1999-04-16City of Beverly, Massachusetts
Public Meeting Minutes
Board: Board of Health
Date: April 16, 1999
Place: Beverly Public Library, Program Room
Board members present: Dr. Frank Carbone, Jr., M.D, Peter Hersee, and Norman Spector
Board members absent:
Others present: William Burke, Director of Health, and Thomas Scully, Director of Community
Services, and Joseph A. Reale, Environmental Analyst.
Recorder: William Burke
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 a.m.
The Board voted to postpone acceptance of the March 18, 1999 minutes until the next meeting.
Application for Local Upgrade, Title V
/VIi. John Mahon of Neve Associates Inc. who represents William Dzierzak owner of 90 Preston
Place, Beverly provided the Board with a presentation describing the need for a local upgrade
approval, Title 5, 310 CMR 15.000. The applicant requested a reduction if setback to install a
leaching facility and septic tank less than the required 100 feet from wetland bordering a tributary
to a surface water supply (15.211(1)). The leaching facility to wetland would be 79 feet, the
septic tank 86 feet. The system in being voluntarily upgrade with no increase in design flow.
There is no other suitable/feasible site within the property boundary. Mr. Reale contacted the
Manchester by the Sea Health Department due to the fact that the tributary flows into a surface
water supply serving the Town of Manchester. The Manchester Health Department had no
objections with granting approval.
A motion to grant reduction of setbacks was made by Mr. Spector, seconded by Mr. Hersee.
Vote unanimous.
Discussion of Draft Environmental Tobacco Smoke Regulation
Mr. Burke provided the Board with a copy of the proposed regulation which had been revised to
reflect comments and discussions from the March 18, 1999 meeting. Members suggested several
language changes to further define the regulation and its jurisdiction. The Board asked Mr. Burke
to contact assisted-living facilities and congregate housing to determine their smoking policies.
Mr. Burke will make the discussed revisions and present draft regulation to members.
Discussion of Lifeguard Requirements at Semi-Public Pools
The Board continued its discussion of this subject from the March 18, 1999 meeting. The Board
issued the following criteria as a guide for pool operators who wish to request the Board to waive
the lifeguard requirement.
50 + units - lifeguard(s) required
10 - 50 units - may petition Board
less than 10 units - lifeguard(s) not required
The Board will consider pool attendance and percentage of minors residing at the property in
making a determination.
Director' s Update
Mr. Burke provided the Board with a report from the Public Health Nurse.
The Department will be a participant sponsor in the "Senior Health & Fitness Day" scheduled for
May 26, 1999 at the Cabot Street YMCA.
Mr. Burke successfully passed the Certified Pool Operators exam. Mr. Burke joins Mr. Reale as
a CPO. As of January 1, 1999 the pool supervisor of all public and semi-public swimming pools
must have successfully completed a course in the safe and effective operation and maintenance of
swimming pools as evidence d by certification as a pool operator.
The Board was presented with a certificate by The Coastal North Shore Boards of Health
Tobacco Control Collaborative in recognition of its work to protect the public health by reducing
tobacco use, youth access to tobacco and second hand smoke in the community.
A motion was made to adjourn at 8:45 a.m. Vote unanimous. The next meeting to be