City Council Minutes 04-13-2020Regular Meeting — Beverly City Council, Beverly, MA
MINUTES — Monday, April 13, 2020 @ 7:00 PM
Remote Meeting on Google Meet/Hangout
Called to Order @ 7:00 PM
Pursuant to Governor Baker's March 12, 2020 Order Suspending Certain Provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L.
c. 30A, §18, and the Governor's March 15, 2020 Order imposing strict limitation on the number of people that may
gather in one place, this meeting of the Beverly City Council, Committee of the Whole will be conducted via remote
participation to the greatest extent possible. Specific information and the general guidelines for remote participation
by members of the public and /or parties with a right and /or requirement to attend this meeting can be found on the
City of Beverly's website, at http: / / events /category /city - meetings / # . For this meeting, members of
the public who wish to watch and listen to the meeting may do so in the following manner: Tuning in the BevCam on
Channel or watching BevCam's YouTube channel: https: / / /user /BevCamTV and clicking into the
BevCam Government channel. No in- person attendance of members of the public will be permitted, but every effort
will be made to ensure that the public can adequately access the proceedings in real time, via technological means.
In the event that we are unable to do so, despite best efforts, we will post on the City of Beverly's website an audio or
video recording, transcript, or other comprehensive record of proceedings as soon as possible after the meeting.
Council President Guanci read a statement regarding the rules of a remote meeting, he
took a roll call to who was present on the remote meeting.
As a preliminary matter, this is Paul Guanci, President of the City Council. Before
beginning the meeting, I would like to announce that this meeting is being recorded by
the City of Beverly and live streamed by BevCam on both Channel 99 and via BevCam's
YouTube channel. I am confirming that all members and persons anticipated on the
agenda are present and can hear me. All nine councilors were present as well as Mayor
Michael P. Cahill, Finance Director Ayles, Grant Director Catherine Barrett, and Budget
Analyst Gerard Perry
Introduction to Remote Meeting.
Good evening. This Open Meeting of the Beverly City Council is being conducted
remotely, consistent with Governor Baker's Executive order of March 12, 2020, due to
the current State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of COVID -19.
In order to mitigate the transmission of the virus, we have been advised and directed by
the Commonwealth to suspend public gatherings, and as such, the Governor's Order
suspended the requirement of Open Meeting Law to have all meetings in a publicly
accessible physical location. Further, all members of public bodies are allowed and
encouraged to participate remotely.
The Order allows public bodies to meet entirely remotely so long as reasonable public
access is afforded so that the public can follow along with the deliberations of the
Ensuring public access does not ensure public participation unless such participation is
required by law.
Please note that this meeting is being recorded and televised live.
Accordingly, please be aware that other participants or viewers may be able to see and
hear you, and anything that you broadcast may be captured by the recording. You have
the option to turn off your video if you are participating via computer. All participants
should keep their microphones or phones muted unless recognized by Council President
to reduce background noise and feedback. If you would like to speak, as in the previous
meeting write me in the chat and Council President will call on you when it is your turn
to speak.
• Each vote taken in this meeting will be conducted by a roll call vote.
Roll Call: Stacy M. Ames, Kathleen M. Feldman, Timothy P. Flaherty, Julie R. Flowers, John
P. Frates Jr., Scott D. Houseman, Todd C. Rotondo, Estelle M. Rand, Paul M. Guanci
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag: Councilor Houseman
Moment of Silence:
Resolutions: None
Presentations, Awards & Memorials:
Comments by Citizens (subject to the conditions contained in Appendix A to the
"Rules and Orders "): Anyone who would like to speak at the Meeting has until
9:30AM on the day of the Meeting to register with the City Clerk. (Limit of 3 @ 5
minutes each).
Public Hearings: None
Council Present Guanci: Rule 22 in the Rules and Regulation of the City Council, the
Council may, by majority vote, order any matter pending before sub - committee to be
acted upon by the acted on my the sub - committee at their next meeting or to be
forthwidth returned to full Council
Voted on Floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y. Y Houseman -
Y Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Acceptance of Minutes of Previous Meeting:
Regular Meeting — March 9, 2020- Roll Call Vote Approved 9 -0
Special Meeting —March 25, 2020 -Roll Call Vote Approved 9 -0
Communications from His Honor the Mayor:
March 25, 2020
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable City Council:
I am pleased to inform you that the City of Beverly has been awarded a $7,974.36 (FFY)
2020 Community Traffic Safety Project Grant from the Executive Office of Public Safety
and Security's (EOPSS) Office of Grants & Research (OGR). Funding for this grant
is made possible by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This
grant funding will be used for the purchase of child passenger safety seats and to provide
educational information outreach regarding the safe installation of child car seats. The
Beverly FireDepartment maintains a child passenger safety seat installation inspection
station, which is free and open to the public. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44
Section 53A requires both City Council and Mayoral approval before any grant, earmark,
donation or gift to the City can be expended for their prescribed purpose. I therefore
request the City Council approve this grant by taking action on this matter at your next
meeting. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill, Mayor
Voted on Floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y. Y Houseman -
Y Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
March 20, 2020
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable City Council:
I am pleased to inform you that the City of Beverly has been awarded a $4,980.90 (FFY)
2020 Child Passenger Safety Seat Grant from the Executive Office of Public Safety and
Security's (EOPSS) Office of Grants & Research (OGR). Funding for this grant
program is made possible by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA). This grant funding will be used for the purchase of child passenger safety
seats with a focus on providing them for disadvantaged families in Beverly. The Beverly
Fire Department maintains a child passenger safety seat installation inspection station,
which is free and open to the public. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44 Section 53A
requires both City Council and Mayoral approval before any grant, earmark, donation or
gift to the City can be expended for their prescribed purpose. I therefore request the City
Council approve this grant by taking action on this matter at your upcoming meeting on
Monday, April 13, 2020. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
cc: Catherine Barrett, Director of Grants
Paul Cotter, Fire Chief
Jacob Kreyling, Lieutenant, Fire Dept.
Voted on Floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
April 6, 2020
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable City Council:
I am pleased to inform you that the City of Beverly has been awarded the following
grants fromthe Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) — Aeronautics:
❑ Mower with solar canopy - $30,000 (no match)
❑ Tree removal - $8,000 ($2,000 Airport match)
❑ Snow blower - $120,000 ($30,000 Airport match)
❑ Propane tractor with attachments - $70,607.46 (no match)
Total grant funding awarded is $228,607.46. Funding for these grants will be used for
required maintenance and improvements at the Beverly Regional Airport.
The tree removal and snow blower grant requires matches of $2,000 and $30,000
respectively which will require a transfer from the Airport enterprise fund balance. This
transfer request will necessitate a public hearing prior to any final action by the City
Council. In addition to the transfer request, Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44
Section 53A requires both City Council and Mayoral approval before any grant, earmark,
donation or gift to the City can be expended for their prescribed purpose. I therefore
request the City Council approve these grants as well as the requested match transfer by
setting a public hearing at your meeting on Monday, April 13, 2020. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
cc: Bryant Ayles, Finance Director Gloria Bouillon, Airport Manager
Catherine Barrett, Director of Grants Kim Crofts, Administrative Assistant
Voted on Floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
April 7, 2020
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable City Council:
I am pleased to inform you that the City of Beverly has been awarded a $35,286 District
Incentive Grant for COVID -19 Response Funds. This grant funding is part of a regional
grant which will benefit several North Shore communities. Beverly has received the
aforementioned funding via its host community, Salem. The funding is specifically for
local health with a priority towards COVID -19 surveillance and case identification
including contact tracing.
Massachusetts General Law Chapter 44 Section 53A requires both City Council and
Mayoral approval before any grant, earmark, donation or gift to the City can be expended
for their prescribed purpose. I therefore request that the City Council approve this grant at
your meeting on Monday, April 13, 2020. Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
cc: Bryant Ayles, Finance Director
Catherine Barrett, Director of Grants
Voted on Floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
April 8, 2020
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable City Council:
I respectfully request that you approve a transfer from the airport enterprise fund balance
of $100,000 to fund work associated with the testing and monitoring of property at the
airport. This ongoing work is necessary to comply with DEP requirements.
Please initiate action on this matter at your next City Council meeting, April 13th, 2020.
This transfer request will require a public hearing be set prior to a Council vote. Thank
Michael P Cahill,
Voted on Floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Late File- #096
April 10, 2020
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable City Council:
In September of 2018, the City and all AFSCME units agreed to the terms of a three -year
contract agreement. The contract was funded and implemented as outlined. Subsequent to
that, all other bargaining units either reached agreement or were granted an award for the
same contract period. In an effort to be fair to all units the City has offered, and some
units within AFCME have accepted, an additional component to the original agreed upon
contract. Attachedto this correspondence is the signed side letter agreement for the two
AFSCME units that have greed to the terms of the side letter. I respectfully ask that you
approve a transfer request of $16,464 from the reserve for union negotiations
(11324/57810) to be placed into the School Department budget (13104/57000).
I ask that the City Council initiate action on this matter at your next meeting. This
transfer request will require a public hearing be set and held prior to a Council vote.
Thank you.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P Cahill
Voted on Floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Late File #097
April 13, 2020
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
RE: Appointment Director of Planning and Development
Dear Honorable City Council:
I hereby appoint, subject to your review as provided in Sec. 2 -10 of the Beverly City
Charter, Ms. Darlene Wynne to serve as Director of Planning and Development.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
Refer to Legal Affairs
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Late File- #098
April 13, 2020
The Honorable City Council
City Hall
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable City Council:
Attached for your consideration is an order to accept a donation of face masks.
Sincerely yours,
Michael P. Cahill
That the City Council accept a gift of tangible personal property on behalf of the City
in accordance with Section 53A %2 of Chapter 44 of the Massachusetts General Laws in
the form of face masks already donated by and to be donated by private individuals and
organizations to the City for the purposes of providing residents, entities and /or others in
need of with such face masks during the COVID 19 emergency.
Voted on Floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Communications, from other City Officers and Boards:
March 26, 2020
The Honorable Beverly City Council
191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA 01915
Dear Honorable City Council:
Frank (FKM Brans Corp, 112 Rantoul Street, is applying for a Sandwich Board Sign.
Sincerely yours,
Lisa E. Kent
City Clerk
Referred to Legal Affairs
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
April 9, 2020
Dear Honorable Council,
On March 11, 2020 the City Council "Committee of the Whole" vote to offer the job of
City Clerk to current Assistant City Clerk, Ms. Lisa Kent. Ms. Kent has been serving the
Council as "Acting City Clerk" since the retirement of the previous City Clerk, Mr. D.
Wesley Slate. The six members of the council that were present at the March 1 lth
committee meeting all vote in favor of appointing Ms. Kent.
Ms. Kent already has her designation as a Certified Municipal Clerk and has done an
excellent job in running the Office of the City Clerk over the past two months during the
interim. It would be my recommendation to offer Ms. Kent the salary of $83 804.24
which is the figure that was assigned to the previous City Clerk. Once the salary is
approved by the Council Ms. Kent will receive and offer letter from the Director of
Human Resources.
Special thanks to Councilor at Large Julie Flowers and Council Vice President Estelle
Rand for their help in the hiring process.
Paul M. Guanci
Beverly City Council President
54 Cross Lane
Beverly, Massachusetts 01915
Voted on Floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Late File #095
To: City Council
cc: Mayor Cahill
From: Scott Houseman, City Councilor Ward 4
RE: Status of Temporary Emergency Shelter for Local Homeless Individuals
Date: April 13, 2020
This is an update to my April 2- report regarding housing for local homeless
during this public health emergency. It is current through Saturday, April 11
when I spoke with Mayor Cahill [MC], Jason Etheridge, the Director of River
House and LifeBridge [JE], and Brenda Mattos, a meals provider for, and
connector with, homeless in Beverly [BM].
Overview Twenty residents still presently live in the one common room of River
House. They cannot maintain appropriate social distancing at any time inside,
due to their numbers and the size of the room. No new residents are being
accepted although there are daily requests for admission [JE]. About 20 homeless
individuals reside in Beverly in camps or cars and pick up their meals from
Beverly churches. [BM].
