City Council Minutes 09-08-2020 (2)City of Beverly City Council Meeting Public Meeting Minutes Tuesday, September 8, 2020 This meeting was conducted under the `Executive Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law G.L. c.30A, §20', signed on March 12, 2020. This remote meeting was held over Google Meet and live streamed by BevCam. Public access information for the hearings was provided on the meeting agenda. Paul Guanci, City Council President, called the meeting to order at 7:00pm over Google Meet. City Clerk, Lisa Kent, took the attendance by roll call. Members Present: Stacy Ames, Kathleen Feldman, Timothy Flaherty, John Frates, Estelle Rand, Paul Guanci, Todd Rotondo Members Absent: Julie Flowers, Scott Houseman Also Present: Director of Grants Catherine Barrett, Planning Director Darlene Wynne, Finance Director Bryant Ayles Rand led the councilors in the pledge of allegiance. Guanci made a statement about the meeting being recorded by the City of Beverly and streamed by BevCam on channel 99 and BevCam's YouTube channel. He confirmed that all members present could hear him and noted the remote meeting format and process due to Covid -19. Guanci read Rule 22 of the Beverly City Council. He introduced a vote to allow items to be voted on the floor as opposed to referring them out to subcommittee. Kent took a roll call vote and the motion carried (7 -0). Guanci reviewed the process for virtual meetings and hearings, including having those present state in the chat window when they would like to speak, muting themselves when not speaking, and speaking clearly for the minutes. He asked that those speaking state their name and affiliation at the beginning and keep within the three minutes. Resolution Order #194 - Beverly Police Department Guanci stated he would entertain a motion to hold #194 until the next meeting. Moved by Rotondo. Seconded by Ames. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meetings: July 13, 2020 and AuLyust 24, 2020 Rand moved to approve. Seconded by Rotondo. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes — September 8, 2020, page 1 of 5 Communications from His Honor the Mayor Order #183 - Grant - National Urban Search and Rescue Response System grant from Emergency Management Task Force for $1,211,631 from the US Department of Homeland Security and FEMA. Catherine Barrett, Director of Grants, spoke on the item stating that this grant is brought in each year by a team lead by Mark Foster and thanks to his team for securing this important funding this year. Ames motioned to approve. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Order #184- Grant - $62,535 Green Communities grant from MA Department of Energy Resources. These will be used for HVAC improvements at Cove and Hannah Schools Barrett said this grant is annual and led by Mike Collins and the engineering team. The HVAC improvements under this grant will only be done at Cove School. Rand asked that the captions be turned on for the meeting. Ames asked about efficiency and the cleanliness of the air and requested a little more detail on what this was funding. Barrett said Mike is the expert, and these types of improvements have been done on other elementary schools. She said she could get more information. It is finishing up a multi -year project to renovate the HVAC at the elementary schools, and Cove and Hannah are remaining to finish this fall. Ames moved to approve. Feldman seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Order #185 - Appointment -Mr. Paul Goodwin, 26 Michael Road to serve on Human Rights Committee. Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Order #186- Reappointments - Open Space & Recreation Committee -Mr. Charlie Mann, Mr. Gregory Sharp, and Mr. Todd Callaghan Referred to Committee on Public Services Order #187 - Subordination agreement for the property owned by Lisa and Michael Curtis at 20 Cressy Street. Kent noted that the order should be #187 all the way through the document, not #188. Guanci asked Planning Director Darlene Wynne if she had any comments. Wynne noted that the City had previously approve a subordination agreement in 2009 for this exact property. The City does not typically subordinate loans if someone is taking equity out, but they have done it in the case of refinancing. The loan to equity ratio is very good in this case so the risk is lower for the City in terms of if they were to default. She is fairly comfortable recommending this one. Guanci confirmed with Wynne that the bottom line is when they sell the house, they owe the City $5,500 plus interest. Ames motioned to approve. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes — September 8, 2020, page 2 of 5 Order #188- Reappointinent -Labor Representative on the Beverly Housing Authority Board, Mr. Bruce Abbott Referred to Committee on Public Services Order #197- Late File- Grant -From Department of Housing & Community Development - utilized to address emergency needs in light of the Covid -19 Pandemic. Ames motioned to accept the late file from Mayor Cahill Order #197. