1979-12-08 City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Budget Committee Date: 12/08/1979 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Nell B. Olson, Mary K. Connots, John R. Coogan, and Dr. Edna M. MeGlynn Board members absent: Others present: Recorder: Barbara Bruno Budget Committee Board of Trustees Beverly Public Library Saturday, December 8, 1979 10 A. M. Presiding: Neil Olson Present: Mary Connors, Jack Coogan, Edna McGlynn. Also present: Esther Calish and Barbara Bruno. Mrs. Calish presented the members with a skeleton budget for 1980-81 showing the comparison with last year. The budget is within the mandated 4 per cent increase. Two new programs appear in this budget: serials Is shown as a separate item, all magazines being pooled together into one program; and computer services maintenance which will allow the library to take advantage of the grant obtained by five Essex County libraries and participate in the installation of a CLSI system. Mrs. Calish elaborated on several parts of the budget. Salaries are down $8,000 which includes raises and retroaetives. Part of the reason for this is the elimination of three positions. The amount for repairs for the main building is increased to $2,500 from $1,000 to permit some much needed repairs on the building. With the increasing costs of vehicle maintenance, the number of days on the road for the bookmobile has been cut back. The slack has been made up by individual car deliveries to shut-ins. To assist the person making these deliveries with car expenses, a lump sum of $240 has been written into the budget. Other utility and fixed costs have been increased an average of 10 per cent, Mrs. Calish then detailed the proposed automated circulation system. Copies of the explanation of the grant and the system were distributed (affixed hereto). Port charges for the terminals will be provided by the grant. These would amount to $4,500 each if this were a separate installation. Cost of the terminals would be paid for from trust funds ($14,750) with monthly up-keep of $3,200 already indicated in the budget. The advantages to the library will be manifold but the major ones are: 1, access to 500,000 books in the region; 2. internal control of circulation records; 3. saving of labor