Minutes of August 1, 2002
Beverly Public Library
PRESENT: J. Frates, D. Neuman, J. Murray, A. Wheelock, C. Raymond, S. Menezes
D. Neuman showed artists renderings of the Harbor Center.
J. Murray & D. Neuman will sit down with K. Buckland to go over the plan.
C. Raymond felt that there should be more about the public walkway
There was a phone call regarding 10,000 mitigation for the pipeline through the harbor.
Copy of a letter from Cummings that they received their permit for the walkway around
the pond.
The group is still trying to mitigate for the bridge by obtaining parking under the bridge.
D. Neuman spoke to L. Bochynski, who told him that since the bridge construction, a
sediment basin is needed, because of the run-off from the bridge.
They are also trying to obtain a walkway to Rowand's.
A. Wheelock spoke of the arrival of the "Eagle". He told of the hours that it would be
open to the public if anyone is interested.
Cowmittee Reports:
Facilities Committee: A. Wheelock, S. Menezes, & C. Raymond will meet with
L. Bochynski on August 19, 2002, at 7:00 p.m. at the Library. The room will be
reserved and the meeting posted.
The question came up about the City's part in the Cummings walkway. D. Neuman says
that F. Killilea knows about it.
New Business: None
Other Business: J. Frates will be away for the next meeting so D. Neuman will chair it.
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Twiss