2000-07-20BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Sub Committee MINUTES July 20, 2000 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: J. Frates, D. Neuman, J.Bolde, A. Wheelock, C. Raymond T. Birner, R. Gallagher J. Frates opened the meeting by asking if the Authority should place an add in this year' s Homecoming Add Book. T. Birner made a motion that we do, and C. Raymond seconded it. All approved if we review last year's add to see if any changes need to be made. C. Raymoad called this meeting to talk about Public Access. D. Newman explained that there are 3 things: One is Stop & Shop, which is done, end we have a walk along the water through the Bass Haven Yacht Club and down to the Bunk Car Wash. D. Neuman explained that the City would like a walk along Green's Hill, and they are watching to see if it changes hands. He also explained about the Cummings property and the ponds, and the permits. In the vicinity of the upper pond there is parking along the pond. Cummings needs to move the parking so that the walkway can go along the pond. The Conservation Commission has approved a footbridge in this area. We need the walkway around the ponds. The next piece is the White Hen property. DEP refused to allow the first plan submitted. The owners re-configured their plan and re-submitted, and it is to be re-considered. D.Neuman stated that the Beverly Port Marina (Kinzie Property) is a big piece. They have refused to give to the public. They are in the middle of adjudication of license. Some issues are: public access, public channel, and fuel tanks. They were issued a draft license overlapping the Thibodeau property. Thibodeau has a license and rights. E. Neuman stated that there are 3 or 4 issues. 1. Commonwealth tidelands (can't profit without compensation to the public) 2. Floats in the Federal Channel 3. Unlicensed Floats in the Federal Channel 4. Thibodeau conflict Independent of this they have built a house to have a store & dispense fuel in the Federal Channel. We have a copy of a Public Notice for a proposal to run fuel lines to the end of the docks. A one-year temporary license. D. Neuman has drafted a letter. C. Raymond made a motion to adopt and send D. Neuman's letter. A. Wheelock seconded. All approval. B. Raymond made a motion to re-affirm the map of the public walkway along the water as it was voted on 2/6/98. D. Neuman seconded. All approved. T. Bimer and A. Wheelock will be members of the Financial committee. They will meet with E. Twiss at the office during the next week to see how things progress. Bass Haven has applied for their license to do their work as exphined to the Authority few months ago. They should delineate the public: walkway and maintain all public C. Raymond made a motion to adjourn Seconded by T. Bimer. All Approved. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss