1996-11-07BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY November 7, 1996 PRESENT: G. LaCombe, P. Freni, J. Simpson, P. Gilmore, D. Neuman, C. Raymond, P. Allen, J. Coan GUESTS: Harbormaster, and L. Bochynski G. LaCombe called the meeting to order, and asked if there was any Public Input. There was none. Minutes of the Previous meeting. R. Rollins asked P. Gilmore to make corrections in his absence. These changes were that R. ~ollins voted negative for' the motion to hire L. Bochynski, and also that be did not say that he was [he man for the job. A Motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting was made hy J. Ccan, and second,;d by D. Freni. All approved subject to changes being made. Treasurer's report - All sheets from City Hall were O's M. Lins couldn't make a report. We will ha~e 2 months nc×t month. G. !.aCombe stated that all received in the mail a copy of the original budget, and a proposed budget revision. The Harbor Maintenance t, as not in the original. Wc h..-:',:c added a line item for Harbor Maintenance. P. Gilmore asked why these item~ don't come from the Harbormast. er's Budget. In previous years we had the Fees, so we paid the mai~tenance. This doesn't belong in the BHMA budge.~t. D. Neuman states that this should be adjusted next year. D. Neuman asked about increasing the $103,000. written, we were one 'facility, now we are two. When it was G. LaCombe says that if we need more after the first of the year, we will ask City ilal] for an increase. J. Simpson exl:,]ained about floats and wh~;~'c they are. of fingers, because some have been replaced. We a~'e short P. Gilmore asked why we are back to paying a salary, when all the other salaries come from the Harbormasters, budget. G, laCombe said that it was going to be a private contractor, but now it is no~. P. Gilmore asked about the T. Murphy incident by paying I,. Bochynski we may be in a bad position. G. LaCombe said that when the City Solicitor comes, he may be able to explain. D. Neuman says thai he believes that L. Bochynski is a City employee. P. Gilmore states that he is being paid out of the BHMA Budget. G. LaCombe stated that one of the issues to take into consideration in renovating the building is that L. Bochynski is living in the building. He is trying to make arrangements for the tlarbor'master and the BHMA. G. LaCombe is asking for funds to take down and add walls to accommodate all. D. Freni stated that because of handicapped access we should be using downstairs. G. LaCombe says that we should have our meetings at another location. P. Gilmore stated that if the Harbormaster's office is off the ground floor, it has to be available to the handicapped, because it is a City office. G. LaCombe apologizes for doing this, because he has asked for' a floor plan. J. Simpson stated that as far as making major ~hanges to the brown building or removing this building too soon may be a mistake. The first floor has other uses, and we need that area. If we need handicapped access our office must be on the first floor. G. LaCombe stated that when we applied for the grant we had certain intentions. We are trying to flip the property so we can use McDonald's for a restaurant. Xf we flip, this has to be used for recreational and parking. We should move by March 15, or April 1. We need to make decisions. J. Simpson says that until he is sure that we can do a land swap, Le will not go forward. M. }landly says the State is willing to talk about a sv?ap. felt that it was a good idea. They M. Handly says that the swap would be land for ]and. There is a question of bait sales etc. I~ was though! that could go up ~gainst the bridge. iM. Handly says that parking here supports recreational, also overflow for restaurant. The State hasn't said to forget it. D. Neuman says don't take irrevocable action. [o agree. Should get the state M. Handly says if the Stnte is going to do it, we should go along with it. D. Freni asked if we should let the bridge people know if we want it down. J. Simpson stated this should be in phase II. Cianbro is not the contractor. The State is the one. We don't satisfy parking now. Parking is coming up across the street. M. Handly says if the grant is flipped, don't plan on restaurant parking here. It should be recreational. Getting back to the $10,000 in the Budget. If we are going to renovate next door, it will start in .December. If we can flip properties, we may need to tear this down. P. Gilmore says he still has a question about handicapped access. M. Handly says first floor is Handicapped accessible. questions about offices on second floor. P. Gilmore C. Raymond asked about meeting room for meetings. M. Handly stalled that it would not be available. under utilized. The Library is D. Freni asked abou~ BHMA office. be back M. Handly had to leave - he will G. I, aCombe said that the third floor will be an apartment, and the kitchen on the second floor will go with the apartment. The Assistant Harbormasters will be on the first floor. Harbormaster's office on the end of the second floor, and the BHMA office on the second floor. M. Handly came back and states that he will work this out. G. LaCombe asked about the last of the 10,000. Also about the fence vs. security. Maybe a gate at the boats. Put a fence around the crane. L. Bochynski agrees ~hat security is needed. .1. Simpson stated that we sti]l need parking, and that the crane is a liabil. ity. Tuck Point and Jubilee restrict parking. As far as the crane 5. Simpson doesn't. think anyone in the City can run it. L. Bochynski says that some people have expressed an interest in it. Ii is obsolete, and he doesn't see it as an asset. 1~ is a Liability. L. Bochynski suggests thai you should look at the edge. be what you want. ]t may not G. LaCombe: stated that if we get the land swap, the public rest rooms will be here. M. llandly stated that the owner is not liable if it doesn't collect a fee un].ess owner is grossly negligent. L. Bochynski suggests that whoever is going to plow needs some instruction. D. Frenj got a call from R. Costs asking about plants. P. Gilmore asked M. Handly about fu].l time employee wages out of BIIMA Budget. M. Handly states that there are issues. This isn't appropriate to discuss now. M. Handly agrees that it is appropriate for an executive session. M. Handly has a concern relative to the noise /eve] ef the new boat. D. Fr'eni asked about the salary in the budget. M. Handly says the Budget can be approved and amended later if need be. Passing the budget has no bearing. Board members are exempt from liability. BHMA can't sue or be sued. P. A] lea made a mot ion to accept the Budget Revision. seconded. All approved except P. Gilmore. D. Freni G. LaCombe says we need to address the fences. The boat owners should be the only cars allowed inside the fence. Can we go ahead before ne::t meeting? D. Neuman says the Faci lilies Commi ttee should do it. P. Allen asked about getting rid of the crane. J. Simpson asked L. Bochynski if he would keep it. He answered that only if you are very careful who runs it. D. Freni thinks that we should draft a letter to the Council declaring the crane surplus. D. Freni made a motion to have the crane declared surplus. D. Neuman seconded. All in favor. P. Alien volunteered to write a ]ct l: er. P. Allen made a motion to move forward with the $10,000 to petit:ion the building and gate removal with M. Handly looking into the Handicapped Access. D. Neuman seconded. All in favor'. G. LaCombe, getting back 'to the noise level in the boat. Are you asking the BHMA to finance headgear? P. Allen asked if he will really use it . D. McPherson says it may take about ] , 000. J. Simpson says we will try 1. o. D. Freni states that we would he happy I'o recommend it if it will be used. D. Freni made a motion to purchase helmets for $700.00. seconded. All approved. P. Allen Public Access. G. LaCombe states that we are getting notices or funds available. We need someone to find out about applying for these. D. Freni will coordinate. She says that J. Driscol] and C. Raymond are this committee. D. Freni would like to be the facilitator. Licensing and Permits - G. LaCombe has a letter that he says is misleading. He asked P. Alien if she could go through the permit applications that she has. D. Neuman will get together with P. Allen and G. Whitney to work this out. Also ask D. McPherson what he has. Development Plan NoLhi~:g has changed. D. Hurlbert talked to T. Scully. We need to go to the lowest bidder. We will use the low bid for guidelines and do a new RFP. Facilities - Tear4ng down the building will add 6 parking spaces. G. LaCombe says we need to know how many par'king spaces for Glover and McD~.~nald's. Would like to look into the parking under bridge. We need the number of spaces that will be available. D. Neuman asks that we pursue Crowell Designs offer of future help.. He will say that we are trying to come up with a number of parking spaces. P. Gilmore suggests that; we let the erchitect tell us how many spaces we need. D. Neuman will write a letter and ask D. Freni to look at it. Harb,,rmaster asked about tile fuel truck coming. 3. Simpson says if he has an automatic shut-off nozzle. We sl:ou]~l have 190' of boom and some absorbent. C. Raymond says that facilities will come up with some signage. L. Bochynski says that Clover may hove been overlooked. Usually Clover [:ui]ds 1 new main and 2 fingers ever'y year, h'her'e does that fit into the scheme? Also there are 2 sink holes that need some attent ~ on. When the crane is removed the drain :[s r i ghl there, maybt~ it needs to be re-dj. rected. Should ]~:ok r~t: r-,edestri~.,n safe~y around the edge. h'lice] stops may impede snow rtmoval. G. LaCombe says that we need to decide which floats need to be replaced at. both facilities. Let us know ai. the nex[ meeting. L. Bochynski needs tools, to come out of the 10,000. Mr. Coughlin has requested that the BII,~A come to a me~,t:ing. M. Handly says we are no~ ready yet. G. LaCombe would like t,~ see a priority list of tools. D. Neuman made a motion to adjourn. P. Allen seconded. All in favor. Respectfully submj tied, Eileen Twiss