1966-10-20 City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Library Trustees
Subcommittee: Budget Committee
Date: 10/20/1966
Place: Beverly Public Library
Board members present: Louisa V. Conrad, and Thomas J. Toomey
Board members absent: Mieth Maeser, and Frederick H. Pierce
Others present:
Recorder: Marion A. Brown
BUDGET MEETING Above date 3:30
Present: Mrs. Conrad, Mr. Toomey
VOTED TO REQUEST $9000 for Page money, this to take care of 9 o'clock closing which must
come Sept. 1967. This additional $500 will have to used for this purpose. AIm requesting that a
part-time Janitor be established for the Farms. 20 hr. week at $45 per wk--$2340
The Maintenance Budget was voted and is on file.
The Salary Budget was VOTED, changes may be made--Yarger Survey.
Discussion: A change should be made in hourly rate of pages so as to keep good ones: $1.00 to begin
and $1.75 for Adults.
Nine o'clock closing take effect in Sept, 1967, so as to determine what the Mayor will do with the
Budget. until early April. Also Budget is usually not returned until early April.
Bookmobile is getting older and repairs will be necessary.
For Other outlays: Reading Rooms walls are very bad.
Marion A. Brown