1996-10-03BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES October 3, 1996 PRESENT: G. LaCombe, C. Raymond, J. Simpson, R. Rollins, D. Freni, D. Neuman, P. Gilmore, J. Coan, M. Lins, P. Allen, J. Driscoll Mayor Scanlon, Marshall Handly (City Solicitor), D. Hurlbert (Planning Dept), Harbormaster, and interested citizens. G. LaCombe called the meeting to order, and asked if there was any public input. A couple who has lived aboard their boat at Port Marine for 12 years, asked if there would be room for them at Glover, as Port is closing foe the winter on October 31, 1996. J. Simpson stated that he thinks that there will be room. G. LaCombe stated that those that are there will be first. We should work on this immediately. L. Murphy asked if new members could say their names. G. LaCombe says that the Mayor has asked him to continue for the rest of the year. G. LaCombe has asked for representation from City Hall for the next 3 meetings. He stated that we should move forward regarding managing next door. Maybe we should mimic what the Beverly Golf & Tennis has done with a Private Management Co., if this is feasible. As an interim step, have the Harbormaster authorized to manage on a day to day basis. Is there a job description? G. LaCombe says that J. Simpson is working on a job description. Also a job description for the Harbormaster. It will be a new job description. D. Neuman states in reading the charter that the BHMA has the duty to manage the pier etc. This arrangement should be a 1 year commitment. R. Rollins asked if Dan is going to be able to do it. P. Gilmore asked if G. LaCombe will clarify "Private Contract". Dan will get Harbormasters pay. P. Allen asked if Dan would get more money. The Mayor stated that Dan should be getting more money anyway. In reviewing all non-union employees Dan's salary is out of whack. This group should be a strategic group to see where we want to take the Harbor. R. Rollins stated that unless it is the Mayor's appointment, it can't be taken. P. Gilmore asked where BHMA fits in. G. LaCombe says let's talk about the Budget. His recommendation is to mimic Beverly Golf & Tennis. Allocate funds and let Harbormaster handle them. R. Rollins says the concept is good. J. Simpson thinks it is workable. D. Freni asked if we can work on job descriptions. Maybe draft a copy to members next week. P. Gilmore says we should write a job description before hiring. The Mayor says we should pick up on this. This individual has a lot of capability. The Mayor would like to take the responsibility of talking with Lou. The Mayor says he can get it so that the BHMA can spend time making the harbor better. J. Simpson stated about his qualifications, that he would hire him in a minute. M. Lins made a motion that the city hire someone to work the daily marine facility. Glover Wharf, under the supervision of the Harbormaster, and will be overseen by the BHMA. D. Freni seconded. All approved. A Motion to rescind this Motion was made by D. Freni, and seconded by R. Rollins. All in favor of rescinding the previous motion. M. Lins reworded his Fmtion, that the City engage Lou or an appropriate person employed by the City under the direction of the Harbormaster for the purpose of assisting in administration of Harbor Assets of the City. D. Freni seconded. All approved except R. Rollins objected. The motion carried. J. Simpson says that he would expect T. Murphy and Lou to work together on both sides of the fence. Now we need to orchestrate the budget and McDonald's. Could the BHMA ask the Building Inspector to look over Mcdonald's. Marshall Handly states that the BHMA say what they would like to do. Ask what the State will allow. G. LaCombe would like McDonald's to be a restaurant. The Mayor will take this to the State. J. Simpson will get a sketch to submit. J. Driscoll stated that he is willing to conduct unannounced inspections of the facilities. BHMA budgeting does not address the new facility. We need to adjust the budget. We should create a new budget with new line items. Approximately 12,000 for each facility. Separate line items for incoming money. G. LaCombe will work out line items with City Hall. D. Neuman made a motion that 1). Cash flows associated with 2 halves be segregated, and 2). $1,000 a month for this facility with an additional $1,000 for Glover Wharf and Marina, subject to needing approval for expenditure of Facilities Sub-Committee. Any amount over $500.00 by the BHMA. D. Freni seconded, and all were in favor. G. LaComhe will go to City Hall to set up the logistics. D. Neuman will also. D. Hurlbert has been working on interviews for the Harbor Plan. On September 19 there was a meeting and 2 interviews. Since this time she has contacted a third company in Watertown who has just finished Newburyport. This company should respond next week. She looked for a third party because there was such a discrepancy in the amounts bid by the other companies. Facilities Committee - There is now a question if it is the best thing to do to have this building razed. P. Gilmore mentioned not removing the building. J. Simpson stated that he always felt the building should be razed, but now he is not sure. Is it worth holding on to. M. Handly stated that one advantage of the grant is to transfer restrictions. If open for parking, it may satisfy the recreational use. D. Hurlbert will bring M. Handly up to speed. A motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting was made by M. Lins, and seconded by D. Neuman. All in favor. A motion to accept the Treasurer's report was made by P. Allen, seconded by D. Freni. All in favor. M. Lins stated that he wrote 3 letter to D. Young. 1. Asking how much is in the Waterways Improvement Fund. 2. Asking that the pump-out reimbursements be transferred to us. Pointing out that some line items are in our budget, that should be in the Harbormaster's Budget. Glover fees - recreational craft only. Use same contract. We should send bills and call within a week. Harbormaster - has new boat - out on end of dock. Still adding some things to it. Public Access - There is a new sign up at Port Marine. J. Coan asked about places where there is no parking, such as Brackenbury Lane. Would like to have Beverly stickers for parking. D. Freni and R. Rollins stated that resident parking stickers have been talked about at City Hall, but it is a big undertaking. J. Coan also would like to see a folder distributed to residents showing where public access is available. Public Access should have a sub-committee meeting. P. Allen made a motion to adjourn R. Rollins seconded. All approved. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss