1996-06-06BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORY MINUTES June 6, 1996 PRESENT: G. LaCombe, C. Raymond, J. Simpson, R. Rollins, D. Freni, D. Neuman, P. Gilmore, J. Coan, M. tins. D. Hurlbert, of the Planning Department and D. McPherson, Harbormaster. Public Input - J. Varney of Crosby Avenue asked "Is the walkway at Port Marine a public way?" J. Simpson explained that the walkway is a public walkway. J. Varney stated that it is locked right now. D. Neuman stated teat we are not too successful, but we are trying. G. LaCombe stated that we are trying to remedy it. R. Varney asked who to contact. tie was told that he may wish to contact Tom Maguire of the Division of Waterways. C. Raymond will talk to the State about this. A Motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting was made by P. Gilmore, and Seconded by D. Freni. All approved. A Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report was made by D. Freni, and Seconded by P. Gilmore. All approved. In the Budget for 1997, $10,000 was added in case we have to put in public restrooms. Enterprise Fund - On May 23 the Mayor met with G. LaCombe, P. Gilmore, D. Freni, D. Young, and the City Solicitor. D. Freni stated that the outcome of that meeting is that there will not be an Enterprise Fund at this time. Possibly at some future time. P. Oilmere stated that it looks less likely that the Mayor will rescind ]OA fees. The money for the Harbormaster's new boat will come from the Waterways Improvement Fund. A Motion to accept the Final Budget was made by P. Seconded by D. Freni. All. approved. Harbormaster - Status of Boat - Harbormaster stated that: the boat that he talked about, he wen! to look at. Thece were some signs that were not acceptable. Therefore, we rejected the bid. Harbormaster is talking to the same company and another company. We are looking at a new boat for' the same amount of mone~, but minus some electronics. IOA fees. Tuck Point is delinquent. Committees - Clover Marina -- P. Gilmore spoke to an archi te,:*~ , John Crowell, and he would be happy to give his time. The State is anxious to get a letter, stating thai ]andscaping plan will be forthcoming. J. Simpson stated thai: the State has a landscape plan for this property and the Ferryway. P. Gilmore asked what happens to the Clover Marina? J. Simpson stated that if the architect is free - Why not. P. Gilmore would like to have an idea of what we want. G. LaCombe has a list of things l:o consider. D. Neuman stated that we have a plan for the grant. architect the plan and ask him for his ideas. Give the D. Hurlbert, & G. LaCombe says we should hold up on the letter. R. Rollins says that the Mayor said Revenues of ]50,000 per year. Some should be used for re-furbishing. G. LaCombe says that maybe the State will fix the wall at G].over Marina. Possibly ask Cianbro while they are here. D. Freni as]fed about getting a plan ready and ask the Lt. Governor down. G. LaCombe says we wi]l brainstorm after the meeting about landscaping. D. Neuman asked about next deor having a use for the public. He received an answer that says we need to go by the grant. G. LaCombe checked with the Beverly Golf & Tennis agreement. The Contractor pays a fee to the City and a percentage of greens fees rllid bar etc. If a contractor came? in to run the restaurant and marina, we ~vould have to set flat fees. Another way is run the marina and a second c:on[ractor FUn a re~:taurant . 3. Simpson says to check the granl for this property to see if it can be run by outsiders. G. LaCombe will look at contracts. on what kind of restaurant. We should make a decision D. Neuman, P. Gilmore, and C. LaCombe talked to the Consultant who worked on the Hull Plan. For less that 10,000 they can do scope, and be completed by December. B. Hut/bert is working on getting another Consultant. We should bet back some quotes. P. Gilmore made a motion to agree to spend up to 9900.00 for finalizing the request for scope. 8 voted for this, and D. Neuman voted against. Licensing and Permits - Thibodeau got his license. Development Plan - D. Freni looked into a Water Taxi. would like to be considered. available are: Town Dock Adequate Riders Parking f,~r 300 Dockage Time Substitulion in inclement weatheF. Beverly Some of the things that have to be D. Freni also artended the Ward II Civic meeting and was impressed with the Federal people. They will have Ventron cleaned up. D. Neuman asked about contact with Ventton. D. Hurlbert has some n~mes to contact. She spoke with someone in Chicago, who stated that the City hcs first refusal. We should talk t~ t. he Mayor and the City Solicitor. D. Freni made a Motion that the City continue to pursue the purchase of Ventton once it is cleaned. D. Neuman seconded, and all approved. Facilities - The Bait Coolers - If we want to re-engineer plans of Saugus, be prepared to pay 2500.00 because of Engineers Stamp. D. Freni made, a motion to spend 2500,00 for plans. ~econded. All approved. R. Rollins J_ Simpson slated Lhat Dock Replacement is being made as we speak. Pumpout boat - D. Hurlbert stated that the Community Development office is responsible for docum,',r~. ing this for l he ojr-r~.t . Pai-rc~l].ing and picking up dolphins is not pumping. We are wr-~y b~;hind in our match. The boat should be ur:;ed 51~ cf '[.he time for pump--out. J. Simpson will tall< to the Harbormaster. Pub] ic Access and Water<foul Rockport tomorrow. Everyone is invited on June 22 at 9:00 a.m. to Abbott Street for the Seapath. General Input -- None. A Motion to adjourn was made by P. Gilmore, Seconded by D, Neumnn. All approved. Respectfully submitted, Eil. een Twiss