City Council Minutes 10-05-2020City of Beverly
City Council Meeting C I T `r' 0; r �, ` G I
Public Meeting Minutes:. =i -
Monday, October 5, 2020
This meeting was conducted under the `Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions 1 f the
Open Meeting Law G.L. c.3 OA, §20', signed on March 12, 2020. This remote meeting was held
over Google Meet and live streamed by BevCam. Public access information for the hearings was
provided on the meeting agenda.
Paul Guanci, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm over Google Meet.
Assistant City Clerk, Christine Dixon, took the attendance by roll call.
Members Present: Stacy Ames, Kathleen Feldman, Timothy Flaherty, Julie Flowers, John Frates,
Scott Houseman, Estelle Rand, Todd Rotondo, Paul Guanci
Members Absent: None
Houseman led the councilors in the pledge of allegiance.
The Council held a moment of silence for Leroy Hutt.
Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meetings: September 21, 2020
Flowers moved to approve.
Ames seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
Guanci made a statement about the meeting being recorded by the City of Beverly and streamed
by BevCam on channel 99 and BevCam's YouTube channel. He confirmed that all members
present could hear him and noted the remote meeting format and process due to Covid -19.
Guanci read Rule 22 of the Beverly City Council. He introduced a vote to allow items to be
taken out of committee and voted on the floor. Dixon took a roll call vote, and the motion carried
(9 -0). Guanci read the guidelines for hearings.
Communications from His Honor the Mayor
Order # 207 - Grant -A Coastal Resilience Program grant in the amount of $135,445 from Coastal
Zone Management.
Catherine Barrett, Grant Director, stated this grant is for the Water Street pump station, which is
a critical asset for the City and some surrounding towns that it serves. Emily Hutchings,
Assistant Director of Planning, and Eric Barber, City Engineer, worked on this.
Houseman acknowledged the work of the administration on this grant and stated it is an
important part of our infrastructure.
Rand asked if the municipal vulnerability study that was conducted was a requirement of the
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Barrett stated she did not think it was a requirement for this grant, but it was highlighted in the
grant application. She stated that some grants do require vulnerability or feasibility studies to be
Mayor Michael Cahill stated our sewer system wastewater comes to this pump station, and we
know we have a vulnerability with sea level rise at this station, so this will give us answers on
how best to protect that asset. The process that this grant will allow us to undertake will get us to
an answer as to how to best protect that asset for the foreseeable future.
Ames asked what the process would be for funding any necessary repairs later on.
Cahill said we may able to tap other grant opportunities, but typically any infrastructure work
that has to do with the sewer district is covered by the rate payers; in this instance it would be
Beverly, Danvers, and Wenham rate payers.
Houseman moved to approve.
Rotondo seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
Order #208 - Grant - Coastal Resilience Program grant in the amount of $58,340 from Coastal
Zone Management.
Catherine Barrett, Grant Director, stated this grant is related to Obear Park. The team working on
the grant included Emily Hutchings, Assistant Planning Director, and Lisa Chandler from the
Engineering Department. This is for a feasibility study for erosion concerns at Obear Park.
Houseman thanked the staff for their work on this and encouraged them to look into grants to
study Lynch Park in the future.
Rotondo also thanked the staff for their work on this grant and acknowledged it is the first step in
the process.
Rotondo moved to approve.
Flowers seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
Order # 209 - Grant - $2,166.67 from Mass Department of Public Health for Fire and Police
departments to purchase naloxone and related naloxone and medical supplies.
Catherine Barrett, Grant Director, stated this is a grant the Police Department receives each year.
Usually it's a $20,000 grant; this year the Department of Public Health has decided they are
going to award the grant on a monthly basis, so it will be roughly about $2,000 a month and will
come before the Council monthly.
Houseman moved to approve.
Rotondo seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
Order # 210- Gift- $3,813.11 from the Friendly Garden Club for a sprinkler system for the
Landman Memorial Garden.
Allison Babin, Library Director, addressed the gift and highlighted the services provided by the
library during the pandemic.
Houseman asked if the cost of the work is included in the number, and Babin confirmed it is.
Flaherty moved to approve.
Flowers seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
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Order # 211 - Reappointments - Trustees on the David Lynch Parks Fund, Ms. Joan Fairbank and
Mr. Kevin Hobin.
Referred to Committee on Public Services.
Public Hearings
7:30PM- Order #190 - Communication - Community Preservation Committee - Fiscal Year 2021
CPA Budget
Bryant Ayles, Finance Director, said this is an annual procedure to set the budget for the
Community Preservation Committee (CPC) and reviewed the proposed budget. Ayles stated the
appropriation is for $977,181. Some of that will be going into reserve funds as required, a small
amount to the administrative budget, and the rest in the CPC general fund.
Heather Richter from the CPC thanked the Council and City officials for all the help they give to
the committee.
Gerry Perry, City Council Budget Analyst, spoke to the item.
Houseman moved to approve.
Feldman seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
7:45PM- Order #191 - Communication - Community Preservation Committee- Fiscal Year 2021
Out of Budget Cycle Funding Recommendations
Flowers recused herself from the discussion and vote.
Ayles spoke to the project at the former Briscoe site and the fund balances.
Andrew DeFranza, Executive Director of Harborlight Community Partners, spoke to some of the
funding and management aspects of the project.
Guanci returned to Order #190 to hold a reconsideration vote so those funds could be available
immediately for Order #191 after the Council voted to not reconsider #190.
Houseman moved to reconsider Order #190.
Ames seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion failed (8 -0, Flowers recused herself), so the item was
not reconsidered.
Houseman moved to approve Order #191.
Ames seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (8 -0, Flowers recused herself).
8:OOPM -Order # 198 - Communication - Mayor - Approval to fund the Racial Justice & Equity
Initiative for Beverly
The hearing was called to order at 8:13pm. Mayor Michael Cahill spoke to the item. This will
include additional training for City staff, Council, School Committee members, and volunteers
on boards and commissions; an equity audit; and adding the position of an Equity, Diversity, and
Inclusion Director. He also mentioned building a task force to support these efforts. The
councilors and mayor discussed the timing of the process.
Speakers during the public hearing were George Binns of 51 Baker Ave. and Neil Levine of 36
Thorndike St.
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Flowers moved to approve.
Feldman seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
8:15PM -Order # 199 - Communication - Mayor- Establish the position of Sustainability Director
The hearing was called to order at 9:00pm. Mayor Michael Cahill spoke to the item. The $15,000
transfer will cover until the end of the fiscal year.
George Binns of 51 Baker Ave. spoke on the item.
Gerry Perry stated that adding the position could save the community more money than it would
be spending.
Houseman moved to approve.
Rotondo seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
Communications from His Honor the Mayor (Continued)
Order # 212 - Reappointments- Reappointment to Zoning Board of Appeals alternate members,
Ms. Margaret O'Brien and reappointment and waiver of residency -Mr. Stefano Basso
Referred to the Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order # 213 - Reappointment- Constable -Mr. Mark S. Ianuzzi.
Referred to the Committee on Legal Affairs.
Order #215- Donation of $2,000 from the Friends of the Beverly Public Library to benefit the
Nancy P. Robinson Memorial Endowment Fund.
Houseman moved to approve.
Flowers seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
Order # 214- Authorization of Utility Easement to Massachusetts Electric Company to provide
services to new Police Station.
Houseman moved to approve.
Rotondo seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
Communications, from other City Officers and Boards
Order #216 -City Clerk- Approval for the Presidential State Election Warrant for the November
3, 2020 Election
Houseman moved to approve.
Ames seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
Order # 206- City Clerk- Change Order #205 LATE FILE -from Councilor Houseman to #206
( #205 was a duplicate number)
Ames moved to approve.
Flowers seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
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Communications, Applications, and Petitions
Order #217- Application- Fortune Tellers License renewal- Summer Evans, Beverly Psychic, 507
Rantoul Street
Houseman moved to approve.
Flowers seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
Motions and Orders
Order # 174 -Final Passage -An Ordinance Amendment — Vehicles and Traffic Section 240 -41
"Parking Prohibited at all times"
Houseman moved to approve.
Rotondo seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
Reports of Committees
Legal Affairs
Order # 195- Application- Second Hand Junk Dealers License Application- Alina Rudneira,
WKND LLC., 261 Cabot Street
Houseman moved to approve.
Flowers seconded.
A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0).
Rotondo motioned to adjourn.
Flowers seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (9 -0). The meeting
adjourned at 9:37pm.
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