In Boston, Mayor Walsh's Human Services Chief said Tuesday, April 7 that about
30% of all tested homeless residents in Boston shelters at that time tested positive
for the virus [Mayor's website]. Last Wednesday in a San Francisco homeless
shelter housing 117 people, the number of positive cases rose from 5 to 70 in a
three day period [NYT 3/10/201.
In Massachusetts, 44% of covid19 deaths have been residents in long -term care
facilities [Patch 4/11/20]. Nursing homes and assisted living facilities, have full
time nursing staff to assess and care for residents. Health issues and age make
their residents particularly vulnerable. River House (and Life Bridge in Salem
which operates it) have no nursing staff. Homeless individuals typically have
health issues and are older.
The Salem News reported last Wednesday, April 8, that a regional center for
assessing homeless individuals from Salem, Beverly, and Lynn was set up at the
Salem High School fieldhouse. Admission is based on screening. This center
does not address housing needs. It opens today. It has two areas set up.
The large gymnasium is set up for a capacity of 10 men and 10 women, each
group at opposite ends of the gym. It is for exposed individuals who should be in
14 day observation for symptoms (one category), out of the general population.
Each person has a cot walled off by an office -style divider. The fieldhouse has
large capacity locker- room -style bathrooms and showers segregated by gender.
Physically, the space could accommodate more people, but there is no available
personnel to do so. It will be staffed 24/7 and will include one medical
professional at all times.
A separate small gym has 10 cots divided by tall transparent plastic walls hung on
plastic pipe frames, each with a zipper opening. It is for individuals with some
symptoms who should be isolated (second category). It has its own, more limited,
bathroom facilities.
There is a large regional center in Lexington at the site of a former hotel for
homeless individuals who have developed the virus and need higher level medical
care (a third category). This site has 100 or more rooms. Individuals presenting
with severe medical condition likely would be moved to a hospital (a fourth
category) [MC /JE].
Screening and assessing for the fieldhouse is problematic. Rapid tests are
available for fieldhouse screening, but reportedly have an error rate of 34% to
80% (source: World Health Organization), resulting in both false negatives and
positives. They are not recommended for clinical decision - making but are used
along with temperature readings for admission decisions. The guidance for
assessing protocols continues to evolve.
Population "categories" are somewhat artificial due to limited assessment tools.
Local Specifics The facilities described above are reactive; for treatment, not
housing. We presently have no effective, preventative housing (a fifth category)
for homeless individuals in Beverly.
All residents at River House and LifeBridge wear masks and frequent daily
sanitizing (every two hours during the day) is observed. Residents understand the
danger of the virus like the rest of us. So far, all suspected residents who required
testing have tested negative. However, both shelters are open systems and can
import the virus. Residents can and do leave during the day. Some of them have
jobs they return from daily. As with the general population, no one is tested for
the virus without cause.
It is appropriate to assume that because of the conditions at River House, the
determination of a positive result of Covid19 infection of a resident would
effectively mean there was exposure of every other shelter resident. This would
most likely result in all of River House being closed for quarantine.
In my opinion, the likelihood we will experience a cluster of 20 or more infected
people at River House is a practical a question of when, not if. The virus is in our
community, highly contagious, and spreading. If one resident is infected, because
it is overcrowded, all others will be too.
St. Mary's Convent would provide highly preventative day to day housing. This
is Jason Etheridge's judgment and one that I share. It has 24 separate bedrooms,
each (or most) with its own sink. Social distancing would be inherent in the
living arrangements. While bathroom and shower facilities would be shared per
each floor, that notably exceeds what is available at River House. Exterior porta-
johns with sanitizing dispensers and sinks are available and could be assigned as
needed to augment inside facilities. The parking lot behind the building is large,
fenced, and easily secured as and if needed. Relocating River House residents
and operations, to the convent would be a crucial asset in "bending the curve ".
There would be some limited capacity for other homeless individuals as well.
The convent is not a perfect site, but no site is. Its use would be a valuable tool in
helping to "bend the curve ". Its use would immediately increase the health safety
of local and regional over - tasked medical workers and increase the public health
security of our general population.
