2000-01-06BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES January 6, 2000 PRESENT: G. Whitney, R. Badessa, D. Neuman, J. Murray, C. Raymond GUESTS: City Planning Director, T. Cassidy; Harbormaster, D. McPherson; Facilities Manager, L. Bochynski There is no quorum. No Public Input. G. Whitney will talk about McDonald's homeless shelter. J. Murray asked if it is superfluous after the fact? G. Whitney says "no". G. Whitney drafted a letter to the Mayor questioning the authorization to use McDonald's as a shelter. G. Whitney also questioned the electric bill. L. Bochynski indicated over $200.00 was spent in December, This exceeds the total budget for the year. G. Whitney asked L. Bochynski about Port Marina gate. L. Bochynski stated that the Mayor gave them permission to lock their gate. G. Whitney will send another note to the Mayor regarding the gate locking. G. Whitney asked L. Bochynski about electricity billing. L. Bochynski stated that he talked to the Electric Company and it will be shut off when the building is vacated. R. Badessa handed out the November and December financial report. This will be voted on at next month's meeting. Harbormaster says everything is all set. He indicated in response to G. Whitney's question that all billings for slips were current. L. Bochynski stated that he talked to the roofer and he said that he would be here the first of next week. L. Bochynski stated that T. Brennan says to take one step at a time and do the stairs after the roof. Waterfront Usage Study - G. Whitney stated that the contractor is going forward. There was some input from the public provided during last meeting will be incorporated into the report. T. Cassidy spoke of the City Master Plan. The committee met with some of the boards and are drafting an outline. She will have the Harbor Plan inserted in this, and also they may look at the Fort Point Plan. Facilities committee had no meetings. Public Access - C. Raymond said no meetings were held. Licensing and Permits - G. Whitney spoke of the DEP license for the Parking Garage at Cumm/ngs. DEP are still attempting to resolve it. There will be a meeting with Planning Board on the 18~ regarding building another garage - on filled tidelands. They need authorization. D. Neuman and G. Whitney have a meeting with Cummings on 1/7/2000. Bass River Plaza - submitted plans that were unacceptable to DEP. They are now in the process of changing plans. Bunk Car Wash - The Conservation Commission gave permission for the as-built configuration. They still have to put in bricks for the walkway and signage. Beverly Port Marina - issued a draft license. BHMA objected. The State has scheduled a meeting for 1/27/2000 at DEP - I Winter Street, Boston. Meeting adjourned, Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss