Minutes of June 6, 2002
Beverly Public Library
PRESENT: D. Neuman, J. Frates, R. Badessa, T. Birner, C. Raymond
GUESTS: L. Bochynski
There is no quorum, so no votes will be taken.
Steven Halikas asked if there is a reason why nothing has been done with the
McDonald's building.
D. Neuman explained the restrictions.
J. Frates explained that the Harbor Plan would be out soon. It should be clear that we
should buy the Ventron property as soon as we can.
E. Twiss stated that the Rockmore called inquiring about a pick-up at the pier. This
message was given to L. Bochynski.
It was brought up that the Budget for FY 2003 has not been submitted yet.
J. Frates, D. Neuman, and R. Badessa will try to meet with Mr. Durkin to do the budget.
D. Neuman gave input on the Harbor Plan to Cecil Group.
Meeting adjourned,
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Twiss