PRESENT: Chain'nan White, Vice-Chairman Eaton, Commissioners Bm'nico, Dean,
Duval, Lydon, Rosen, Vitale.
ABSENT: Commissioners Oom'deau, Mahoney.
PUBLIC: Ken Robinson, Jim Rutherford, Ken Lewis, Jemy Nelson.
A. CALL ?O ORDER: Chain'nan White called the meeting to order at
1. Presentations: B.A. C. Approval of Aiq~o~ Master Plan Update Ora~t
Chain'nan White showed that the proposed final Ai~po~ Master Plan project and
~ant was for $105,000.00 ($103,800.00 for D-I] sendces and $1,200.00 for
Cit7 for administering the project). Chain*nan White explained that D-H could
produce an update in the $80,000.00 - $90,000.00 range, however, it would not
include the extras that the FAA, MAC, and B. A. C. wanted: e. g. pavement
histony plan, env~om'nental resources plan, breakdown of ai~'crafi operations into
type of use, added focus on rimway classifications, investigation of noise issues, a
wetland boundany approval histony, updated obslzuction plan, best approach for
aircraft analystion, GPS viability analysis a~d a sun, ey of why based a~crafi have
left Beverly Aiq~ort.
Project line by line breakdoom infon~ation was passed out. Discussion was had
and the outcome was ~at the D-H fee of $103,800.00 was acceptable with the
understandin8 that each line item cost was on a not to exceed basis.
Motion to accept the ~'ant and D-H fee schedule with the understanding that each
line item cost cannot be exceeded made by Commissioner I.ydon, seconded by
Commissioner Rosen. Motion passed unanimously.
2. Readin~ of the Minutes for l~ebma~ 9, 1998:
Chairman White called for a reading of the minutes. Motion to accept made by
Vice-Chairman Eaton, seconded by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed
3. Reading of~e Financial Repo~ for Januany 1998:
Chain'nan White called for a reading of the financial report which Chain'nan White
made. ~otioD to accept made by Vice-Chain'nan Eaton, seconded by
Commissioner Rosen; Motion passed unanimously.
MARCH 9, 1998
Omni Lease Update - Update was discussed at Executive Session.
A discussion on the Doozer's Lease and on Hangar No. 3 that was to have
been made by Mr. Victor Capozzi was canceled.
D. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: (contained in B. A. C. packets)
There was discussion and questions regarding Murrin/McLellan taxes. The
Airport Manager will review the language in the Murrin Purchase & Sales
agreement regarding taxes and will take action to insure that Murrin/McLellan
have a tenant's insurance policy. Another discussion involved the City Solicitor
to more aggressively pursue the Gongas' attorney for resolution to the Gongas'
property acquisition. Chairman White will discuss this with the Mayor. Chairman
White asked if the postponement until July of VMP Phase I would affect MAC
fiscal year payments, Airport Manager said he had information only that MAC
was aware of the postponement, but no other information. Airport Manager will
contact MAC for further details. Chairman White asked about the tower's inquiry
about PAPI's on Rwy 9/27. Under current "Land and Hold Short" regulations, the
tower can no longer land any aircraft on Rwy 9 to hold short of Rwy 16/34 since
it is not served by a visual lighting system. Before the tower could, now they
cannot. Airport Manager will check on pricing of PAPI's for possible inclusions
in the AIP/CIP five year project plan. Airport Manager updated the Commission
on the proposed Airport Master Plan Update (AMPU) Planning Advisory Com-
mittee (PAC) makeup.
Chairman White updated the Commission on House Bill No. 5208 (bill to exempt
sales/use tax from aircraft weighing over 6,000 lbs.) and House Bill No. 4942
Tree Bill (State power to enable local municipalities to remove obstructing trees).
Chairman White told the Commission that, per the City Solicitor, until the Ransom
environmental findings are ~nalized and discussed at public meeting we are not
going any further with the T. Ford lease.
MARCH 9, 1998
Director of Planning Tina Cassidy updated the Commission on the latest Sam
Fonzo Rd./Industrial Park action.
Per the City Solicitor, B. A. C. minutes for the last two years will be forwarded
to the City Clerk and Beverly Public Library, thereafter, they will be sent copies of
minutes of all future meetings. '
F. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Discussion on 3rd Revision to Proposed Omni Lease.
Chairman White called for a motion to enter into Executive Session. Commissioner
Lydon made a motion to enter into Executive Session, seconded by Commissioner
Vitale. Role was taken and the B. A. C. entered into Executive Session.
Motion made by Commissioner Barnico to exit Executive Session, seconded by
Commissioner Rosen. Role was taken and B. A. C. exited Executive Session.
G. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Vice-Chairman Eaton, seconded
by Commissioner Vitale. Motion passed unanimously.