February 22, 1996
G. LaCombe, G. Whitney, D. Neuman, R. Rollins, D. Freni,
J. Simpson, C. Raymond, P. Gilmore, M. Lins
D. Hurlbert of the Planning Department
G. LaCombe opened the meeting and introduced Jack Driscoll, whose
name has been submitted by the Mayor, and Donna Freni, who has been
approved by the Council for membership of the BHMA.
Public Input - None
A Motlon to accept the Minutes of the last meeting was made by R.
Rollins and seconded by D. Neuman. A correction was to be made in
the middle of the second page it stated DEP, when it should have
been USACE. All in favor of the minutes with the correction.
Treasurer's Report will be at the next meeting. The computers at
City Hall were down for a week and M. Lins didn't have enough time
when he got the reports.
Review of the Budget: G. LaCombe stated that 75% of our budget is
what the Harbormaster spends. We should consider giving a chunk to
the Harbormaster to run his department. The BHMA needs to come up
with a figure to give to the Harbormaster.
Using Line Items of the past S. LaCombe tried to come up with
figures. He is concerned about the Marina operation. It should be
about $65,000. We will not have $65,000 due to the construction.
His thoughts are Dock Replacement come out of Waterways Improvement
Fund. He proposes to put in $95,000.
The Harbormaster stated that he has talked to the City Solicitor
and P. Seamans and that he is a Public Safety Department, and
therefore cannot be held hostage to revenues coming in.
G. Whitney agrees that it should stay as a revolving account.
P. Gilmore stated that the BHMA receives no money from the General
Fund and should therefore be an Enterprise Account and not
revolving. P. Gilmore believes that we should set up an Enterprise
D. Neuman made a motion to establish an Enterprise fund, subject to
confirmation that no problem in giving some money to the
Harbormaster. After some discussion, D. Neuman withdrew his
G. LaCombe made a motion to review both options to see which one
will work. D. Neuman seconded. All in favor.
D. Freni will work with G. Whitney on this.
Report on meeting with Representative Cahill can be put off until
next meeting.
J. Schlictman is here to speak again about his idea of a mini-
aquarium. He stated that he was originally thinking of the Ventron
Property. He has talked to the Civic Association and other people.
He had people look at the Harbor. Their feeling was that it
should be treated as one large parcel. He also spoke to the people
of the Seapath last night. He has spoken to some Business Leaders.
He has talked to all property owners along the Harbor. The trend
is towards interest.
D. Freni asked about a different presentation that she saw. J.
Schlictman stated that to have this project work they would have to
have all the property from Ventron to the end of Tuck Point. He
has asked if there were any restrictions on the Grant Money. He
was thinking along the lines of one parcel owned by the City, who
could lease sections back to private concerns.
G. LaCombe stated that the Authority appreciates the update.
General Input from Members -
G. Whitney spoke - Stop & Shop Developers have stated that Bass
Haven will get Dock Lane, and the city' will have an easement. G.
Whitney met with the City Solicitor regarding this. The City
Solicitor told him that he doesn't want the City to own Dock Lane.
After 350 years we are giving Dock Lane to Bass Haven. At this
time the developers asked J. Simpson and G. Whitney to review
Chapter 91 License application. Dock Lane was deeded to Bass
Haven. They said that the City agreed to this. Marshall Handly
wants it. G. Whitney stated they indicated that they will pass
papers in early May on this parcel.
R. Rollins asked if a letter should be sent to the Legal Affairs
Committee of the City Council. G. Whitney will send a letter.
Designated Port - At this time the ordinances control this land.
The Designated Port is the opposite of the ordinances. There is a
plan going on in Massachusetts to re-evaluate ports. Beverly has
already held their Public Hearing. Dennis Ducsik is in agreement
to delay the procedure until our Plan is complete.
G. Whitney made a motion that D. Hurlbert send a letter. G.
Whitney will draft it. Seconded by D. Neuman. All approved. Be
sure to send a cc: to Representative Cahill.
10A Permits - the 29th of the month we have a Public Hearing. We
have been trying for years to get parking enforced. The
Harbormaster believes that all fees to the city will be paid by May
1 except Thibodeau's.
Harbormaster stated that because of the budget arrangement, $7000
is not spent by the Harbormaster that is in the BHMA Budget.
Harbormaster can't get to that money. Harbormaster is asking for
50% of it to purchase a GPS system.
G. LaCombe made a motion to vote on allocating funds to purchase a
GPS system. G. Whitney seconded.
R. Rollins asked to re-consider allocating up to $10,000 to the
Harbormaster. C. Raymond seconded. All approved on both.
G. LaCombe sent a letter to the Mayor to ask if the City should buy
Cargill's property.
D. Freni will set up a meeting with the Mayor re: Cargill
D. Hurlbert got a copy of the Provincetown Harbor Plan so we all
have a copy of it.
There will be another meeting on March 7, 1996 - it will be on the
Harbor Management Plan Review
D. Freni made a motion to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Twiss