. Motion made and seconded to approve the two license. Motion carried 3-0. Minutes - July 10, 1997 Page 3 Mass Audubon Society - Application for a one day license on August 8 and 9. Motion made and seconded to approve the request. Motion carried 3-0. Jubilee Yacht Club - Application for outdoor festivities on the Club's property on August 2 from 6-11 p.m. and August 3 from 12-6 p.m. Motion made and seconded to approve the request. Motion carried 3-0. 3. - Miscellaneous Communication from ABCC re Boston Beer and Wine Company- received and placed on file. Communication from ABCC ~e Crackers - received and place on file. Clerk requested to ask City Solicitor Marshall Handly to be present at our next meeting. Next meeting scheduled for August 7, 1997. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted,