September 5, 1996
PRESENT: J. Simpson, J. LaCombe, P. Allen, D. Neuman, J. Coan, C.
Raymond, D. Freni, P. Gilmore
G. LaCombe stated that at 7:00 p.m. there would be a walk-through
at Glover Marine.
J. Simpson gave his ideas on the property. Last week when there
was an impending hurricane, The Harbormaster did his job. J.
Simpson also spent quite a bit of time here at the facility. Next
door may be managed, but they don't own the floats. No one is
running either place. No one has done anything toward winter
storage. We need 24 hour security here. Especially if the fence
comes down next door.
McDonald's is deteriorating. The roof leaks. No one is managing.
Suggestion: Hire a manager on an interim basis. Glover Marine
replaces one float every year. The City has to hire. We don't
have hiring capabilities. If we get approval from City Hall, I am
ready to talk to Lou. Will put a package together next week.
People want to know where they stand. A letter should come from
City Solicitor. P. Gilmore will talk to City Solicitor, and then
write a letter.
D. Neuman stated that the most pressing issues are winter rentals
and maintenance. As for winter rentals offer exact fees as in the
G. LaCombe spoke abeut the Marina making a nice restaurant. The
City Solicitor asked him to get the consensus of the Members after
the walk-through.
P. Allen stated that Lou should have a scope of what is expected.
D. Freni stated that a question was asked about writing a letter.
D. Geary said he would send a letter to renters on August 1. She
doesn't know if he sent that letter. The City Solicitor told D.
Freni not to send the letter.
P. Gilmore stated that no letter has been drafted. G. LaCombe
stated that we will try to run the marina with no changes for the
next 12 months.
It was stated that a meeting with the Mayor (with 3 or 4 members of
the Authority present) was not posted.
G. LaCombe asked if we think a restaurant in the Marina is
c. Raymond asked about handicapped accessibility.
P. Gilmore stated that we have a building equipped for food
preparation (McDonald's), it seems that the cost of changing the
marina might be prohibitive.
D. Neuman doesn't think this is economically feasible. The idea of
putting a deck on McDonald's sounds good if it would free up the
first floor for a restaurant.
P. Allen felt that the floor plan of the marina was too chopped up.
J. Simpson stated that he doesn't think it is suited. It would be
cost prohibitive. McDonald's would be better suited for a
C. Raymond agrees with J. Simpson. Also likes the idea of a deck.
G. LaCombe believes that the second floor deck should be screened.
J. Coan believes that it is not suitable for a restaurant. Parking
may be a problem.
D. Freni asked P. Gilmore about the architect that was going to
look at the property. P. Gilmore received no feedback.
D. Freni is concerned that everyone should review their minutes.
Everyone has an obligation, when someone makes a commitment, to
follow through. We all need to look at that.
D. Freni made a Motion that we adopt a plan submitted with the
Grant Application with the following amendment - In lieu of
waterfront recreational vendors on former McDonald's restaurant
property, the feasibility of a second floor deck should be
D. Neuman seconded. All approved.
J. Simpson stated that we have the ability to hire part-time
D. Freni asked that this recommendation be sent to the Mayor's
office in writing.
J. Simpson will try to write a scope. P. Gilmore asked for a
committee to explore the Lou scope and pay scale. D. Neuman agrees
with G. LaCombe that this should be on an "as is" with Lou.
D. Freni asked about the package due to the living arrangements.
P. Gilmore also stated that it is subject to appropriation.
The Committee will be J. Simpson and P. Gilmore.
J. Simpson stated that the Harbormaster will not be responsible for
a Manager. His responsibility is on the water. The Harbormaster
was being forced to take the responsibility for boats during the
G. LaComhe write a lease and presented it to M. Handly and the
Mayor, and got the feeling that he was ignored.
D. Neuman made a motion to accept the Minutes of the previous
meeting. P. Gilmore seconded. All approved.
C. Raymond and J. Coan will talk to Port Marine re: Public Access.
D. Neuman made a motion to accept the Treasurer's Report. D. Freni
seconded. All approved.
D. Neuman stated that the leases need forward motion. If P.
Gilmore is talking to M. Handly, please ask about the lease.
P. Allen will do a Cover Letter to go to the Mayor with the Motion
regarding the restaurant.
D. Neuman asked about the Dolphins.
J. Simpson stated that it is OK to do dolphins instead of Public
Rest Rooms. It will be after the old bridge is removed.
G. LaComhe wants to have a Vice Chair elected. He recommends D.
Freni. P. Allen seconded. 6 in favor. D. Freni abstained from
D. Freni would like to urge G. LaCombe to stay on.
P. Allen made a motion to adjourn the meeting. D. Neuman seconded.
All approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Twiss