2001-01-23City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Finance Committee Date: January 23, 2001 6:30 PM Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Edward Brindle, Lindsay Diehl, Neil Olson, Kevin O’Reilly, Joanne Panunzio, and John Young Board members absent: Kay Fanning Others present: Thomas Scully, Anna Langstaff Recorder: Anna Langstaff Edward Brindle presided. The trustees met to review the current budget as it stands at the six month mark and to determine how the status of the current budget may impact the development of next year’s budget. Some items reviewed: 1) The overtime account depends on snow days, vacation time, sick time, and some built in overtime on Sundays and Friday afternoons. 2) Personnel costs will go up. Union employees will receive raises according to their contract. Minimum wage went up January 1, 2001. 3) Utilities (gas and heating oil) are covered by the last year of a three year contract. Costs will probably go up next year. 4) According to the mechanic at the city garage, the Bookmobile will probably not last another 5 years. 5) Cost of uniforms went over because the City negotiated an increase in the uniform allowance without informing the library. Edward Brindle stated that the current budget provides a “calm” picture at the moment. The Mayor has not said when he wants the FY2002 budget. Tom Scully will let Ed Brindle know when another finance committee meeting needs to be scheduled. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:59 P.M.