1998-02-09 BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETINGCiT,~.' C: F ~ZV~RLY 'RET!'~!:'~VED A;,'=~i'.~ RECORDED FEBRUARY 9, 1998 Ci/'~' Ci. rEF~;(~ C:FF'ICE 14AR 214 A IO: 55 PIE SENT: Commissioners Barnico, Dean, Eaton, Gourdcau, Lydon, Mahoney, Rosen, Vitalc, White. ABSENT: Commissioner Duval. PUBLIC: Ken Robinson, Harry Wheeler, Ken Lewis. A. CALL TO ORDER: Chairman White called the meeting to order at 7:30 PM. 1 .' Presentations: None.' 2. Reading of the Minutes for January 12, 1998: Chairman White called for a reading of the minutes. Commissioner Lydon noted his name did not appear on the list of Commissioners present for the January 12, 1998 meeting. Motion to accept subject to 'the minutes to be amended to reflect Commissioner Lydon's 1/12/98 attendance, made by Commissioner Eaton, seconded by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Reading of the Financial Report for December 1997: Chainnan White called for a reading of the financial report which Chairman White made. Motion to accept made by Commissioner Mahoney, seconded by Commissioner Gourdeau. Motion passed unanimously. B. OLD BUSINESS: Revised Draft Scope of Work for Airport Master Plan. Airport Manager Mezzetti asked any Commissioner for comments on the draft that was based on two previous meetings between the B. A. C. and Dufresne-Henry. Main discussion focused on a draft Planning Advisory Committee member list submitted by Commissioner Bamico. Motion to adopt the Planning Advisory Committee generic list for submittal to FAA through Dufresne-Henry made by Commissioner Barnleo, seconded by Commissioner Mahoney. Motion passed unanimously. C. NEW BUSINESS: Suggested B. A. C. Duties & Sub-Committees: Material that was included in the Commission packets was discussed and BEVERLY AIRPORT COMMISSION MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 9, 1998 some changes made. Motion to accept the standing Committee duties made by Commissioner Vitale, seconded by Commissioner Rosen. Motion passed unanimously. D. AIRPORT MANAGER'S REPORT: (Contained in B. A. C. packets) The latest Gongas developments were discussed. The question of Gongas' rent was also discussed, a vote was taken as to who was in favor of Gon- gas' paying rent once the property was acquired and who was opposed. Five voted for the Gongas"to pay rent, one was opposed, and one ab- stained. Further discussion led to a vote that the rent question be tabled until the Murrin Purchase & Sales Agreement could be examined. Vote was unanimous to table the decision. E. CHAIRMAN/COMMISSION COMMENTS: Chairman White brought in a Danvers newspaper article regarding Danvers development for any interested Commissioners to read. F. ADJOURNMENT: Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Gourdeau, _ seconded by Commissioner Lydon. Motion passed unanimously.