1998-08-10 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING ; ' AUGUST 10, 1998 , PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Dean, Duval, Eaton, Gourdeau, Mahoney, ! ! Vitale, White. ' ABSENT: Commissioners Lydon and Rosen. PUBLIC: Tina Cassidy (Director of Planning, City of Beverly), Ms. Lisa Bennet, Ms. Melissa Ames, Ms. Joan Haggetty, Ken Lewis, and Gerry Nelson. A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentations - None. 2. Reading of the Minutes for July 13, 1998 - Chairman White called for a reading of the minutes. 3. Reading of the Financial Report for June 1998 - None. B. OLD BUSINESS: Airport Manager Mezzetti updated the Commission on the Aetna/ Sentry lawsuit, e.g. awhile back the airport won a judgement of approximately $14,000.00. Aetna appealed· When it recently came time for the appeal to be heard, Aetna attorneys offered to settle for the $14,000.00 amount. Marshall Handly is having the legal firm of Whipple & King to not only go for the $14,000.00 but to also get liquidated damages· Total sought is approximately $53,000.00. Marshall Handly's legal budget is paying for Whipple & King's fees. C. NEW BUSINESS: None. D. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the regular report contained in the Commission packets, the Airport Manager provided the following additional information: 1. Airport Brochures - The airport received 1,000 Beverly Municipal Airport brochures from M.A.C. A supply has been given to FBO's, City Planning Department, Mayor, and City Council. Copies will also be given to Beverly BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 10, 1998 Chamber of Commerce and North Shore Chamber of Commerce. The brochure would be helpful in marketing efforts. 2. "Something Different" Restaurant - Received a visit from the new operator of the airport restaurant (Linda). She is very personable. and is determined to make the business a success. She has advertised in the Atlantic Flyer and will be advertising locally. 3. Vegetation Mgt. Plan, Phase I - Work along taxiways "B" and "D" is going nicely, can shortly cancel the current restriction prohibiting aircraft with over 80' wingspan from using them 4. G.A.S. Aboveground Tank Permit - The aboveground tank permit application has the okay of the building department and the fire department, however, the actual permit has to be acquired by the pad and tank installer when they are ready to do the project. The 10,000-gallon city underground storage tank should be removed around the end of October. GAS. has been advised to have their aboveground tank installed prior to the underground tank's removal. 5. Gongas/McLellan - Commission updated; pressure will be put on the new relocation specialist to get the real estate appraiser to do a new housing review appraisal for FAA, also the new relocation specialist will be instructed to help McLellan with her search for affordable shelter but to inform McLellan that she must be out of the Burley Street home very shortly. 6. Tower Count - July 1997 number of operations was 8,216; July 1998 number of operations was 10, 190. 7. MALS Ground to Ground Activation - Bob Mallard of M.A.C. is still awaiting an estimate from Moulison Electric for a wire type activation system. Also a new "mother board" for the present radio wave activation system is awaiting installation by Moulison Electric. 8. Taxiway Lights - The Airport Manager informed the Commission that a massive lightning strike had blown out most of the bulbs on Alpha and Charlie taxiway and that replacement bulbs were installed in most fixtures. Approximately twelve fixtures remain for relamping and bulbs are on order. BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 10, 1998 Public Comments Several Danvers residents voiced concem over a particular evening in which "touch & go" operations were being conducted after 9:30PM. Several commissioners explained that the tower was closed at that time and that aircrat~ were not being handled by the Logan Airport tower. The Airport Manager handed out copies of the current airport's "Good Neighbor Policy" in which it is stated "touch & go" landings after dark are prohibited at any time during the year. Executive Session Chairman White called for the Commission to enter into Executive Session to discuss the Airport Manager's performance review and salary increase. Chairman White called for the Commission to enter regular session. Commissioner Duval made a motion to offer the Airport Manager a 6% increase and also, at the same time, discuss objectives for next year and discuss the Commission's desire to increase airport revenues and informally tie that increase in revenues to future increases. Motion seconded by Commissioner Barnico. Motion passed with one Nay vote from Commissioner Gourdeau. F. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Duval, seconded by Commissioner Barnico. Vote unanimously approved.