.January 29, 1998
Beverly Public Library
PRESENT: G. Whitney, V. MeGlynn, D. Neuman, A. Burns, C. Raymond,
J. Murray, J. Crowell
GUEST: W. Cough]in
G. Whitney called the meeting to order, and explained that this is
a special meeting to discuss his philosopby.
Creamery Property: A letter came in from the State in January.
The State is offering the property to the City. We must respond
immediately, and tell them how we intend to use .it,. Evidently this
letter was around City Hall for a wl~ile. R, Rollins called G.
Whitney to tell him about it.
G. Whitney stated that we would bare to pave it. Possibly we could
make it part of a package plan and that the State would do it ~hen
they are doing some on the other side of the br'idge.
A. Burns made a motion to take all necessary steps to acquire the
Creamery propert3,. D. Neuman seconded. All in favor,
G. Whitney stated that the Mayor hasn't appoinf. ed any new members
G. Whitney spoke of the responsibilities of the BHMA. We have a
lot of people who go bsck a long time. They had ideas of what the
BHMA was & what the Legislation says.
The first draft of the BHMA wa~ a true Authority under Mass. Law.
As such it gave the Authority the power to do all kinds of th.ings,
such as hire the Harbormaster, and have all the money. It then got
changed many times. The State changed it and a new House bill came
in. The Legislation of 1987 has a lot of language that doesn't
flow. It is inconsigtent. We need to sit down and re--write.
D. P.~cFhex'son & G. Whitney met with J. Dunn to discuss money. All
agreed it is a m]sh mash. We should wo~k together with the
Harbormaster till the end of the fiscal year.
G. Whitney would like everyone to go over the papers one by one,
~vo~"k toward re-writing the Leg]s].ation. If each committee would
work on this and give to G. Whitney, he wil.]. put together.
Jurisdiction - the ].anguage is loose. We have to define water as
DEF does. Danvers line to the Manchester Line. Water and ] and
~hat is 250' from high wa~er or first Public roadway.
L. Bochynski slated that, he was told that there were to be changes
in the fence specs.
J. Crowel!_ will submit to C. Bradley for an RFP.
G. Whitney discussed licensing along the wakerfront. He was not
successful. FIe talked to S. Kinzie, and sh~; stat.~::d that all ~vas
worked out with the Sta::e. There was not much to discuss. He
tried to touch base with J. Pr-ovenc:a]. He has called da:i]y, and
received no reply. He cannot imagine how DEP has ~esolvcd. tie did
not talk to Thibodeau, bec:ause J. Provenca] walked the property
with S. Kinzie and also looked at Thibodeau property.
P. Gilmore suggested that maybe a call to [~epresentative Cahi ] ]
will get through.
G. Whitney stated that he did research on the McDonald's Grant, and
talked to the Mayor. The Mayor indicated that to get together a
bunch of knowledgeable people to get some ideas. G. Whitney will
talk to him tomorrow morning. We need some clean c'ut BHMA
recommendat ions.
G. Whitney says the Mayor should convene a meeting.
T. Cassidy will try to set a date with the Mayor.
G. Whitney spoke of t, he tlarbor Plan. The Contract h~s been
extended. J. blette told him that by 5/1/98 the Scope will. be
completed. There will possibly be 1 more Public: Mef:ting in the
next ~ weeks.
P. Gilmore stated that at some point we need to t:alk about the
liarbox' Management Plan and the cost.
G. Whitney stated that we need to come up ~v-ith a budget, so star~
thinking about it.
B. Neuman asked if a letter went out to D. Freni yet,. lie was
answered "Yes" ,
G, Whitney handed out a P~licy S~atement. It is an c:xtensive:
document with my thoughts as an individual, and we should discuss
D, Neuman stated that he thought we should set up a meeting just
for this.
After some discussion it was agreed that the meeting would be,, held
at the Library on January 29, ~ 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Ei].ecr~ Twiss
Complete Motion above:
The current Operations Manager cf the c: it y owned faci ]ity
on tl,~: waterfront wou]_d b~? tr'ansferrcd to the City
Engineer's Office and would l;e responsible to the BHMA
and would report to the BHMA and its committees.
Until further development is undertaken on the landside
of the munic?'pa]. property on the waterfront , the
Operation',. Manager would manage all of the proper'ty,
including landside and waterside, wit}~ one exception.
The Harb~,rmaster would manage the inicr':io,' space of any
facility that his/her department oc:cul, ied.
