2-19-2020 Con Com Minutes - FINALBeverly Conservation Commission
February 19, 2020 Meeting Minutes
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Beverly Conservation Commission
February 19, 2020
City of Beverly, Council Chamber 3rd Floor
Chair Chris Bertoni, Vice Chair Robert Buchsbaum,
Stephanie Herbster, Bill Squibb
Rick Grandoni, David Dines
Jenna Pirrotta, Environmental Planner
Sarah Scott - Nelson
Bertoni calls the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Council Chamber in City Hall.
May 1, 2019
The Commission reviews the draft minutes and offers edits. The May 1, 2019 minutes will be
tabled for clarification per the recording and re- reviewed at a future meeting.
January 7, 2020
The Commission reviews the draft minutes and offers edits. Buchsbaum moves to approve the
January 7, 2020 minutes as amended. Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 4 -0.
January 28, 2020
The Commission reviews the draft minutes and offers edits. Herbster moves to approve January
28, 2020 minutes as amended. Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 4 -0.
Squibb moves to recess for public hearings. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 4 -0.
Cont: 451 & 453 -455 Essex Street, DEP #5 -1287 - Jeff Fazio, Fazio Enterprises, Inc.
The Commission previously continued to the March 31, 2020 meeting, by request of the appli-
Cont: 14 -16 Harwood Street, DEP #5 -1289 — Marius Bego
Bob Griffin of Griffin Engineering, representing the applicant, explains the plans to demolish the
garage, build an addition on an existing house, construct a new house on the adjacent lot, and both lots
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will have new associated appurtenances. Griffin reports the changes to the driveway and additional
landscaping as requested by the Commission. Buchsbaum asks about the possibility of invasive spe-
cies control. Griffin states that invasive plants will be removed in the mitigation area but will not be
undertaken in the wooded area behind the house. Buchsbaum suggests removing some of the English
ivy which has grown up into the trees, to minimize their future decline. In response to Squibb's ques-
tion, Griffin clarifies that all the existing blacktop will be removed and that about five trees are marked
to be removed for safety reasons. Griffin also clarifies that the applicant plans to remove existing de-
bris from the property. Marius Beqo, property owner adds that the basement has always been dry,
stating that there has been some mold issues, but never standing water inside.
Buchsbaum moves to close the hearing. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 4 -0.
New: 167 West Street, DEP File #5 -1290 - Marc & Heather Hazel
Pirrotta reads the legal notice. Bob Griffin, representing the applicant, explains the proposal to
demolish and reconstruct a single - family house with associated appurtenances. Griffin points out
the perennial stream, the Bordering Vegetated Wetland area, the flood zones, the mean high wa-
terline, coastline, and seawall on the property. Griffin reports that the house is 80 years old and
all construction predates the Rivers Protection Act and the 50 -Foot No -Build Zone requirements
of the Beverly Wetlands Ordinance, except for the pool which was installed in 2001. Griffin
states the applicant's intentions to improve the storm resilience of the house by raising the eleva-
tion of the site and adding a retaining wall. The replaced driveway will also be gravel to reduce
stormwater runoff, over the existing paved driveway. Small BBQ and garden areas will also be
added to the site. The terrace will be enlarged slightly; a fence will be added to protect the pool
area; and the stairs to the beach will also be rebuilt. Griffin points out the planned and existing
shrubs and cedars, as well as the reduction of lawn area.
Buchsbaum asks about the delineation of the wetlands on both sides of the property and the des-
ignation of salt marsh versus Bordering Vegetated Wetland. Griffin suggests that it might have to
do with past disturbance due to elevation, but will ask the landscape architect about specific plant
species present in both wetland areas. Bertoni asks about flood areas. Griffin replies that severe
flooding will only occur in a coastal storm as water comes in from the ocean side and not from
upstream. Bertoni asks about why the building is proposed within the 25 -Foot No- Disturbance
Zone. Griffin states that this is necessary as part of the grading in order to get the garage to the
increased elevation. Griffin also describes the plans for mitigation plantings to occur in that area
as well. Bertoni asks Griffin to detail the amount of disturbance for the grading. Griffin agrees to
provide further details on the grading to the Commission.