Specific fire safety tasks are already identified to bring the convent into
operation. The Mayor and I agree the convent could be brought into operation
with the needed equipment in 24 to 48 hours. The general counsel's office of the
Boston Archdiocese is preparing a License Agreement for review by the city
officials. The document should arrive in the next day or two. Bringing the
convent on line as a public health asset appears at this writing to be possible.
Mayor Cahill will be discussing this with the mayors of Salem and Lynn and
other local decision - makers. The decision remains whether it should or will be
Refer to Public Services
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Communications, Applications and Petitions
#093- National Grid Petition #29074898 -Sam Fonzo Drive (WITHDREW)
Reports from Committee
Finance and Property
Order #070 -
Late file - Reappointment -Mr. Bryant Ayes, Finance Director to serve as the Mayor's
Representative of the Contributory Retirement Board.
Voted on Floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates- Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Order #071-
Grant - $48,000 Supportive Infrastructure Project Grant from Mass Seaport Economic
Voted on Floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Order #078- Transfer up to $195,000 from City's reserve for unforeseen account into
building inspections Dept to pay costs for demolished property at 11 Charles Street.
Set a public hearing, Monday April 27, 2020 at 7:15PM
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Order #079 -
Beverly Retirement Board -Chap. 188. Act of the Acts of 2010. Relative to Municipal
Relief to retirement system
Set a public hearing April 27, 2020 at 8:20 PM
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Order # 084 -
Late File- Grant - $98,206.59 from Mass Executive Office of Elder Affairs
Voted on the floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Leal Affairs
()rripr t# n7l.
Proposed Amendment to Art 15 -24 (A) Contributory Retirement Board of the City
HELD in Committee
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Order #074 -
Reappointment- Beverly Historic District Commission -Mr. William Finch, 50 Front Street
Voted on the floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Order #085 -
Hawkers & Peddlers License —Ellen Wilson, 6 Sohier Road
Voted on the floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Public Services
Order #072 -
Proposed 2020 Member Rate for the Golf & Tennis Club.
Voted on the floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Order # 075 -
Reappointments- Beverly Waste Reduction Committee -Susan Higgins, Joyce Herman and
Sandy Burgess
Voted on the floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Order #076
Reappointment- Registrar of Voters Mrs. Fran MacDonald
Voted on the floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Order #080 -
Petition #28743112- National Grid & Verizon McPherson Drive
Set a Public hearing, Monday, April 27, 2020 at 7:30PM
Voted on the floor
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0
Order #081 -
Petition #29361213 - National Grid & Verizon -Balch Street
Set a Public hearing, Monday, April 27, 2020 at 7:35PM
Order #077
Second Reading
Legal Notice - #2020 - #077
City of Beverly
ORDERED: Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Beverly as follows:
In the year two thousand and twenty,
An Ordinance amending an Ordinance entitled Chapter 270 - Vehicles and Traffic:
Amending Chapter 270 (Vehicles and Traffic) — Section 25 B (Stop intersections) by
removing the following street segments:
Direction of Travel
At Intersection of
Balch Street
McKay Street
Amending Chapter 270 (Vehicles and Traffic)- Section 33 BI (Obedience to specific
traffic- control devices) by adding the following street segments:
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
At Intersection of
Balch Street
McKay Street
Amending Chapter 270 (Vehicles and Traffic)- Section 33 GI (Obedience to specific
traffic- control devices) by adding the following street segments:
Name of Street
Direction of Travel
At Intersection of
Cabot Street
McKay Street
First Reading: Monday, March 9, 2020
Second Reading: Monday, April 13, 2020
Ordinance to take effect upon Publication & Final Passage.
Final Passage: Monday, April 27, 2020
Goat Hill Lane
Balch Street
Lisa E. Kent
City Clerk
As per order of the City Council
Please publish Friday April 17, 2020
Send tear sheets and bill to:
City Clerk's Office
191 Cabot Street
Beverly, MA. 01915 -5849
Motion to adjourn at 7:58PM
Roll call vote- Ames -Y Feldman -Y Flaherty -Y Flowers -Y Frates -Y Houseman -Y
Rand -Y Rotondo -Y Guanci —Y Approved 9 -0