1998-08-06BEVERLY HARBOR MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MINUTES August 6, 1998 Beverly Public Library PRESENT: G. Whitney, R. Badessa, C. Raymond, D. Neuman, J. Bolden, P. Allen, A. Burns, J. Crowell Ex Officio, T. Cassidy, City Planning Director Harbormaster, D. McPherson Facilities Manager, L. Bochynski G. Whitney Opened the meeting asking for Public Input. There being no one present, there was no Public Input. A Motion to accept the Minutes of the previous meeting was made by J. Crowell, Seconded by D. Neuman. All in favor. G. Whitney sent a memo about not attaining objectives to BHMA members. It suggested a change the format of meetings. Committees will go first. Correspondence: G. Whitney received a note from Councilor Gilmore asking about the Rules. Me responded that we meet according to Roberts Rules and comply with meeting Minutes requirements. G. Whitney also received an Order of Conditions re: Parking Garage at Cummings Pard. Work is already under way. Mr. Oveson is the contact person at Cummings. D. Neuman will determine if plans should have been approved prior to commencement. There was a letter from Sgt. Tarsook re: parking in the area of Glover Marine and McDonald's. He was invited to attend, but because of a prior commitment he was unable to. Treasurer, R. Badessa stated that the Treasurer's report will always be a month behind. Public Access Committee: A. Burns made a motion that C. Raymond be chairman. D. Neuman seconded. All approved. All members read report handed out. C. Raymond said that he had 3 signs "PLEASE ENJOY THIS PUBLIC WAY". He has spoken with L. Bochynski about putting 1 at Tuck Point, and 2 at Bass Haven Yacht Club. L. Bochynski said that the 2 signs are in place at Bass Haven, but that they could use 2 more. Tuck Point is being cooperative. Licenses & Permits: Nothing pending, except Cummings. Gas Station at Stop & Shop is not going at this time. McDonald's at Stop & Shop, the Planning Board questions the ambience. D. Neuman states that he does not want to see it infringe on the public walkway or park that is there now. D. Neuman will monitor G. Whitney states that License Committee should keep an eye on Jeff Bunk's property. Work has started, but we have not seen a license application. R. Badessa asked what is the story on Moynihan Lumber Co. He understands that they got an order to stop construction. G. Whitney stated that some of the property is filled tidelands. The question is do they need to apply for Chapter 91 license. A. Burns asked if the fence at the end of Washington Street is legal. G. Whitney stated License Committee have to find out if it comes under Chapter 91. Facilities: P. Allen made a motion that C. Raymond be added to the Committee. D. Neuman seconded, and all agreed. All present read a report from the Facilities Committee, filed herewith. C. Raymond spoke of the fishermen having difficulty - see report - P. Allen advocates that we do something. D. McPherson said he will be glad to sit with the facilities committee. C. Raymond would Like to get something done now, instead of waiting for a larger plan. This has been an issue for quite a while. We would like to have something happen soon. D. Neuman made a motion that the Facilities Committee get together with D. McPherson, and L. Bochynski to go forward. A. Burns seconded. Ail in favor. J. Crowell spoke of the fence at Glover. The wood fence is complete as far as N.S. Marine is concerned. L. Bochynski stated that the chain Link Fence Co., is disappointing. They expect to start the end of next week or the beginning of the following week. Work to be completed by August 14. D. Neuma-n asked about picnic tables. L. Bochynski gave a catalog to P. Allen. Planning Committee: G. Whitney stated that he and D. McPherson got together with the Seaport Advisory Council Secretary. It was a very good meeting. Mr. Armstrong was very supportive. He indicated that the Council has money. There is additional state money available. He indicated he would strongly support money for Beverly. G. Whitney will send a letter stating objectives and that we need money for a conceptual plan. A. Burns made a motion that G. Whitney write the letter. P. Allen seconded. All approved. D. Neuman stated that he would like to attend the next meeting with the Seaport Advisory Council or Mr. Armstrong. J. Crowell stated that he spoke with K. Stotts re brochure for McDonald's Building. He hasn't done too much. He will have something in 2 to 3 weeks. D. McPherson requested Jiffy John. D. Neuman made a motion to get one ASAP. R. Badessa seconded. All in favor. G. Whitney asked T. Cassidy about the status of Scope meeting of the Harbor Management Plan. She is hoping we can have a meeting the first week of September. Harbormaster's Report: D. McPherson stated that he has sent a letter to Mr. Jaber re: Thibodeau property. He is operating without licenses or permits. G. Whitney asked if anyone knows the status of 10A Permits Ordinance Revision. All said "No". It was pointed out that the City Council is on vacation. Other Business: Next meeting September 3, 1998. We will try to get a room at the Library. P. Allen made a motion to adjourn. All in favor. A. Burns seconded. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Twiss