HDC Minutes 7-23-20CITY OF BEVERLY
COMMITTEE /COMMISSION Historic District Commission
• Call to Order
July 23, 2020
Google Meet
William Finch, Chair; Suzanne LaMont, Vice Chair;
Caroline Mason, Wendy Pearl
Emily Hutchings (Planning Department, City of Beverly),
Robert Tolan
Jodi Byrne
Chair William Finch calls the July 23, 2020 meeting of the HDC to order at 7:00 pm. Vice Chair
Suzie LaMont reads the following script:
Before beginning the meeting, I would like to announce that this meeting is being recorded by
the City of Beverly. I am confirming that all members and persons anticipated on the agenda are
present and can hear me.
Members, when I call your name, please respond in the affirmative.
Suzie LaMont
William Finch
Caroline Mason
Wendy Pearl
Staff, when I call your name, please respond in the affirmative.
Emily Hutchings
Anticipated speakers on the agenda, please respond in the affirmative.
Robert Tolan
Introduction to Remote Meeting:
Good evening. This Open Meeting of the Historic District Commission is being conducted
remotely, consistent with Governor Baker's Executive order of March 12, 2020, due to the
current State of Emergency in the Commonwealth due to the outbreak of COVID -19.
In order to mitigate the transmission of the virus, we have been advised and directed by the
Commonwealth to suspend public gatherings, and as such, the Governor's Order suspended the
requirement of Open Meeting Law to have all meetings in a publicly accessible physical
location. Further, all members of public bodies are allowed and encouraged to participate
The Order allows public bodies to meet entirely remotely so long as adequate alternative public
access is afforded so that the public can follow along with the deliberations of the meeting.
Ensuring public access does not ensure public participation unless such participation is required
by law. This meeting may feature public comment.
For this meeting, the Historic District Commission is convening by telephone and video
conference via Google Hangouts as posted on the City's website identifying how the public may
j oin.
Please note that this meeting is being recorded, and that some attendees are participating by
video conference.
Accordingly, please be aware that other participants or viewers may be able to see and hear you,
and anything that your broadcast may be captured by the recording. You have the option to turn
off your video if you are participating via computer. All participants should keep their
microphones or phones muted unless recognized by the Chair to reduce background noise and
feedback. Please wait until the person speaking has finished before speaking so we can clearly
hear all participants.
Meeting Materials
Supporting materials that have been provided to members of this body are available from the
Planning Department. Please contact Associate Planner Emily Hutchings to request supporting
materials. The public is encouraged to follow along using the posted agenda unless the Chair
notes otherwise.
Meeting Ground Rules
We are now turning to the first item on the agenda. Before we do so, I will cover some ground
rules for effective and clear conduct of our business and to ensure accurate meeting minutes.
The Chair will introduce each item on the agenda. After speakers conclude their remarks,
the Chair will invite Commission members to provide any comment, questions, or
a. Please remember to mute your phone or computer when you are not speaking.
b. You may mute yourself or be muted by the meeting host by clicking the
microphone mute /unmute icon, pressing the mute button on your telephone, or by
pressing *6 on your telephone keypad.
c. Please reserve the Chat function for technical difficulties and not for public
d. Please remember to speak clearly and in a way that helps generate accurate
For any response, please state your name and affiliation before speaking.
Regarding public comment:
e. After members have spoken, the Chair will afford public comment as follows:
i. The Chair will first ask members of the public who wish to speak to
identify their names and addresses only;
ii. Once the Chair has a list of all public commentators, I will call on each by
name and afford 3 minutes for any comments.
For those individuals present in person, please take care to speak loudly and clearly so the
microphone associated with the webcam or telephone can effectively broadcast your
comments to those participating remotely.
As applicant Robert Tolan is not present, the Chair moves to item 2 on the agenda.
2. Approval of minutes May 28, 2020
The minutes are discussed and amended as needed. Wendy Pearl motions to approve the May 28,
2020 minutes as amended. Caroline Mason seconds. There is a formal roll call vote of the
Commission: William Finch, Chair; Suzanne LaMont, Vice Chair; Caroline Mason, and Wendy
Pearl. The motion passes (4 -0).
As Robert Tolan is now present, the Chair moves back to item 1 on the agenda.
1. Informal Review — 35 Front Street — Robert Tolan — Window Replacements
Chair Finch states that the purpose of this meeting is for the Commission to discuss Mr. Tolan's
plan to install new windows on his property at 35 Front Street. Chair Finch says that there is no
available formal record from the agreement of the previous installation in 1984, and there are no
images to show what the house looked like previous to that time.
Mr. Tolan says that his father (who is a professional carpenter) thinks that the property's current
two over two windows are probably from a 1950's or 1960's installation. Chair Finch reports
that this prior installation was a controversial case, and the past Chair of the HDC was reportedly
not in favor of the replacement decision. Tolan reports that the current windows are from the
Andersen Narroline 200 series, and that Andersen still makes these inexpensive windows. He
says that he would like to install the more expensive and higher - quality 400 series.
Chair Finch says that the challenge with this installation lies within the HDC's requirement for
people who have houses more than 50 years old to install windows that match the historic nature
of the building. He says that Mr. Tolan's case is different, however, in that the previous windows
were approved by the HDC at that time.
Mason says that it is her opinion that this is different as the past windows were approved and that
it may not be fair to have Mr. Tolan restore to historic past window treatments.
LaMont requests clarification on the number of windows to be replaced, and Mr. Tolan answers
that replacements are planned for the three sides that can be seen from the road. Mr. Tolan says
he plans to replace one side at a time, with the ultimate goal of replacing all to match the current
windows with an upgraded version.
Wendy Pearl asks what the replacements would be, and Mr. Tolan says that while he is not stuck
to any particular, he is favoring two- over -two vertical windows. Chair Finch says that they could
choose to replace with in -kind windows with regards to the last approval, and then choose the
level of choice and grid position.
Hutchings reminds the Commission that this agenda item is only for an informal discussion and
that they can make a final decision when the application is formally made. Chair Finch asks each
Commission member for their opinion. Pearl says that she is on the fence as she understands
both the need to acknowledge the prior approval and the fact that the 1984 approval was
contentious. Hutchings says for in -kind replacement windows, a Certificate of Non - Applicability
could be instituted where it could be approved by the Chair or a representative of the
Commission. Chair Finch says that he has concerns that this route would diminish the role and
purpose of the Commission. LaMont says that her concerns are in the grid placement.
Pearl suggests that the Commission think within the in -kind definition and not change the grid
configuration. She says that the Commission can then report that this decision was based on what
was previously approved. The Commission asks if permits are required for a window
replacement, and Hutchings says that a building permit is not required, but a Certificate of
Appropriateness will need to be applied for. Mr. Tolan confirms that the 6- over -6 would be the
easiest replacement for the Commission's enforcement, as it is the same model and improvement
for an in -kind replacement from the 1984 (vinyl -clad wood) installation.
Hutchings explains the next steps, stating that there would be a hearing with formal discussion
and public comment for an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Mr. Tolan is
instructed to send the application form to the Commission via the Planning Department with the
manufacturer cut sheet and specific profile circled. The Commission states that Mr. Tolan's
application should indicate the specific window and grid as well as other necessary details. It is
also noted that any structural work would require a permit.
Pearl thanks Mr. Tolan for his responsibility in coming to the Commission to ask for advice.
Chair Finch notes the requirement of the public hearing and a notice to property abutters and
receives timeline guidance. The Commission notes that Mr. Tolan can consider vendors other
than Andersen.
3. New /Other Busines: Other discussion or action items related to Commission
business, if any
I. Lamont asks about a potential demolition delay on 179 West Street. Chair Finch says
that the work was not historical. He notes that while the building dates to 1929, the
interior held modern sheetrock and windows, with a staircase that was constructed in
the last 20 years. Chair Finch says that he concluded that there was nothing historical
within the structure. Mason states she also saw the demolition and says that there was
not much worth saving as most was gone already. Chair Finch says that the current
owner wants to tear the structure down to gain access to the lot. Hutchings says that it
is to demolish the building and not to put anything in its place, which the owner
called "undeveloping."
2. Hutchings reports that the Powder House restoration will be completed by July 31st.
She also says that project architect Richard Smith is working on the completion
reports for MHC, and that she will be finalizing the report for Essex Heritage and the
3. Hutchings says that the Historic Preservation Plan is continuing to progress. She says
that the public outreach time is over and that there will be a meeting next week to
plan phase two. She says that there is a request to extend the grant to the end of
November with expected completion at the end of October.
Hutchings reports that there were 584 responses to the Historic Preservation Plan
survey. She describes mostly positive feedback with a few concerns in the areas of
development and the need for historical requirements. She says that the reports
revealed much support for programs and grants, especially on downtown Cabot
Street, Fish Flake Hill, and Beverly Farms. She said there is a hope for a future online
public forum for input to plans and activities.
4. Hutchings reports that she has accepted the Asst. Planning Director position for
Beverly and that the City is now looking for an Associate Planner. She notes she will
continue to staff the HDC.
5. Pearl reviews the past meeting from the CPC where there was a discussion of the out -
of -cycle Briscoe Project. She says that this applicant is requesting $700K to go
toward a $42 million project, with the applicant hoping that a local commitment will
leverage state funding. Pearl says that this will be further discussed in the August
meeting of the CPC.
LaMont asks about the CPC's decision not to fund the historic documents project.
Pearl reviews the history of the CPC's decision. Pearl then asks the Commission if
they had previously discussed whether the CPC should consider a proposal for small
grants for private businesses of historic properties. Hutchings says yes, the
Commission had discussed the idea over a year ago, including the goal of providing
specific recommendations on how to go about this such as protecting public
investment and private property. Pearl cites The Cabot as a model, and Hutchings
says she has discussed this with Beverly Economic Development Planner Denise
Deschamps who staffs the CPC. Pearl says a framework would need to be in place
prior to the end of September, so that this year may not be the year to roll this out.
Commission members express support for this initiative and the initial proposal sent
two years ago. Hutchings agrees to add this topic to the next month's agenda of the
HDC, and Pearl says she will raise it informally with the CPC.
LaMont motions to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 pm. Pearl seconds. There is a formal roll call
vote of the Commission: William Finch, Chair; Suzanne LaMont, Vice Chair; Caroline Mason,
and Wendy Pearl. The motion passes (4 -0).