March 07, 2002
Beverly Public Library
PRESENT: J. Frates, R. Badessa, J. Murray, C. Raymond, S. Menezes, and A. Wheelock
J. Frates welcomed our new members, R. Badessa, and S. Menezes
A motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting was made by R. Badessa and
seconded by C. Raymond. All approved.
Committee Reports: C. Raymond spoke of the Adjudicatory meeting recently in Boston
with DEP. This was an informal meeting to give our side of the issue. They would like
to get all parties to talk instead of going to court. The biggest issue is Public Access.
July is the date for the hearing before DEP.
J. Frates stated that he is happy that the Judge is coming to View.
If there were no objections to the Draft License, this access may have been lost.
Public Access: J. Frates has been talking with Cummings. DEP is concerned about
contamination. Cummings has been cooperative.
Facilities: Seaport Grant is on the waterside. We had no choice on who was selected to
do the job. Seaport is doing all the paper work.
They are doing test borings to see what is there for structure. Also in the Commercial
area to see if pilings would be better than moorings.
Planning and Development: Nothing
Licensing & Permitting: Nothing.
Other Business: R. Badessa asked if there is any interest in going after Grant Money.
He has the U.S. Fish & Wildlife and they seem to have money for facilities for
recreational boaters. He will get together with D. Neuman to see if they can request
A. Wheelock made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by S. Menezes. All approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Twiss