1969-10-16O City of Beverly, Massachusetts Public Meeting Minutes Board: Library Trustees Subcommittee: Budget Committee Date: 10/16/1969 Place: Beverly Public Library Board members present: Mieth Macset, Louisa V. Conrad, Robert W. Lovett, and Carolyn F. Standley Board members absent: Others present: Recorder: Florence A. Luther October 16, 1969 3:30 P.M. Budget Meeting Present: Mr. Macset, Chairman, Mr. Lovett, Miss Standley and Mrs. Conrad. The following budget was referred to the full Board for approval: Books $20,000 Replacements 2,000 Periodicals 1,500 Binding 1,200 Fuel 2,500 Lighting 2,800 Telephone 900 Furniture 2,000 Repairs 1,000 Janitors Supplies) Care of Grounds ) 1,800 Printing 250 Office Supplies 2,000 Book Prep. Supplies 2,500 Bookmobile 1,000 Audio Visual 500 Other Outlays Architect's fee for planning 2,500 Painting interior 2,000 Add to Salaries: Audio Visual Librarian XI Pages 12,500 Custodians' overtime snow removal., etc. 125 Books, Replacements and Periodicals necessary to meet State Aid. (This figure must be amount of total budget times 0. 13 -excluding Capital Outlay from total budget figure. (0.25 x population amount of State Aid) Telephone. 1969 figure includes second phone at Main only since July. 1970 will be for a whole year. Furniture. No allowance in 1969. Needs 6 tables for Children's Room. 1 telephone table gouged in 1968 vandalism, 2 desks and refinishing old tables in main reading room. Janitors Supplies. Addition for custodians' uniforms - 3 men - plus snow blower and lawn mower for Farms Branch. Office Supplies. All costs increasing. Periodicals. Additional monies should go into buying some important magazines on film. Storage for additional bound and loose copies very limited Book Preparation Supplies. Increase in Books and Replacements means more cards, labels, pockets, plates etc. for processing of cards. Audio Visual. All libraries are paying more attention to this phase. We should start to catch up. Audio Visual Librarian. Step XI. Only limited services now available. Need full time person with knowledge of cataloging, classification, and use of equipment, Custodians' Overtime. This has appeared in Other Outlays under Snow Removal in the past and has been transferred to Salaries during the year. Pages. Impossible to hire at $.90 an hour any longer. College help refuses the $1.50 rate. Part-time wage scale must be increased. Other Outlays. Have been kept at a minimum hoping---expansion will be possible.