CEAC Minutes 2122020Clean Energy Advisory Committee
Meeting Agenda 2/12/2020
Beverly Public Library, Fogg Room
6:30- 8:00pm
• Committee members: Sean Leach, Julia Long, Julie DeSilva, Fred Hopps,
Tom Keeley, Amy Smith
• Guests: City: Grant Writer Catherine Barrett, Paralegal Dylan Benson
(polystyrene project), and mayor Michael Cahill
• Citizens: Lyndon Holmes, Wayne Miller, Dean Berg, and Bruce Eagan
1. Welcome & Check In
2. General Update from City Hall (Mayor Cahill)
3. Pathway to 100% Resolution (Mayor, CEAC)
• Julia Long presented that we wish to review the current pathway doc with
the mayor with the goal to present it jointly as a binding resolution for vote
at CC.
• Mayor has some suggestions: Amy and Julie have paper edits.
• Mayor asked Fred to explain the municipal aggregation bullet of the
resolution. Fred explained that what we do in Beverly matters. Mayor
asked for the language to be less specific.
• Add conclusion that includes "Tasked" and dates and feel good messaging.
• Discussion regarding adding divestiture bullet, community solar, and CCA
(community choice aggregation) resolution. Add call to action for advocacy.
Additional Information from Mayor. He discussed his partnership with Salem's
Mayor Kim Driscoll on several initiatives, including common language
State of the City March 9 would like to present it
4. Community Choice Aggregation (Fred)
100% we need it right away. Bryant Ayles already knows about it and sees no
downside (Fred recommends Good Energy)
5. Kearsarge /Greenblatt Meeting (Sean)
• Sean felt that the people were the perfect people for the task.
• Next meeting that Sean was invited to is Friday, Feb. 14 at 3.
6. Reappointments, Fred's farewell at City Hall
7. Earth Month (Julie L, Amy)
Coming up in April around Earth Day. This is our third year. We are concentrating
on the 10 -day period surrounding Earth Day on April 22. We will promote
sustainability festivals and events across the city. There is a calendar on Green
Beverly. And a Google form to advertise events. Committee is encouraged to
reach out to organizations and drive them to greenbeverly.com. We have the
shell from 11 to 2 on the two Saturdays if we want to do concerts. Steering
committee is meeting. Working with National Grid on sponsorships.
8. Supporting statewide legislation (Fred)
Future Act: which deals with gas
Regional GMA
9. Coastal flooding models for Beverly? (Dean)
Building engagement models for sustainability for cities, Dean went to an event in
Marblehead with a man from Wood's Hole on coastal flooding. Beverly is
engaged with some planning on this.
10. Other Business
Catherine Barrett, City's Grant Writer shared:
• $100,000 grant secured from MA Executive Office of Energy and
Environmental Affairs for a Climate Action Plan, the city of Salem is
joinging and will be supplying funding and going after grants as well
• $57,000+ grant, which has a match of $11,000, secured from Department
of Energy Resources to retrofit 5 vans in the municipal fleet
• Highland Electric Transportation in Hamilton won a grant from Volkswagen
for an electronic bus, which they purchased from Thomas, which we
Beverly is going to lease and they are going to supply the charging station
at the Middle School. The City plans to do a big press event and launch.
• Awarded a National Grid grant for electric vehicle charging stations at a
few dozen sites. Final plan to come soon.
• Catherine mentioned the need for a Communications Manager in the city
and the ability to share good news. Julie D. mentioned using the water bill
and the website for this purpose. Wayne Miller mentioned the importance
of the committee doing PR for the good stuff. Julie promoted the city
having a presence in April at the sustainability festival.
Dylan Benson, paralegal from City Solicitor's office
• Working on a polystyrene and plastic straw ban in the City.
• Would appreciate feedback on businesses that are moving away or have
changed their products from polystyrene.
• Attended the meeting to observe and share and hopes to continue to
Julie adjourned the meeting at 8:02
Next Meeting 3/4/2020