2000-08-03BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES August 3, 2000 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: J. Frates, P. Allen, R. Gallagher, C. Raymond, D. Neuman, A. Burns, T. Birner, J. Murray, J. Bolden, M. Troubetaris GUESTS: T. Cassidy, L. Bochymski, S. Kinzie, M. O'Brien, & R. Oosterhoek J. Frates opened and introduced everyone. Public Input, S. Kinzie stated that she would like to be at the end of the meeting. A Motion to accept the Minutes of the meetings of July 6, and July 20 was made by A. Burns, and seconded by P. Allen. All in favor. Planning & Development Commitee. D.Neuman told that we have received signs for the Harbor Center. L. Bochynski arranged to have these posted. Public Access Committee. The footbridge at the Cummings Center. D. Neuman went down and toured the facility. Have plans for a footbridge. There is one section of the walkway that is not along the pond but along the building. D. Neuman is trying to resolve this and he says it seems encouraging. T. Cassidy has been working with Cummings also. M. Troubetaris made a motion that we send a thank you to Americorp and others involved in the footbridge. A. Burns seconded. All approval D. Neuman has been in touch with R. Armstrong of Seaport Council hoping for more money. The Budget has gone to the Governar. It will be another 30 days for him to know what is available. D. Neuman will talk to D. Goodwin in the Community Development Office regarding grant money for recreational. T. Birner ment to get an idea of the revenue. He would like to discuss if rates are appropriate. Wheelock and T. Birner will look at rates elsewhere. S. Kinzie stated that at Beverly Port Marina they give a small discount to those who pay up front, rather than monthly. D. Neuman stated that we should maximize the marina for commercial use. K Gallagher stated he would like to see slips back on the bridge side as they were before construction. Open Space and Recreation. - C. Raymond stated that they are working on clearing the growth on the Bass River. They are trying to get a grant. They are also looking for input from the BHMA. D. Neuman spoke of the draft license application forthe Bass River Yacht Club. He made a motion that we send a letter with our concerns. C. Raymond seconded. All in favor. J. Frates showed a sign that A. Wheelock had made up, stating "NO FISHING" J. Murray made a motion to put up the signs. T. Birner seconded. All in favor. Public Input - S. Kinzie gave a background on the Beverly Port Marina and stated that they are looking forward to working with the BHMA. She would like to have all come down for a tour. Everyone agreed that they would like to tour, and set up a time for Thursday, the tenth @ 6 p.m. to meet at the office (the white building on waterside). She stated that the fuel tanks have several safety devices built into them. She also stated that this is an open marina, catering to the public and all wa!ks of life. A. Burns asked her about public access. C. Raymond spoke of being asked to report to the office before walking. He stated that Public Access should come first, and then plan J. Murray Asked how moving the Federal Channel would be good for Beverly? S. Kinzie stated that she met with the Army Corps of Engineers. This channel is about 300' side. Moving the channel is not changing anything. D. Neuman said the Public has rights, the Public needs compensation. C. Raymond stated that the Federal Channel was created with Federal Funds. D. Neuman made a motion to adjourn. P. Allen seconded. All approved. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss