1996-05-02BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES May 2, 1996 PRESENT: G. LaCombe, R. Rollins, J. Driscoll, C. Raymond, D. Freni, D. Neuman, J. Simpson, P. Gilmore The meeting was opened by G. LaCombe, and he asked if there was any Public Input. There was none. A Motion was made to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting, with a few minor changes, by R. Rollins. Seconded by D. Neuman. All approved. A Motion to accept the Treasurer's Report was made by D. Freni. Seconded by R. Rollins. All approved. Revised Budget: G. LaCombe discussed his budget. There were many questions regarding many points. D. Neuman suggests changing the Charter, because it is ambiguous. D. Freni says that averything is in black & white. P. Gilmore made a Motion requesting we take whatever steps are necessary for the BHMA to function as an Enterprise Account. R. Rollins seconded. 7 members agreed. D. Freni did not. D. Freni, & G..LaCombe will meet with the Mayor, City Solicitor, and Auditor. Harbormaster's Boat went to bid, has been accepted and the City Solicitor is working on the Contract. D. Young says that the BHMA should send a note to the Council to appropriate up to $55,000.00 from the undesignated balance. P. Gilmore made a motion to appropriate $55,000.00 seconded. All in favor. J, Simpson The Harbormaster spoke of an alarm system for' the building. J. LaCombe asked the cost. One was advertised with free installation and a monthly fee of $30.00. All approve $30.00 for monthly fee. J. Simpson stated thai stops can't be put on the hoist because it is used from both the side and the Front. T. Murphy asked about sealing the floats this season. Yes, it will need about 30 barrels for ~1~.~--' floats. Would like to repair water to the main pier, Harbormaster- D. Ilurlbert and the HM met with Mr, Christopher at the Bowl-o-Mat, He js willring to fix up. lie should be invi~-d to a race-king whe~ be has Flowers for outside - D. Freni will take care of the flowers. She will pick them up and plant them. All agreed. Committees -G. LaCombe has tried to put together some duties of Committees. Members of Accounting procedures for BItMA funds arc: G. LaCombe D. Freni P. Gilmore Harbor Management Plan Committee are: G. LaCombe D. Neuman P. Gilmore Licensing and Permits - next meeting Development Plan D. Freni D. Neuman Facilities & Bridge J. Simpsom C. Raymond Public Access J. Dr~s<:611 C. Raymond Miscellaneous R. Rollins R. Rollins Committee with Jetskis. Jetskis should be treated as personal watercraft. Talked about many issues'. The next meeting is with the Harbormaster and Chief Finncgan. A list of Police Patrols was handed out. Permit Committee It was asked if Port Mar'jne had a permit to put up the f~;nce. D. Hurlbert says "Yes" they had a permit. D. Hurlbert wi].l call. DEP to see if they sent a letter of non-conformance. Facilities had a conversation with the State. The State does not w~sh to install Public Restrooms. Plumbing alone could be $4,000.00. Structure change, no figure yet, maybe $5000.00. We were offered 2 Do]l,h:ins in exchange. We asked aboul a Ba.it Cooler', or maybe the slab and Utilities. The State wants a'letter from the City agreeing to the changes. We need to do it while Cianbro is still here. D. Hurlbert wants to know who will pay, the City or the BHMA. J. Simpson asked about another Dockmaster for the sumlner. He stated that he believes that we need one, because we i~ave a parking problem, ax.d also to enforce tie-up times at the public landing. Harbormaster stated that tie-up is his Department. J. Simpson stated that Dockmasters are needed on Saturdays and Sundays. J. Simpson agreed to try it without an extra man. If it doesn't work, then we can add a man. General Input - None There will be a meeting of the Development Committee on Wednesday, May 8, at 6:00 p.m. A motion to adjourn was made by J. Simpson, seconded by J. Drisco]l. All agreed. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss