Conservation Commission
June 11, 2019
Chair Christine Bertoni, Vice Chair Robert Buchsbaum,
David Dines, Richard Grandoni, William Squibb
Stephanie Herbster, Jenna Pirrotta
Aaron Clausen, Planning Director
Sarah Scott - Nelson
Bertoni calls the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. at Beverly City Hall, 3r Floor Council Chamber,
Beverly, MA.
Cont: Beverly Airport — update on Airport Vegetation Management Program — Airport
Solutions Group /Airport Manager
The Airport Management Group (ASG) provides a presentation regarding an update on the
vegetation management plan and some cutting that previously occurred. Handouts are given.
ASG shows a map as well as changes proposed and updated this year. Bertoni states that the
Commission has just received this information and has not had a chance to review in detail.
Discussion ensues about clearing vegetation at the end of the runway and shredding that was
done. The airport needs to continue with mechanical type clearing in this area to keep is safe for
travel. ASG requests feedback about how to maintain these areas, considering the need to take
down trees and vegetation to keep the area safe.
ASG representatives hand out schematics to show where planes angle down to land where the
vegetation is growing and note that the vegetation presents a hazard and that regulations require
them to keep it clear. A map of area is presented to show where contractors maintain the area
where the airport is not capable of doing the maintenance. The Airport recently purchased
equipment including a mulching machine.
Bertoni asks what the different colors on schematic mean and ASG explains, noting that the
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and MassDOT Aeronautics require that they keep the
vegetation clear through a 20 -year grant.
Bertoni asks about buffers and states that the Commission has the most concern there. ASG
states they will be working within the buffers. Bertoni recommends a site visit. This will be
coordinated with Clausen and ASG.
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Clausen states that the Commission is looking for corrective action, not mowing the wetland.
And, has question on what replanting will look like. Clausen notes that previously maintenance
was for hand clearing and is now proposed for mechanical maintenance. Bertoni asks if there is
corrective action proposed and ASG says that there are no plans for this.
Buchsbaum moves to continue to the July 9, 2019 meeting. Seconded by Grandoni. The motion
carries 4 -0.
Cont: 100 & 102 Hull Street, DEP File #5 -1205 - construct two new single family houses -
MJP Properties, Inc. c/o Mike Panzero & Susan Purdy
Robert Griffin of Griffin Engineering representing the applicant stated that he was before the
Commission for approval last summer. One homeowner installed fencing and the Commission
was concerned that it was not shown on the as -built plan. The Commission also noted concern
with lack of vegetation behind the houses. The Commission has no plans to look at for this
request and Griffin notes he sent them yesterday.
Buchsbaum motions to continue to the July 9, 2019 meeting. Seconded by Grandoni. The motion
carries 4 -0.
Cont: 143 West Street, DEP #5 -808 - raze existing and construct new single family home
and associated appurtenances - Daniel Carnevale
Griffin states that all work was completed including removal of the patio from the 25 -Foot No-
Disturbance Zone and planting of ornamental grass. The property is planning to close on a sale at
the end of June. Clausen says that a copy of plans are in the file and were received yesterday,
June 10, 2019. Clausen will schedule a site visit for next week. Special Conditions were included
for the approval including 75% survivorship for the mitigation plantings, in addition to Perpetual
Conditions number 46, 47, 48, and 49.
Dines moves to issue a complete Certificate of Compliance pending a satisfactory site inspection
by Clausen. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 4 -0.
Cont: 400 Hale Street, DEP #5 -1070 - replace existing athletic fields with synthetic fields
and associated improvements - Endicott College
Clausen notes the Commission received an email from proponent requesting a continuance to the
July 9, 2019 meeting. Buchsbaum moves to continue to the July 9, 2019 meeting. Seconded by
Grandoni. The motion carries 4 -0.
Cont: 400 Hale Street, DEP #5 -1158 - construct access road and associated parking lot in
the vicinity of northeast area of the college campus - Endicott College
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Clausen notes he received an email from the proponent requesting a continuance to the July 9,
2019 meeting. Buchsbaum moves to continue to the July 9, 2019 meeting. Seconded by
Grandoni. The motion carries 4 -0.
New: 35 Standley Street, DEP #5 -1126 - replace cobblestone patio with brick and planting
beds; install brick patio at theatre building entrance, work to take place within 100 -foot
buffer to bank of intermittent stream and bordering vegetated wetland - Waring School
Vaclav Talacko of Hancock Associates representing the applicant, displays the as -built plan to
include the courtyard entrance, patio upgrades, and theater building entrance. Additional plans
are provided showing the distances from stream and project elements. There is a 2 -foot by 2 -foot
fixed planter at the entrance to courtyard, which is a minor deviation from the approved plan.
Bertoni requested that it be moved. Talacko reports that it is easy to accomplish.
Clausen performed a field inspection. The applicant will be filing a new Notice of Intent next
month for work at the school and it will also include native plantings and an increased buffer to
the resource area that discourages students from walking through the buffer.
Buchsbaum motions to issue a complete Certificate of Compliance, with the perpetual conditions
31 through 34 as discussed. Seconded by Grandoni. The motion carries 4 -0.
New: 35 Standley Street, DEP #5 -704 - improvements to access driveway and student drop -
off /pick -up areas; addition of parking lot; relocation of tennis court - Waring School
Ann McMenemy of Hancock Associates discusses the approved access road and parking lot.
According to meeting minutes from June 11, 2000, parts of the plan were changed, as the
parking lot was planned to be porous pavement; now it's very compacted gravel.
McMenemy was not aware that drainage calculations were previously done and submitted to
commission June 20, 2000 and Hancock Associates needs to evaluate the calculations with
current conditions. The July 11, 2000 meeting minutes state that two catch basins were removed
and a trench was to be constructed. Bertoni questions what was actually installed. McMenemy is
not certain and needs to go over the calculations and evaluate the runoff.
Bertoni states that the Commission was provided with an approved plan that shows an additional
area of the property than what is shown. McMenemy states that no work is proposed there and
that all work proposed within the Commission's jurisdiction is shown. Clausen states that in that
plan there is a proposal to rebuild the tennis court, but that never took place.
Buchsbaum moves to continue to the July 9, 2019 meeting. Seconded by Grandoni. The motion
carries 4 -0.
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New: 35 Standley Street, DEP #5 -687 - construction of a new Forum Building with certain
underground utilities and drainage facilities within buffer zones - Waring School
Representatives of the Waring School discuss the approved gas line and provide a handout. The
area of the gas line is marked in the field and project representatives observed the area with
Clausen. Clausen states that the work seems to be in compliance with the approved plan.
Waring School representatives discuss the water line and the challenge of getting it marked as
the City water department will not mark private property. Project representatives hired a separate
company to locate the line, but it was not found to be in the expected location. The water line
was shown to go through the wetland, sewer easement, and more wetland. Project representatives
or others at the school do not have information as to why or how this was done.
McMenemy of Hancock Associates does not have information on the drainage calculations and
questions whether the Commission wants that examined. Bertoni says the Commission needs to
know what happened and how the utilities are performing today. McMenemy reports that the
area is functioning and stable today. Measurements are provided in terms of mitigation in
converting a portion of playing field back by the wetland edge into wetlands.
Bertoni comments that it is hard to compare the as -built with the approved plan and asks where
the playing fields are located on the as -built plan. Bertoni asks that this information be added to
the plan and also asks about the sewer. McMenemy says there is a manhole but is unsure about
the sewer location. Bertoni would like to locate where the sewer line is coming in. McMenemy
noted the questions and requested a continuance to obtain the requested information. Bertoni has
additional questions regarding the location of the water line and notes concerns if repairs or
maintenance are needed if a break occurs.
Buchsbaum moves to continue to the July 9, 2019 meeting with the understanding that the
Commission will issue an enforcement order to allow work for mitigation for the unpermitted
activities that went on twenty years ago. Seconded by Grandoni. The motion carries 4 -0.
Let the record show that Bill Squibb has joined the meeting.
New: 18 Doane Avenue, DEP File 5 -1221 - construct 22'x30' addition, including excavation,
foundation, backfill, grading, removal of a portion of existing dwelling and deck, and
associated work within the 100 -foot buffer to bordering wetland — Thomas Marletta
Clausen performed a site visit and notes that grass is growing. Stairs were installed on the side of
the addition to hold back some soil on the upper level to prevent erosion. The work is completed
as approved by the Commission and the mound of soil was leveled out. There is a small rock
retaining wall which prevents overflow into wetlands and a couple more feet were added as
requested. Drywells were added at the downspouts which were filled with crushed stone, but it
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was reporting that there is no runoff in this area. Clausen confirms the work was completed as
stated. Bertoni notes that the buffers are not included on the as -built plan and that these should be
included for the file copy. The site is stable and the erosion controls may be removed.
Buchsbaum moves to issue a complete Certificate of Compliance pending receipt of the final
plan showing the buffers and with the six perpetual conditions as discussed. Seconded by
Grandoni. The motion carries 5 -0.
New: 98 Valley Street, DEP File #5 -1155 - construct two additions, repair a retaining wall
and conduct drainage improvements within 100 feet of bordering vegetated wetlands —
Mike Hahich
There is no applicant or representative present relative to this request. Clausen will communicate
to the project proponent that they need to submit an as -built plan relative to this request and to
present the request to the Commission.
Dines motions to continue to the July 9, 2019 meeting. Seconded by Grandoni. The motion
carries 5 -0.
New: 17 Victor Avenue, DEP File #5 -1157 - alteration to the inland bank and riverfront
resource areas by removing and replacing existing stone wall located alone the
embankment of an inland stream — Anthony Paluzzi
Griffin represents the applicant and describes the request for Certificate of Compliance, noting
that the work was located next to a pipe that ran through the back yard. There is a stone wall next
to garage, close to the wetlands. The work has been complete for over a year, the site is stable
and the applicant is requesting a complete Certificate of Compliance. Bertoni asks about the
different wall type names. The project representative notes that wall names are different only
because of the manufacturer name. Clausen has not yet performed a site visit, but will schedule a
visit within the next couple of weeks.
Squibb moves to continue to the July 9, 2019 meeting. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion
carries 5 -0.
New: 20 Elnew Avenue, DEP File #5 -1177 - construct a single family dwelling in the buffer
to Bordering Vegetated Wetlands — Chitro Family Series, LLC -Lot 20 Fair Acres Series
Bob Griffin of Griffin Engineering, represents the applicant and requests a partial Certificate of
Compliance under the Beverly Wetlands Ordinance. There is a superseding Order of Conditions
for the project and the applicant will file a separate request with Mass DEP regarding compliance
with the superseding Order of Conditions. Griffin reports that the house was built according to
the approved plans and that the mitigation was completed and that grass was hydro- seeded.
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Mr. Basin, an abutter to the property, asked if he could have a better fence than shown on plan.
All work is complete, except for the installation of the fence which is expected to be installed the
following week.
Regarding the partial Certificate of Compliance request per the Beverly Order of Conditions, a
75% survivorship is required two years after planting, so the applicant will need to come back to
the Commission in two years to request the final Certificate of Compliance. Griffin states that the
superseding Order is very similar to the Beverly Order. The completed house had a slightly
smaller footprint than what was approved. Bertoni asks if there is a crawl space rather than a slab
foundation and Griffin confirms as there is a crawl space, which was done to prevent water
damage to the structure, but that the garage is still on a slab.
Clausen reports that a site visit was performed. The Commission asks about flooding issues and
Griffin notes that issues were limited to the winter months and that the issues have since been
resolved. The property is heated with two propane tanks. Bertoni requests an updated as -built
plan when the applicant requests the complete Certificate of Compliance.
Dines motions to issue a partial Certificate of Compliance for the work, except for the fence
installation and the survival of the mitigation plantings, with perpetual conditions numbers 36
through 41. Seconded by Grandoni. The motion carries 5 -0.
Cont: 13 Meadow Road - expand existing rear deck and pour concrete form underneath to
support proposed storage shed - Ryan Feller
The Commission held a site inspection on Saturday, June 8, 2019 at 8 a.m. Feller recaps the
proposed work including that the concrete pad will be 14 -feet by 12 -feet and mitigation would
consist of removing invasive bittersweet vines. Bertoni asks if there will be excavation and
whether there will there be calculations on the amount of fill removed and instructs the applicant
to seek a building permit. Bertoni confirms the need for the installation of erosion controls.
Bertoni agrees with some vine removal by hand. Squibb requests removing or cutting all the
vines if possible. Feller says he will get to what he can, as some vines are unreachable in the
trees. Equipment access will be from the driveway and there shall be no stockpiling of materials.
The Commission says invasive bittersweet vine removal will be a condition of approval and that
a building permit must be sought and a final plan submitted to the Commission.
Dines moves to issue a Negative 3 Determination with the conditions as discussed. Seconded by
Grandoni. The motion carries 5 -0.
Recess for Public Hearings
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Squibb moves to recess for public hearings. Dines seconds. The motion carries 5 -0
New: 43 Haven Way, DEP File #5 -1193 - request to amend Order of Conditions - Olaf
Clausen reads the legal notice for the replacement of the existing pool, updating the pool deck,
and installing a shed within the 100 -foot buffer. Bill Manuell of Wetlands and Land
Management represents the applicant and requests to amend the Order of Conditions.
The existing pool has a fence around it, with a shed, and deck around the pool. There is an
increase of 288 square feet of impervious surfaces as a result of new pool and pool deck.
Manuell states it is a minor change compared to what was previously approved which allowed
4,000 square feet of impact in the Riverfront and buffer zone. The work is still 890 square feet
less structure in the buffer zone and 3,355 square feet less in the Riverfront compared to what
was originally approved. Erosion controls would be installed around the south and west side of
fence along the ground where the existing fence is located.
Manuell notes that the work is outside of the 50 -Foot No Build Zone and 25 -Foot No
Disturbance Zone. The Commission recommends that a revised plan be provided that shows the
50 -Foot No Build Zone. Bertoni asks about double lines on submitted documents. One is the
FEMA flood zone line and the other is the coastal bank line. Bertoni asks what kind of pool
filtration is proposed. Manuell reports that the architect hasn't designed that yet and states that
pools are generally moving to greater use of salt instead of diatomaceous earth. Bertoni asks the
Commissioners whether they would like to hold a site visit and Commissioners state they do not
feel it is necessary.
The shed will be rebuilt or installed to the same size as the existing shed and the existing chain
link fence maintenance would require some repairs and some parts to be taken down. Clausen
asks how the construction equipment will get to the pool. Manuell notes that the area is all grass
and has a gentle slope. During the work, some grass may be worn down with vehicle traffic.
There will be a track machine excavator and a dump truck will likely be used. The Commission
asks that disturbed areas be reseeded. All of the existing trees will stay.
Dines moves to close the hearing. Seconded by Grandoni. The motion carries 5 -0.
Reconvene Regular Meeting
Grandoni moves to reconvene the regular meeting. Seconded by Squibb. The motion passes 5 -0.
Cont: 20, 30 & 40 Webster Avenue, DEP File #5 -1237 - EO cart path restoration follow up
discussion - PD Development
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Griffin, representing the applicant recaps the enforcement order regarding the unauthorized work
on the cart path. The Commission wants grass and shrubs to be planted and for the area to be
naturalized more. Gravel was used to fill in spots and the area would be top dressed with soil.
Squibb expresses concern with the gravel sub -base that was placed and that plants and seeds will
not be able to grow through it. Squibb says that the gravel should be removed. Griffin disagrees
about the growth through processed gravel under topsoil. The Commission suggests that a loam
mixture should be added so the area can be seeded and support plant growth. Griffin states that
the area by the driveway is recycled asphalt and that the applicant was in process of removing it.
Bertoni agrees with Squibb, and doesn't think anything will grow through the packed gravel.
The Commission wants to rehab the cart path to what was previously existing. Griffin says the
applicant will whittle down the cart path and smooth out the area. The Commission wants to
remove the certain sections that do not have the base and requests to remove three inches of fill.
Clausen states that the applicant should put a proposal together and that the cart path was not
intended to act as a road. A plan is needed to bring the path back to the previous condition and if
mechanical measures are needed, this should be explained.
Griffin says they will make the modifications, to include loosening the packed gravel road,
removing hay, and hydro- seeding up to the rocks. The Commission says the goal is for the area
to be consistent with what it used to look like and proposes four feet of cart path, with the sides
of the path to be seeded. Griffin will work on a plan and proposal to submit to the Commission
and the Planning Board.
Minor Project Permits
65 Balch Street, attached 2arne
Clausen reads the project description including construction of a two -car garage to west side of
and existing building. The garage would be 28 feet by 24 feet and is located outside of the buffer.
Machines /equipment would be exiting and entering the driveway, but the work is outside the
buffer. Maxner previously approved the work and the Commission reported no objections.
42 Fosters Point, storage shed
Clausen reads the project description for the installation of 8 -foot x 12 -foot storage shed. The
new shed would be located within the existing footprint and would be 18 inches off the ground.
The work is outside the 200 -Foot Riverfront Area, but within Land Subject to Flooding. Maxner
previously approved the work and the Commission reported no objections.
Approval of Minutes
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August 28, 2018
The Commission reviews the draft minutes and offers edits. Squibb moves to approve the
minutes, as amended. Seconded by Grandoni. The motion carries 4 -0 -1, with Buchsbaum
abstaining as he was absent for that meeting.
September 18, 2018
The Commission reviews the draft minutes and offers edits. Dines moves to approve the minutes,
as amended. Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 4 -0 -1, with Dines abstaining as he was
absent for that meeting.
October 17. 2018
The Commission reviews the draft minutes and offers edits. Dines moves to approve the minutes,
as amended. Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 5 -0.
Orders of Conditions
43 Haven Way
The Commission discusses special conditions under the state Wetlands Protection Act and the
Beverly Wetlands Ordinance. Special conditions include:
1. The Conservation Commission strongly recommends that the meadow area to the south
of the house be mowed a maximum of once (1X) per year in the late fall. This mowing
regime will help maximize multi- species utilization of this habitat and support life cycles
of same. Management of this habitat could benefit from seeking advice from
conservation organizations that manage similar holdings for specific target species.
2. The existing meadow - cutting compost material shall be pulled out of the coastal bank and
off of tree root systems.
3. Prior to work commencing the new limits of the meadow - clipping compost area shall be
reviewed in the field with the Conservation Agent. Once this field investigation is
complete and new limits agreed upon, the proposed plan shall be revised to accurately
depict the new location and limits of the meadow - clipping compost area. Said revised
plan shall be forwarded to the Conservation Commission for its file.
4. At least two weather resistance monuments, not less than 2 -feet in height, shall be
installed at the resource -area -side of the relocated meadow - clipping compost area,
bearing markers with the following language: "Protected Wetland Resource Area: No
dumping of yard /meadow clippings or other debris beyond these markers. " These
markers shall be kept in good repair. This condition shall survive as an on -going
condition beyond the issuance of a Certificate of Compliance.
5. In order to protect tree root systems within the work zone, a temporary mat or 1 -foot
thick layer of bark mulch shall be spread over entire ground surface of tree canopy and
drip edges.
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6. If any existing roots come into conflict with the excavation for the garage foundation or
over -dig area, said roots shall be cut clean with a sharp saw or blade.
7. If any existing trees cannot be preserved due to construction impacts, replacement trees
shall be planted within the riverfront area. Said trees shall be native, and at a 2:1
replacement ratio and shall not be less than 1.5- inches in caliper.
8. Tie in of the new garage roof runoff into the existing pipe collection system shall be
investigated. If tie in is not possible or recommended, roof runoff shall be diverted away
from wetland resource areas.
9. The applicant shall submit a formal waiver request with a rational supporting grant of
waiver, and a revised site plan showing the 50 -No -Build Zone from the Coastal Bank.
10. The shed located near the pool shall be reconstructed as shown on the plan and be the
same size or smaller than existing.
11. Monitor any erosion caused by construction equipment along the access route to the
construction area related to the pool, and all disturbed soils shall be reseeded with an
appropriate seed mix.
12. The applicant or project engineer shall confirm what type of pool filtration system will be
employed and specifications forwarded to the Commission.
13. Per Special Condition 912 above, if a diatomaceous earth/backwash system is to be used,
all backwash shall be directed over land to maximize infiltration, or directed into a
drywell, and in no circumstances should be directed towards wetland resource areas.
This condition shall be on -going and survive beyond the issuance of a Certificate of
14. The perimeter pool fence shall be replaced in the same footprint as existing.
Grandoni moves to issue an Amended Order of Conditions based on the conditions as discussed.
Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 5 -0.
Old /New /Other Business
Dines submits a letter into the record from residents in Ryal Side requesting that swings be
replaced at Obear Park. Clausen says there is increased public interest in replacing the swings,
but he was told by Parks and Recreation that it is not possible to do the work to the standards of
the Conservation Commission and it may not be a good location for the swings. There are new
candidates for City Councilor in Ward 1 and this topic is resurfacing. Clausen may add this
discussion topic to a future agenda.
Dines moves to adjourn at 9:53pm. Seconded by Grandoni. Motion carries 5 -0.
The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is July 9, 2019 at 7:00pm at Beverly
City Hall, 3rd Floor Council Chamber.