March 4, 1999
Beverly Public Library
G. Whitney, R. Badessa, J. Murray, V. McGlynn, P,
Allen, C. Raymond, D. Neuman, J. Bolden, A. Burns
GUESTS: D. McPherson, L. Bochynski, T. Cassidy, Newspapers
G. Whitney opened the meeting, and asked for Public Input.
was none.
Minutes of the previous meeting. P. Allen made a motion to point
out that alternative manufacturers are being pursued for the
concrete Picnic Tables. D. Neuman seconded this change, and all
D. Neuman made a motion that at the top of page 2 the word
~Beverly" be deleted, and add that ~the State Public Access Board
would provide these funds. P. Allen seconded this change, and
all were in favor.
All were in favor of the minutes as amended.
Correspondence: Bass River Plaza is going to make significant
changes to the area. The owners are having a meeting on March 10
to discuss the changes with the neighbors.
We have a bill for the printing of Booklets in the amount of
$768.00. G. Whitney called the vendor, and was told that the
reduction was for the quantity, and not for set-up. He agreed to
reduce the bill to $691.76. P. Allen made a motion to pay this.
It was seconded by A. Burns, and all approved.
G. Whitney stated that he sent a letter to the Mayor pertaining
to the Ventron property. The letter stated that the BHMA would
like to see a boat ramp.
There was no Treasurer's Report.
G. Whitney stated that at the next meeting we should work on next
year's budget.
The Harbormaster will have a Public Meeting at the Harbor Center
on March 23M, at 7:00 p.m. on Marina 10A Permits.
Planning and Development: The RFP for the Harborfront
development is out. T. Cassidy handed out copies. Response date
is 5/6/99. All questions are to be directed to C. Bradley
(Purchasing). No information or other inputs are to be provided
by others.
D. Neuman spoke of the Marketing Brochure from K. Stotts. K.
Stotts suggested to spend money advertising in the right places.
G. Whitney stated that the City does not have rights to utilize
the property under the bridge. He also stated that if others
have to comply with regulations, the City must also comply.
Failure to obtain a use easement may significantly affect RFP bid
responses. He also stated that he can't find the deed for the
white building and associated land.
J. Murray stated that the RFP should be marketed.
Seaport Council Funding Report - The Mayor has been requested to
be in the State house on the 26th for the Seaport Council
Facilities: P. Allen stated that signage needs to go to the Sign
Review Board. She stated that we need to find out who owns the
wooden fence between Port Marina and the Old McDonald's Building
The Committee is working on improving Handicap Access to
Ferryway. She stated that we need 3 estimates for the Picnic
Tables. L. Bochynski is working on getting these estimates. She
stated that we should have only signs that are necessary.
C. Raymond stated that R. Birarelli called and said that he
erected a chain link fence. The State says that he impeded the
Public Walkway. He says he will comply. G. Whitney stated that
he sent a letter to DEP stating that he will comply by adding a
gate in the spring.
C. Raymond also sent a letter to Bass Haven Yacht Club regarding
A Burns made a motion to send a letter requesting replacement of
Public Access signs at the foot of Washington Street. She is
willing to write the letter. V. McGlynn seconded. Only 5 were
in favor, so the Motion did not carry.
D, Neuman hasn't heard anything from DEP or Cummings. Also we
haven't heard anything about the Elliott Street McDonald's. G.
Whitney stated that the land has been sub-divided to circumvent
the sign ordinance.
G. Whitney stated that he attended the meeting of the Zoning
Board of Appeals regarding a restaurant and Variety Store on
Water Street. They granted the permit, but with a series of
USACE Permit Application for Marine at Thibodeau property, G.
Whitney will respond by letter to USACE.
G. Whitney stated that licensing for Port Marina has had no
action for a long time. He has spoken to the Mayor and requested
assistance from Representative Cahill many months ago without
Other Business - None.
P. Allen made s motion to adjourn.
in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Twiss
Seconded by C. Raymond.