Be'ginning immediately (upon ]'cqucsl of the BllMA) , i'he
Operations Manager would begin the process of creating an
in depth facilities Oper'ation Ha~ua] for all prol, er'ly he
oversees. Thi s ~ould be an i.n depth manual wi th
jnst ru<:tions for daily, weekly, .monit~ly, and yearly
rou'l:ine maintenance of the facilities. The manual would
give a desc:'it, tion of, as well as use~ and maintenance:·
instructions for all equipment. It should contain or
l, rovi de for separate maintenance
The. Operations Manager should also compile a lisl of all
suppliers, as well as a list of all tenau!.,.; (slip
rentals), :~-,d a waiting list for slips, wi. th prc-cedures
fvr- iml~]c~mcrntalion of the waiting list.
The creation of the Operations Manual is to be overseen
by members appointed by the BtIMA and a delegale from
~if the Mayor should appoint one" Th~!
Me?or ' s offi ~:e ., . . .
manual st:ould be deve]oI, ed in such a manner ~b.?!', 'i[ can
be easi].y updated and revised.
Such manual should be finished with:in six months of the
date the 8ttMA directs the Operations Manager t:<~ begin i
pr'epar'at :1 on.
All parties agreed that this arrangemLnt would be subject
to review from time to time, and that the BHMA would
reserve its r:i. gl~ t: t o s~:ek a].tcrnative management
arrangements for the water side of the facility if so
de.'.;ir'ed. In [his light, the Operal. ivns Manual should
geared for inclusion as part of a Request for Proposal
for management services for the fact] ity. The BItMA
should actively pursue drafting such an RFP to have it
ready for such time as the car:'ent Ot, c:':~:::i,~L,:-. Manager"s
services are no longer available.
D. Neuman will send a letter to the Maa:or.
P. Allen stated that she has the rer;ort for J. Crowell.
J. Crowell's repor't he was told by the Building Inspector thai.
~ he fence doesn' I have l:o come before him. J. Crowell wi] ].
c i; n' t. :i r:, u ,~ h 5 ,~; p 1 a n s.
the City Council passed an ordinance that Marinas in the DPA should
pay n let.. When Hayor Scanlon came aboard, his recommendation was
t.e eliminate this fee. The Harbormaster made u recommendation to
lhe Cily C~ncil thai ibis fee be eliminu~cd. The Council filed
this. The BHMA discussed. The Ordinance is still on the books.
No f~Lr,~ was col ] ,:<: ted ] a~:t y,~nr. Now another year i s upon us.
The Harbormaster slat~,d that he and G. Whitney went into Boston a
couple c,f years ag,, and they thoughl. this ft~e was unenforceable.
The Harbormast,~r w'i].]. have [o re-sul,mi[ lhis. If the BHMA supports
/his we should send a 1,:tter.
D. Neuman stated that there must have be~,n a logic when this was
eslabJ is;hod. The Mar'i~as are making a i~rof:it r,n a Pub].ic area. He
would like to pursue this logic also.
C. Whi they stated the! I be Marina ,p~ral ors ~'~: not taking money
out of their pockets~ they ar~ churging the boat owners.
D. Neuman asked if the prices were loads:red at, ~he Marinas because
they didn't pay th~s yr~;~z-.
P. Gilmore asked who ~his elfeels. Tb~.=, ,nswer was Tuck Point and
Bev~r] y Port ~lari ha.
The Harbor~n~,::l~,~- st.~,ted that there, it:: no mt~chanism f~,r' collecting
this m,ney~ and his understanding is th~ 'i [ should go to the
S t:at e.
R. Rol]ins slated !hat this; discussion should go t:o '~ committe~:, it
B e ~ d s Itl O r ~? W O t' k .
D. Ne~um~m and C. Raymond's Li~:cnsi~'~E g: Permits Committee.
D. Neuma~, says that the Committee ~e, eds someone with more
P. C:i ]more made a too'lion t o give 1o the Licensing and Permit s
Commi lice.
7 Were in Favor, an~l P. Allen
G. Whitney stated that re: Budgets, H~ and the Harbormaster met
with J. Dunn. Discounting the fact that the BItMA is paying I,.
Bochynski, where is the money coming from?
C. WIii'kne~r ~}so staled that the Budget process should be started
soon. We need to so~-] {~ut everL~[hing.
D. Neuman made a motion that the Itsthor Authority is in f~vor of J.
Crowel]'s repor] of continuing ~:tne arrangement ~vith l:he Mayor...
~. Roll in:~ secon~cl. G ir~ -r:-~v,r., G. Whi4 hey r~i~!-~,~e(l, r~nd I'. A] lea