1968-07-08City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: July 8, 1968
Board members present: Dr. Jacob H. Fine, chair, A. Joseph Callahart, Jr., and Angelo R. Massa
Board members absent:
Others present: Thomas H. Scanlan, Director of Public Health, Leo Panunzio, Milk and Food
Inspector, Robert Russo, Plumbing Inspector, and Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Sanitarian
Recorder: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.
Meeting called to order at 6:00 p.m. Members present were Dr. J. H. Fine,
Chairman; and Angelo R. Massa and A. J. Callahan, Jr. Also attending were Thomas
Scanlan, Director; Robert Russo, Joseph W. Walsh, Jr., Leo Panunzio, and Mrs.
Turenne and Scoglio, Public Health Nurses.
Public Health Nurses Request (See minutes Feb. 1968)
Mrs. Turenne and Mrs. Scoglio, the Public Health Nurses talked to the Board
members regarding their request of a Grade change from Grade 12 to 16, which,
according to the Yargar Plan description, is the professional category. Before
such a step could be taken an ordinance change would have to be voted by the
Board of Aldermen.
Mrs. Turenne spoke about a petition before the Aldermen and asked the Board of
Health for a letter from them stating that the Board is in favor of such a
After discussing the Nurses' request, the Board instructed that a check be made
of other towns to see if they classify their nurses "professional" what they are
being paid.
Board took this matter under advisement until the next meeting.
Kelleher's Pond (See minutes June 1968)
The Board of Health discussed all tests and the results of these tests by the
Board of Health and asked the following questions:
1o What is our stand?
2. How can the Board stay ahead of the problem?
The Board also made mention of the fact that the pollution is spreading to
Norwood's Pond.
New Dump
The Board discussed the fact that the present dump site has a life expectancy of
approximately one to one and one-half years.
16 Bennett Street (See minutes June 1968)
The Board of Health discussed the recurrent problem at 16 Bennett Street, Beverly
and instructed Mr. Walsh to obtain a court order to have Mrs. Lowell E. Sawyer
"show cause" as to why we should not evict the occupants of said dwelling.
The Board felt this was the only recourse for the following reasons:
1. Failure of Mrs. Sawyer to show progress following the guidelines set by the
2. The Board's concern for the safety of the occupants.
Mr. Whitaker, the Building Inspector, stated that the contractor spoke to him
stating he would remove the roof and fix it properly. The contractor made a date
to see Mr. Whitaker, however, he never appeared.
It appears that Mrs. Sawyer has exhausted all avenues to obtain the monies
necessary to repair the house.
31 Cabot Street/401 Cabot St. (See minutes June 1968)
The Board of Health discussed the placarding of the above-mentioned houses. The
Board, on a motion made and seconded, voted that said houses are not to be
occupied until they comply with all regulations.
West Lynn Creamery (See minutes June 1968)
The Board of Health discussed the hearing of May 20, 1968 and our records from
that date show that their coliform and total bacteria have not shown any
The Chair-man directed Mr. Scanlan to send a letter to West Lynn Creamery stating
that the Board is distressed by their lack of progress and if the situation is
not corrected by the next Board of Health meeting, the Board will take the steps
necessary to revoke their license.
Swab Tests (See minutes June 1968)
Monthly tests in all restaurants were approved by the Board of Health.
Code Enforcement InsDector (See minutes June 1968)
The Board of Health discussed this matter and voted to set up requirements for
the examination, job description, and to request an immediate exam from Civil
The Board of Health on a motion made and seconded approved Dr. Risley's request
for a sub-division.
The Board tabled any further action on the lot line variance on Prince Street as
requested by C. Henry Glovsky.
Dental Clinic
It was reported to the Board that the Dental clinic was broken into over the week
end of July 7th.
The Board has decided that the clinic should be painted this summer and
instructed that estimates of cost be taken.
The Board was informed all present dentists will return in the fall.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
FOR: Thomas H. Scanlan
BY: Joseph W. Walsh, Jr.