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Barrett apologized for the late file, stating that the deadline is September 28, and they didn't think the next Council meeting on September 21 would allow time. Wynne noted that the City will not see the money; it will be paid directly from Mass Growth Capital Corporation to businesses. There will be a lottery system for the application period for businesses who qualify. The City will be able to review who has applied. Businesses can get up to $10,000. By not doing first come first serve, it gives a wider berth of businesses the opportunity to participate and apply. There are a number of criteria, and the application will be online. Rotondo said he will need to recuse himself as he is a business owner who would participate in the grant application. Rotondo left the meeting. Ames asked how it will be publicized. Wynne stated it was tweeted and put on facebook this afternoon through the Mayor's page. Wynne will send an email to Main Streets, the chambers, anyone on the business list. There will be a press release going out. Ames suggested the Patch, newspapers, and the local radio station. Ames highlighted that is a grant, not a loan that needs to be repaid, and asked about restrictions on where it can be spent. Wynne noted that there are some restrictions that were set by CDBG. Businesses will need to have under five employees, have been opened for a certain amount of time, a certain income, etc. Mass Growth Capital will help people fill out the application. Certain businesses are excluded like alcohol sales, firearm sales, marijuana retailers, real estate, etc. Wynne noted that the deadline was September 25, but they are trying to push it out a couple more days. Ames motioned to approve. Rand seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (6 -0, Rotondo recused himself). Public Hearinl4s 7:20 PM Order #180- National Grid Petition —Plan # 29850210- Hillside Ave and Bridge Street At 7:30pm Guanci called the public hearing to order. Michael Byrne represented National Grid and gave a summary of the project. Rotondo returned to the meeting. Ames motioned to approve. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). 7:30 PM Order #168 - Transfer from FY2021 reserve for unforeseen account in the amount of $150,000 -11 Charles Street Guanci called the public hear at 7:32pm. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes — September 8, 2020, page 3 of 5 Bryant Ayles, Finance Director, spoke on the item. He said a contractor could not complete the project, and the funds approved in March effectively expired as of June 30 and the money would go into free cash which would be certified later this year. Ames asked if a final quote was received for this. Ayles stated that if the bid is lower than the money appropriated, the money can be returned to the general fund at a later date. Guanci closed the public hearing. Ames motioned to approve. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Communications from Other City Officers and Boards Order #190 - Community Preservation Committee- Proposed CPA Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Guanci moved to set the public hearing for September 21 at 7:30pm. Seconded by Ames. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Order #191- Community Preservation Committee - Recommendation for (out of cycle) funding for Briscoe Village for Living and the Arts. Rand moved to set the public hearing for September 21 at 7:25pm. Seconded by Rotondo. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Guanci confirmed Wynne would be available September 21. Order #192 - Council President- Appointment letter- Elected Salary Commission -Ms. Rebecca Beckman, 5 Penny Lane Ames motioned to approve. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Order # - 193 - Council Vice President Rand - Reappointment- Marilyn McCrory, 2 Lovett Court as Ward 2 Representative of the Open Space and Recreation Feldman motioned to approve. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Order # 4182 -City Clerk -Order #179 was a duplicate. Please approve Order #179- Hawkers & Peddlers, Romaine Price to change to Order #182 Rand motioned to approve. Ames seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Communications, Applications, and Petitions Order #195 - Application- Second Hand Junk Dealers License Application- Alina Rudneira, WKND LLC., 261 Cabot Street Referred to Committee on Legal Affairs. Guanci asked Kent to make sure she can attend on September 21st. Order #196 -Late File- Application for Hawkers & Peddlers License Anthony LeBlanc -Food truck Cheese Please! Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes — September 8, 2020, page 4 of 5 Ames motioned to accept the late file on Order #196. Rand seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Rotondo motioned to approve. Feldman seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Motions and Orders Order # 174 - An Ordinance Amendment Vehicles and Traffic Section 240 -41 "Parking Prohibited at all times" Kent read the legal order. The first reading was tonight, September 8, 2020 and final passage will be Monday, October 5, 2020. It was in the newspaper on August 28. Rotondo motioned to approve. Feldman seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Reports of Committees Committee on Legal Affairs Order #182- Application- Hawkers & Peddlers, Romaine Price Houseman spoke to Sue Gabriel and is okay with approval now. Ames motioned to approve. Rand seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Order #181- Appointment -Human Rights Committee -Abu Toppin Rotondo motioned to approve. Ames seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Committee on Public Services Order #170 - Reappointment Constable Douglas Vigliotta, 9 Deerhaven Road. Rotondo motioned to approve. Ames seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). Guanci asked if there were any last comments or questions before the meeting ended. Rand congratulated the Clerk's Office for a job well done on early voting and the primary election. Guanci echoed the comments. Ames motioned to adjourn. Rotondo seconded. A roll call vote was taken, and the motion carried (7 -0). The meeting adjourned at 7:49pm. Beverly City Council Meeting Minutes — September 8, 2020, page 5 of 5