Minutes of September 5, 2002
Beverly Public Library
PRESENT: R. Badesssa, M. Troubetaris, J. Murray, D. Neuman, T. Birner, C.
GUESTS: R. Oosterhoek, L. Bochynski
D. Newman opened the meeting.
Public Input: R. Oosterhoek asked about the article in tonight's newspaper.
D. Newman stated that it is separate issue from the BHMA issues with Beverly Port
R. Oosterhoek also asked about the 90' tower that the electric company is planning. No
one seems to know about it.
He was answered that this is addressed in the Harbor plan.
J. Murray stated that they hope to have changes to the Harbor Plan to the Cecil Group
after Monday.
R. Oosterhoek would like a copy as soon as possible.
A motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting was made by R. Badessa, and
seconded by M. Troubetaris. All approved.
D. Newman stated that Cummings has completed the boardwalk. Part of the walkway is
ready to be paved in October, if the City prepares this. He talked to F. Killilea and he
thought that they might not be able to do this. He has talked to D. Hurlburt, and will talk
to the Mayor.
Seaport Money- R. Armstrong says the budget is not settled. Can't disperse any money
D. Newman is in touch with someone about the bridge mitigation. They are aware that
they owe a walkway to Rowand's. L. Bochynski gave them a very good plan. There is
also the question of parking. L. Bochynski is trying to get a sediment basin also.
R. Badessa presented his copy of the budget. D. Newman would like to bring this up at
the next meeting.
D. Newman explained to R. Oosterhoek that the article in today's newspaper is the
Harbormaster's issues and pertains to 10A Permits. The DEP is supposed to take action,
and they haven't.
D. Newman stated that he spoke at lunch today to the Rotary Club. He said that he was
well received.
Facilities Committee held a meeting on the 19th of August. (Minutes attached.) D.
Newman feels that L. Bochynski can't do everything alone.
It was suggested that the winter fees for the Marinas remain at $33.00 per foot for Glover,
and $11.00 for the fishermen. In the spring we should propose an increase for the
Other Business - None.
A motion to adjourn was made by R. Badessa. It was seconded by T. Birner, and
approved by all.
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Twiss