October 1, 1998
Beverly Public Library
PRESENT: G. Whitney, D. Newman, R. Badessa, J. Bolden, C. Raymond,
P. Allen, A. Burns, J. Murray
G. Whitney called the meeting to order.
He spoke of the meeting on Wednesday evening on the scope of the
Harbor Plan. There was a good turnout. The majority of people had
not read the Scope. They will be sent a copy in the mail and will
have 14 days to notify the City Planning Director of any concerns
that they have. He stated that this board will not go forward to
the State with the Scope. It will be finalized and used as a City
Public Input - None
AM orion to accept the minutes of the September 3 meeting was made
by P. Allen, and seconded by R. Badessa. All in favor.
Correspondence - J. Crowell has sent a letter of resignation to the
BHMA because of health. His doctor has advised him to slow down.
Letter from R. Armstrong - It sounds positive, hopes to have
meeting in early December and hopes to consider Beverly's request
at that time.
Letter to us relative to Cummings Property. Meeting with
Conservation Commission to discuss walkway around ponds. There
were no discussions. There are a number of issues. DEP has not
yet issued a draft license.
Letter from another branch of DEP regarding Chapter 21 which refers
to contamination and an activity and use restriction. DEP
Waterways is working to resolve this.
D. Neuman asked if there is something that BHMA should do.
G. Whitney would like to meet with B. Oveson to see what can be
done to establish the walkway.
D. Neuman would like to talk to the Conservation Commission before
going to Cummings.
A. Burns would like to go to Cummings first and then to the
Conservation Commission.
R. Badessa presented the Treasurer's Report through September.
Harbormaster - Facilities Status
Harbormaster stated that the Facilities Manager was not feeling
well tonight. He is working on the electrical work associated with
moving the hoist. He also stated that we still don't have a
management scheme about running the facility. Some Commercial
fishermen, who were asked to leave, have asked to come back.
D. Neuman stated that he doesn't want to see 2 different marina's.
There should be one set of rules for both sides. Commercial
should have priority on the Commercial side and Pleasure at the
pleasure side. But at the city's discretion there could be some
G. Whitney would like to meet at the Harbor Center on Thursday,
October 8, 1998 at 9:00 a.m. to go over the draft rules and
P. Allen made a motion to increase the winter rate for the pleasure
boaters from $28.00 to $30.00 per foot. D. Neuman seconded. After
some discussion the Motion carried with 7 voting in favor and G.
Whitney opposed.
C. Raymond asked about more room for the fishermen. The
Harbormaster is working on moving the float system. L. Bochynski
is working on the electrical for the hoist.
C. Raymond asked how many vacancies there are.
The Harbormaster stated that people who didn't fish were asked to
leave. Now they are on the waiting list. 1 more has left since
then. There should be about 6 openings. G. Whitney stated that
this should be discussed at next Thursday's meeting.
J. Murray made a motion to increase the fishermen's slip rental by
$2.00 to $12.00 for the winter. R. Badessa seconded. After much
discussion, J. Murray withdrew his motion. The Harbormaster will
get more information.
P. Allen stated that she was sad that we have lost the services of
J. Crowell.
G. Whitney stated that we should revise Committees as J. Crowell
was on two committees.
D. Neuman will chair the Planning Committee on an interim basis
with R. Badessa and G. Whitney.
P. Allen, C. Raymond, and R. Badessa will be on the Facilities
Committee with J.Murray when he can participate.
P. Allen made a motion to accept these changes. R. Badessa
seconded, and all were in favor.
D. Neuman made a motion that the Facilities Committee work with L.
Bochynski to produce a Facility Policy Manual and a job
description. 6 voted in favor. P. Allen, and C. Raymond
abstained. R. Badessa will draft job description.
Chain Link Fence - This has been referred to the City Solicitor.
As of now the gate is being designed. The Building Inspector says
the gate should be in in 2 weeks. The City will install the fence.
Public Access - C. Raymond went to the Conservation Commission
meeting. He also tried to retrieve the sign that was at Washington
Street Beach, but the woman has an unlisted phone. A. Burns has
the number.
Licenses and Permits. G. Whitney had a meeting yesterday with CZM,
DEP, J. Bunk, and T. Cassidy regarding Margin Street property. J.
Bunk now has a new plan. J. Bunk is trying to do whatever he can
to please the City and still be in business. To satisfy DEP he had
to move back from walkway. The meeting ended amicably.
G. Whitney stated that the Mayor was ready to go forward with an
RFP for McDonald's. This morning he met with K. Stotts, R.
Badessa, T. Cassidy, and D. Neuman. It was discussed to have the
RFP encompass the whole parcel. They will work on this more.
D. Neuman talked about a policy of administration. He would like
to meet with J. Murray to work on this. He will ask M. Handly to
work with them.
G. Whitney stated that the 10A sheet fee ordinance was approved
last June. It is to be replaced with a one time fee for Marina's.
Other Business - None
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Twiss