1999-09-28City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Long Range Planning Committee Date: September 28, 1999 6:30 P.M. Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Diane Costa, Edward Brindle, Lindsay Diehl, Katherine Fanning, Neil Olson, Kevin O'Reilly, Joanne Panunzio, Helga Senko, and John Young Board members absent: Others present: Thomas Scully, Anna Langstaff Recorder: Anna Langstaff Diane Costa presided. The trustees met to review goals for FY 1999, 2000, and 2001 (on file with these minutes). Items discussed during review of FY 1999 goals: 1. Several public school libraries still need to join NMRLS. 2. There was a discussion of opening up school libraries to commtmity use. 3. Children and Young Adult Librarians are making more school visits. 4. The library continues to promote and provide many programs. 5. Some teachers have responded to information provided by the library. 6. Building is used to capacity for meetings. Parking is still a problem. 7. Library received an increase of $25,000 in the book budget. 8. Trustees have not met with the Commissioners of Trust Funds. 9. Collection development is on-going. John Young is willing to ask New England Biolabs for money for science books. 10. Library will again request a staff development budget. Items discussed during review of FY 2000 goals: 1. It's too early in the year to compare statistics to previous year. 2. Attendance figures will be reported at the end of the year. 3. Web address should be included on press releases and new library cards. 4. Library's web site is used to support homework assignments. 5. Beverly Farms Library renovation and the replacement of the bookmobile are two upcoming large expenditures. 6. Flooding of the Main Library is caused by inadequate storm drain on Dane Street. Items discussed during review of proposed Action Plan for FY 2001: 1. Include objective to "Support and Expand Electronic Access." 2. There was a discussion of developing a newbom reading kit program. Tom Scully will bring a draf~ of an objective, action, and measurement to the next Board meeting. 3. Program attendance will be measured. 4. Add the request for funds for staff training and development. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 P.M.