The Commission schedules a site visit for Sunday, March 1, 2020 at 9 a.m. Squibb moves to
continue the hearing to the March 10, 2020 meeting. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries
4 -0.
Buchsbaum moves to reconvene to the regular meeting. Seconded by Herbster. The motion car-
ries 4 -0.
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Cont: 10 Tall Tree Drive — Kathleen Martens
Pirrotta reports that Martens has submitted a revised request for the after - the -fact deck, patio,
shed, and landscaping, and proposed tree removal. Bertoni and Buchsbaum confirm that nothing
was supposed to be built within the 25 -Foot No- Disturbance Zone. Bertoni states that the Com-
mission is working towards allowing Martens to keep a portion of the deck connected to the
stairs from the top deck and the spa and pool area underneath. The DEP Superseding Order of
Conditions prohibits further construction on the property. The Commission discusses the need to
verify the measurements for the amount of deck that needs to remain in order support the stair-
Buchsbaum moves to continue to the March 10, 2020 meeting. Seconded by Herbster. The mo-
tion carries 4 -0.
New: 102 Hart Street — Rachel DiFazio
Pirrotta reads the legal notice. Rachel DiFazio explains the proposed tree removal, landscaping,
and after -the -fact stream crossing. DiFazio explains the advice she received from an arborist to
remove 8 trees due to their proximity to the house. DiFazio states that the closest tree is 68 feet
from the stream. The Commission discusses the wooden bridge, which was built before the ap-
plicant purchased the property, and the proposed mitigation plantings.
Carolyn, abutter to the property on the opposite side of the stream, commented that the bridge
was put in as a safety concern so that the neighbors and children can cross over the brook. Ber-
toni suggests adding handrails to the bridge. The applicant notes that the brook dries up for 3 -4
months per year, so it should likely be deemed as an intermittent stream. Bertoni advises hiring a
wetland scientist to evaluate the designation of the stream in the future. DiFazio clarifies that the
mowed lawn area exists only within the fenced area, which is at least 10 feet from the brook.
Bertoni states that the tree stumps can be ground up, but will need to be moved off site. The
Commission agrees that hand rails can be added to the bridge and that the state of the bank
around the bridge needs to be monitored for future stability issues.
Herbster moves to issue a Negative 2 and a Negative 3 determination with conditions as dis-
cussed. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 4 -0.
Cont: 35 Standley Street, DEP #5 -704 - Warin2 School
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At the request of the applicant, this agenda item was previously continued to the April 28, 2020
Cont: 16 Fosters Point, DEP #5 -819 — Lux Realty North Shore, Henry Pizzo
Pirrotta reports that the applicant requests to withdraw the request for a Certificate of Compli-
ance due to the extended monitoring requirements for the planted areas. No action needed.
Cont: 9 Kinsman Street, DEP #5 -1222 — MPM Companies, LLC
This agenda item was previously continued to the June 30, 2020 meeting, by request of the appli-
Cont: 10 Tall Tree Drive — Kathleen Martens
The Commission discusses submitting an updated Enforcement Order to Martens, which will re-
quire removal of the gravel patio and submittal of a restoration plan from a wetlands scientist.
Buchsbaum moves to issue an updated Enforcement Order, as discussed. Seconded by Herbster.
The motion carries 4 -0.
Cont: 82 River Street — Chris Moynihan
Chris Moynihan, representing the property owner, reports that the silt fence and silt sack are in-
stalled at the site. Bertoni suggests adding a date certain to the Enforcement Order that the NOI
be submitted for the March 31, 2020 meeting, after which time the applicant may be fined if the
plan is not submitted. Herbster moves to update the Enforcement Order with the date certain as
discussed. Seconded by Bertoni. The motion carries 4 -0.
Cont: 7R Netherton Avenue — John Celesk
Bob Griffin, representing the applicant, states that the site plan and the restoration plan are not
quite complete but will be submitted by the March 10, 2020 meeting.
New: 2 Farms Lane — Emily & Josh Pinstein
Josh Pinstein describes leveling which occurred at the property in order to reduce the steep slope
in the rear yard and the plans for a new deck which will be uncovered with crushed stone beneath
and a patio with firepit. Pinstein confirms that no additional fill will be brought in other than the
crushed stone for below the new deck. The Commission discussed whether it would be better for
the applicant to submit an RDA or NOI for this project. Buchsbaum and Bertoni suggest that a
NOI is the best route for this project, as the work is located within the 200 -Foot Riverfront Area.
The Commission discusses amending the Enforcement Order to include submitting an NOI for
the project by April 13, 2020 and that erosion controls be installed by February 27, 2020 per the
original Enforcement Order.
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Buchsbaum moves to issue the updated the Enforcement Order with the conditions as discussed.
Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 4 -0.
Cont: 112 Valley Street — after - the -fact retaining wall, bridte, & shed
The Commission discusses the work observed on -site in relation to wetland resource areas. Ber-
toni asks if both of the existing bridges are necessary, instead of just one. Jeff Roy, the applicant,
states that one is a footbridge and the other is for the mower. Bertoni asks Roy to cease mowing
all the way to the edge of the stream, move the shed out of the 25 -Foot No- Disturb zone. Becky
Roy clarifies that there was always one bridge on the property, as she has lived near the property
for 60 years. Becky Roy and Jeff Roy confirm that originally there were three bridges. Sheila
Swales, abutter at 7 Hemlock Street, reports that the larger, second bridge was built within the
last 13 years. Becky Roy contests Swales' assertion stating that she used that bridge when she
was child. Jeff Roy states that he is willing to remove the smaller bridge. Bertoni requests that
the Roys submit an RDA for the relocation of the shed, the after - the -fact construction of the re-
taining wall, and the removal of the smaller bridge by March 17, 2020, to be reviewed at the
March 31, 2020 meeting.
New: 7 Hemlock Street
Eric Swanzey, owner of 7 Hemlock Street, discusses the stones in the brook out of which shrubs
are growing. Swanzey goes through a handout for the Commission about what has been going on
at the neighboring property at 112 Valley Street over the years. Swanzey expresses concern
about leaks from a vehicle, the presence of vehicles in the No- Disturbance Zone, and the bridge
providing too much access to dogs which have muzzle restrictions on them and their negative
impact on wildlife. Bertoni states that she cannot see how any of the existing bridges at 112 Val-
ley Street are affecting the water flow in the brook. At the moment there is nothing which can be
resolved, the Commission will take this information under advisement in the future. Bertoni
states that the Commission is grateful for the photographic documentation.
Mike Habich, 98 Valley Street, brings up the increase in the water levels, reminding the Com-
mission that the blockage seems to be located within the 7 Hemlock property. Habich states that
the blockage has flooded several neighboring properties this year, as the water level is higher
than it has been in the last seven years, which is endangering some of the vegetation and wildlife
habitat on their property. Bertoni states that water levels are high throughout the north shore area
and that one point on the stream should not be the sole focus of potential water level increases on
neighboring properties.
Bertoni calls the discussion to a close because it is getting late, but thanks everyone for the con-
tributions of information this evening, the Commission will take everything under advisement.
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Cont: 10 Tall Tree Drive — Kathleen Martens
Martens reports that she is still waiting on a price quote from the arborist. Bertoni states that
Martens just needs to get on the same page as Mayer Tree on what is being removed before pro-
ceeding and before the Commission can issue the approval. Squibb moves to issue a tree permit
removal pending verification of which trees will be removed, with the condition that trees be cut
flush and the debris removed offsite. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The motion carries 4 -0.
Herbster moves to approve payment to Pirrotta in the amount of $60.16, for mileage incurred for
the month of January 2020. Seconded by Squibb. The motion carries 4 -0.
Cont: 14 -16 Harwood Street, DEP #5 -1289 — Marius Bego
The Commission discusses the conditions for the project, including leaving the stream side vege-
tation untouched, and perpetual condition that if they want to move the pavers, that an RDA or
NOI is required for future as well as present owners, etc.
Herbster moves to issue the Order of Conditions as discussed. Seconded by Buchsbaum. The
motion carries 4 -0.
Squibb moves to adjourn the meeting at 11:00 p.m. Seconded by Herbster. The motion carries 4-
0. The next regular meeting of the Conservation Commission is Tuesday, March 10, 2020 at
Beverly City Hall, 3rd Floor Council Chamber.