1998-07-13 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING · :_i.~LY ,'iCCORt~EB ~' JULY 13, 1998 : -- : -b A o,: S3 PRESENT: Commissioners Barnico, Duval, Eaton, Oourdeau, Lydbn, Mahoney, Vitale, White. ABSENT: Commissioners Dean and Rosen. PUBLIC: Tina Cassidy (Director of Planning, City of Beverly), Victor Capozzi, Ken Robinson, Ken Lewis, Gerry Nelson. A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White called the meeting to order at 7:30PM. 1. Presentations - None. 2. Reading of the Minutes for June 8, 1998 - Chairman White called for a reading of the minutes. Commissioner Eaton made a motion to accept the minutes, seconded by Commissioner Mahoney. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report for June 1998 - Chairman White called for a reading of the financial report for June 1998. Commissioner Barnico made a motion to accept the financial report, seconded by Commissioner Duval. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS: None. h C. NEW BUSINESS: · Tiedown Electric Outlets - Airport Manager told the Commission of a tiedown customer's offer to fix ramp electrical outlets in return for like value in tiedown rent credit. Matter was lef~ up to the Airport Manager. D. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: In addition to the regular report contained in the Commission packets, the Airport Manager provided the following additional report: 1. City-owned Tank Removal - Airport Manager presented several cost estimates for removal of the City-owned 10,000-gallon underground storage tank. The Commission discussed the options and also discussed the Airport Manager's procuring an above-ground fuel tank permit on behalf of General Aviation 1 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JULY 1;5, 1998 q Services, Inc. Commissioner Barnico made a motion to stay with the City of Beverly citywide tank removal project, seconded by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed unanimously. A second motion was made by Commissioner Barnico to have the Airport Manager obtain an aboveground tank permit on behalf of General Aviation Services, Inc. Motion seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously. 2. GTE Key - It was decided that the Commission did not need a key to the facility, that Commission access, if needed, would be through the caretaker, North Atlantic Air, Inc. 3. GTE Fuel Tank Permits - There was discussion on GTE's statement "Upon signing an agreement with another user, GTE plans to turn the permits over to the new user and then GTE will remove the tanks". Caretaker Ken Robinson &North Atlantic Air Inc. thought that the "permits" were not permits for installing, new tanks but were permits to allow fuel storage. 4. 5-Year Airport Improvement Plan - Meeting date &Thursday, July 30, 1998 at 10:00AM at the Airport was made by Chairman White for he, the Airport Manager, Bruce Eaton and Bill Mahoney to meet and go over the 5-year plan draft. 5. North Atlantic Air's l~ight &First Refusal Area - Airport Manager told the Commission of Ken Robinson's request that whatever square footage that maybe lost with Bravo taxiway going through his right &first refusal area, that equal square footag~ be made available to him. Airport Manager will check '~vith Dufresne-Henry to see if a different configured "B" extension could be done with minimal impact to the right of first refusal area. 6. Airport Master Plan Update - Airport Manager handed out the new project completion schedule. 7. General Aviation Services, Hangar #2 Door - Airport Manager reported that General Aviation Services requested a time extension for door replacement due to G.A.S. expenses incurred with the Hangar #1 extension. Commissioner Lydon made a motion to give GAS. until Spring 1999 to have the replacement door for Hangar #2 installed, seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously. 2 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING JULY 1:5, 1998 E. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: · Chairman White informed the Commission that Danvers gave its approval to install an airport sign at the comer of Burley and Conant Street. · Chairman White asked the Commissioners to send their comments to him regarding the Airport Manager's raise review. · Commissioner Gourdeau asked about the continued Rotary membership of the .~rport Manager. The Airport Manager feels a membership in the North Shore Chamber of Commerce would be more beneficial. · Commissioner Vitale updated the Commission on the Beverly Chamber of Commerce's interest in promoting the Airport. Pamela B. McGrath, the new Director of the Beverly Chamber of Commerce toured the Airport with Commission Vitale and the Airport Manager. Ms. McGTath was impressed by the operation. Commissioner Viiale gave Ms. McGrath airport informallion that can be included in a Chamber brochure. The information would reach two groups: a.) businesses thinking of relocating to Beverly and b.) tourists visiting Beverly. · Airport Manager also provided latest updates on MALS, ASOS, VMP, and McLellan relocation. Public Comments: Victor Capozzi told the Commission he wants to acquire fire apparatus to provide fast fire/rescue response for G.A. S. 's charter aircrat~ and hangars. Proper coordination will be needed ~vith Beverly Fire Department. Ken Robinson of North Atlantic Air asked that security fencing be installed on the West Side to prevent entry by unauthorized persons or vehicles. The Airport Manager reported that the fencing was in the Airport 5-Year Plan tentatively scheduled for FY03, that it would be moved to FY00. F. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Gourdeau, seconded by Commissioner Duval. Vote unanimously approved.