MAY 11, 1998 ; ~ =',I' 'i;!''
PRESENT: Commissioners Bamico, Dean, Eaton, Gourdehti,;Miii~/~y, ~it ite.
ABSENT: Commissioners Duval, Lydon, Rosen.
PUBLIC: Tina Cassidy, Victor Capozzi, Ken Robinson, Ken Lewis.
A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White called the meeting to order at 7:30PM.
1. Presentations
· Two M.A.C. video tapes were shown:
a.) "Airports are Irreplaceable Assets"
b.) "How to Apply for Airport Grants"
· Tina Cassidy, Director of Planning:
Ms. Cassidy explained a recent newspaper quote from the Mayor saying the airport
would need to pay the City back $400,000.00 for Sam Fonzo Drive development. Ms.
Cassidy said the Sam Fonzo project is $2,000,000.00 not including the water & sewer
project, and the airport's share to be paid back in some fashion by the airport was
$400,000.00. Ms. Cassidy said the Mayor was under the impression that the B.A.C. was
aware of this based on earlier talks with the past B.A.C. Chairman. Ms. Cassidy said the
payment would not necessarily be a yearly appropriation from the airport but would either
come from the proceeds of the leases expected from the airport parcels or come from the
parcel' s property tax payments.
Commissioner Barnico said it was his understanding that the practice was that the
City got the building taxes once buildings were constructed on the lots and that was the
City's payback for its investment in the road. He said somewhere along the line the total
lease payment came under consideration for that return. Commissioner Barnico asked if
the City had permission to do that as there were state and federal limits as to what could
or could not be done with airport revenue. Commissioner Eaton recalled a letter being
sent by the City to M.A.C. saying revenues from the airport parcels would go to the
airport. Ms. Cassidy confumed the letter and said FAA and M.A.C. revenue guidelines
will be looked at. Chairman White said in his talk with the Mayor the FAA had Said they
did not want any of the land sold and that FAA had no problem with applying lease
revenue toward the road construction until that part of the road construction is paid off
and then the airport receiving all the revenue. Chairman White told the Mayor that even
based on double the usual airport rate per square foot it would be a long time to off
$400,000.00. The Mayor realized the long time and according to the Mayor the FAA had
no problem with that. Commissioner Bamico cautioned that we should check for anything
in writing on revenue handling guidelines. Commissioner Bamico questioned how the
MAY 11, 1998
airport would benefit if the City took both taxes and lease payments. Ms. Cassidy said she
thinks it's the Mayor's intention to take only a portion of the lease payments.
The Airport Manager said that there was language contained in FAA Order
5190.6A (Airport Compliance Requirements) that allowed airport revenues to be used to
pay back the City for infrastructure. Commissioner Eaton asked what methodology would
be used to determine what percentage of the airport parcel leases' revenue would go to
the City. Ms. Cassidy said two factors would go into that decision, first to establish what
exactly in owed by the airport and second, how much the airport can afford to pay back.
The payback amount would not be crippling and would be over a ten year to twenty year
or more time period. Commissioner Bamico said he would definitely desire property tax
payments from airport parcels to count towards reducing the $400,000.00 debt.
Commissioner Barnico made a motion that a letter be sent the Mayor that tax
payments not aviation related go towards the $400,000.00 infrastructure debt. Seconded
by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously.
2. Reading of the Minutes for April 13, 1998 - Chairman White called for a
reading of the minutes. Commissioner Eaton made a motion to accept the minutes,
seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously.
3. Chairman White explained that the Airport's FY99 Capital Project Budget
share has been reduced from $37,408.00 to $19,153.00 due to a $90,000.00 reduction in
the Txy "D" extension, removal of the airfield signage project and the removal of the
crack sealing project.
Tom Ford development was discussed. Chairman White said the Beverly Fire
Department would be contacted to see if demolition and construction could start in the
summertime and if portable supplies of fire suppressant water would be sufficient until the
new lines are ready.
4. Reading of the Financial Report for March 1998 - Chairman White called for a
reading of the financial report which Chairman White then made. Chairman White said
airport staff was doing an excellent job in keeping expenses down. Chairman White said
that unless expenses went real high with the Gongas property we can probably get the
used 18' power angle plow that was discussed at last month's meeting. Motion to
purchase the power angle plow made by Commissioner Gourdeau, seconded by
Commissioner Vitale. Motion passed unanimously.
B. OLD BUSINESS: (Updates covered in Airport Manager's Report.)
MAY 11, 1998
· Civil Defense Request for Airport Mechanic 's Services - Civil Defense Director had
requested use of airport mechanics (work load and time permitting) and would pay the
Commission for their time. Airport Manager did not recommend this. B.A.C. said any
assistance would be up to the Airport Manager.
· Rental of Tractor Trailer Space - Mr. Eric Hood wants to lease a space for his tractor
trailer and will pay $1 00.00/month. After some discussion regarding insurance and
trailer content it was agreed to accept his offer. Motion to accept made by
Commissioner Vitale~ seconded by Commissioner Bamico. Motion passed
D. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: (Main report contained in B.A.C. packets.)
Airport Manager also made to-date update on following:
· Izzy D'Orsi, D-H Relocation Specialist going out of business
· FAA may authorize more on Gongas .property.
· ASOS on line in approximately one week
· Pacella to do West Side Water & Sewer Line punchlist items week of May 1 lth
· FAA programmed a Rwy. 9 PAPI for FY99.
· Updated B.A.C. on Sam Fonzo Drive and Ransom Environmental tests
· Correctional Facility Work Release labor on the airport
· Airport Sign Flowers
· G.A.S. Above-ground Fuel Tank Placement
· GTE to leave approximately June 20, 1998
· Airfield Lighting Repair
· Hood Blimp here May 15-22, 1998
· Informed B.A.C. of D-H hiring its new airport planner. D-H and new planner will talk
with B .A.C. tentatively on or about May 27, 1998
· MALS - Latest efforts are to install a signal filter out at MALS site
· Murrin/McLellan Occupancy - Mrs. McLellan to be sent a letter that house when
vacated must be in habitable condition - Chris Bradley of the Purchasing Dept. to
advertise for removal of the house (whether it be moving or demolition)
· Re: Airport Manager's CDL license:
MAY 11, 1998
Chairman White told the Commission that the Airport Manager felt he needed
formal CDL school training to get his CDL license and that such training cost
approximately $1,200.00. Chairman White asked why is there a need for an airport
manager CDL that, the manager is already knowledgeable in airport snow plow operations
and that a CDL is not required by the Registry, FAA, M.A.C., or the airport's insurer for
operation on airport property, that even the Fire Department does not have CDL's.
Commissioner Gourdeau said it was a B.A.C. requirement for the airport manager
position. Commissioner Barnico said it was the original intent to insure that there was a
third person to help plow snow, that it was not their intent to have the manager drive
trucks off airport property. Commissioner Dean had originally thought that a CDL was
required for airport snow plow operations. Victor Capozzi said the CDL requirement was
to insure getting an airport manager who would not refuse plowing snow. Commissioner
White asked the Commission whether or not to keep the CDL requirement. Commissioner
Vitale made a motion to table the CDL discussion and see how things go, motion
seconded by Commissioner Eaton. Motion passed.
Vote: Yea - Commissioner Barnleo, Dean, Eaton, Mahoney, and Vitale.
Nay - Commissioner Gourdeau.
· Chainnan White informed the Commission that there will be a M.A.C. meeting on
Thursday, May 14, 1998.
Commissioner Barnico made a motion to enter into Executive Session, seconded by
Commissioner Mahoney. Vote was unanimous to enter into Executive Session.
Commissioner Barnleo made a motion to exit Executive Session, seconded by
Commissioner Gourdeau. Vote was unanimously approved.
F. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Gourdeau, seconded
by Commissioner Mahoney. Vote was unanimously approved.