2000-03-02BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES March 2, 2000 PRESENT: G. Whitney, R. Badessa, A. Burns,. Allen, C. Raymond GUESTS: D. McPherson, L. Bochynski, and Newspapers G. Whitney opened the meeting and explained that this will be his last meeting. Mayor Scanlon has announced he will be replaced within the month. There is no quorum. This is the second time of the three scheduled this year. Several express and also about moving the floats .10 feet. They explained that to load on the other side,:there inadequate water. They also feel that the lift should be painted in place to avoid down time. Commercial fishermen came to the 'meeting to their concerns about the Lift at the Marina is. D. McPherson has no comments. The fishermen explained that they are happy with the lift in the position that it is in now. C.Raymond feels that the floats were to be moved because of space l~m{ts. Me will talk to L. Bochynski to resolve issues. G. Whitney explained that the meeting with Cecil~'regarding' the City's Master Plan has been postponed due to BHMA membership changes. R. Badessa handed out a TreasuZer's Report. G. Whitney explained that there was a fixed price contract with Fort Point Assoc. for the waterfront study,.. They did a professional job and will be paid for the work. Theire was no contractual obligation to conduct public' hearings Harbormaster stated that all is quiet. At the facilities meeting it was determined that we will maintain a 40' limit. The Harbormaster shoulde. senda letter to an individual with a 50' boat. Committees Planning and Development - Covered Facilities - Covered Public Access - C. Raymond went to the Open SpaCe meeting. Sally Mulligan Park is top priority, and Green's Hill next of property the City is trying to purchase. T. Cassidy stated that the City would apply for Grants to .fund purchases. G. Whitney advised a barge at Bass Haven appears to be working on piers. It was also discouraging to observe that the gate to the public access walkway was padlocked shut. He recommends that for the future - BEWARE OF GATES ON THE WATERFRONT. : G. Whitney and D. Neuman went to the School Committee to speak about the public walkway around the pond. R. Bouchard (School Department) spoke favorably. it was a very positive meeting. A site visit will be scheduled. G. Whitney stated that nothing has changed at the Bunk Car Wash property. Still no properly designated walkway or public parking spaces. G. Whitney stated that no one was contacted by DEP. regarding the walkway around the Cummings pond. T. cassidy stated that she spoke to B. Overson who has contacted Senator Berry's Office regarding the DEP license required to construct the two garages. Other Business - A. Burns stated that D. MUrphy. would like to talk to the BHMAApril meeting regarding washington, s Naval Base and a celebration on September 5. In closing, G. Whitney indicated he regretted this would be his last meeting as a member of the BHMA. He acknowledged that he understood it is not always possible to achieve objectives. He took the opportunity to comment on a recent news article, which criticized actions of the BHMA, and him, in particular. The article alleged the BHMR was providing favored treatment of the Jubilee Yacht Club regarding access. He noted that the JYC has never had the need to request any Chapter 91 licensing requests of'the .BHMA. All JYC licenses for existing structures have been properly in place for many years. Compensation due the public waspaid at the time of the licensing. Any action, which he as an individual has taken on behalf of the JYC, was taken many years ago when he was an elected official of the JYC and not a member of the BHMA. He also noted that public access across the JYC property would not result in a continuous harbor-front walkway since there is a section of property associated with the Tuck Point Condominiums which is not subject to Chapter 91. This section is not under the control of the Tuck Point Marina, a separate business entity which has a 99-year lease to operate a marina. In response tO his question, no one was aware of any instance wherein the BHMA has provided favored treatment to the JYC. P. Allen made a motion to adjourn. It was seconded by A. Burns. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss