1996-01-11 BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES January 11, 1996 PRESENT: G. LaCombe, G. Whitney, D. Neuman, R. Rollins, C. Raymond, P. Gilmore. Also, D. Hurlbert of the Planning Department, and the Harbormaster. The Public Hearing, at City Hall, on the Designated Port Area was canceled from last night until next Thursday. Public Input - None A Motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting was made by R. Rollins, and seconded by G. Whitney. However there is a correction to those minutes. On page 2 re: Thibodeau and Cargill, it should say that preliminary action is in December. The adjudicatory hearing is still scheduled in March. There was much discussion on the bill for storage of the motors. It was agreed that Dan would pay this amount from his budget. Harbormaster - The areas are set for the moorings. The Handbook is completed. The stickers are in. Harbormaster has met with Jubilee, Bass Haven, and the Mooring companies to discuss these changes. Database is being kicked around. Working with the City. The Boat Proposal - Dan talked with Ohio. The boat was surveyed last week. The Boat is in good shape and would be sold for $35,000, and split the cost of transportation (approximately $800.00). The company has had serious inquiries. Dan would like to secure this boat for the Harbormaster's Department. It is a 26' Duffy. P. Gilmore made a motion to purchase the boat - sprinkler funds to be used. G. Whitney seconded. All approved. G. LaCombe will work with Dan and the Mayor to see how it is to be handled. Dan stated that M. Handly is handling the 10A permit fees. G. Whitney and Dan met with M. Handly regarding 2 marina owners who are delinquent. It is now time to pay for 1996. M. Handly stated that he will bring suit against them. We should check with him to see if anything has been done. G. LaCombe will call. Mr. Cargill has had foreclosure on the red barn and about half of his marina. We don't know who to go after. There was a request from T. Murphy for a snowblower. After a discussion it was agreed that Dan would have someone come in and catch up, and then T. Murphy should be able to keep it up. G. Whitney stated that he would like to get together with Dan and put together some rules to define the 10A regulations and have a public hearing. They will present their findings at the next meeting. G. LaCombe stated that Ventron is moving quickly on the property. After talking to many people, most people would like to see a restaurant on the property, along with a boat ramp and parking lot. D. Hurlbert will put together a package of all information on the property. At our next meeting Jan Schlictman will be here to express his ideas. As to the Glover property, M. Handly is trying to get numbers together. Facilities Committee - Re: Floats replacement. Dan will talk to J. Simpson about which ones are to be replaced. A Motion to adjourn was made by D. Neuman, and seconded by G. Whitney. All approved. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss