February 4, 1999
Beverly Public Library
G. Whitney, D. Neuman, R. Badessa, P. Allen, A. Burns, C.
GUESTS: T. Cassidy, L. Bochynski
G. Whitney opened the meeting. There was no Public Input.
At the request of A. Burns the Authority observed a moment of
silence in memory of Neil'Desmond.
A Motion to accept the Minutes of the January meeting was made by
D. Neuman, Seconded by A. Burns, and all approved.
G. Whitney - Correspondence - Ward II Whaler.
G. Whitney asked if there was any input on the Ventron property.
T. Cassidy stated that the Mayor artended a Ward II meeting and
said that this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity. He is
not sure what the City would do with it.
G. Whitney stated that he would like to write a letter to the Mayor
stating our ideas for the property.
C. Raymond said he has no opinion, but said that someone
would like to see a low-impact operation like Cape Ann
R. Badessa said that if a Hotel or Motel is built we
still need a launching ramp.
P. Allen said that we need a boat launching ramp.
D. Neuman stated that a sketch shows a first-class boat
ramp, public walkway, and launching facilities.
A. Burns said she would like to see a boat launch, and
green space, and maybe a 2 story motel. A very beautiful
and respectful one.
G. Whitney would like to see boat launching and Junior
D. Neuman and G. Whitney spoke with F. Courtney, and she suggested
that they speak to someone at the State level. G. Whitney
contacted the Public Access Board. It will design, construct, and
perpetually maintain a City owned boat launch ramp. It could cost
between $350,000 and $400,000 for Beverly.
There would be a restriction on this, it would always have to be
utilized as a boat ramp.
A. Burns made a motion that G. Whitney write s letter to the Mayor
recommending a boat launching facility. P. Allen seconded. All
Treasurer's Report was handed out by R. Badessa.
The Harbormaster is at another meeting this evening, so in his
absence G. Whitney read a note.
P. Allen spoke of the meeting of the Facilities Committee and
handed out t~e meeting minutes. She stated that they would like to
get ready for summer. L. Bochynski has plans for handicapped
access to the property. Picnic tables are $4100.00. Shipping
causes the price to be high. All agreed to purchase these.
Next meeting of the Facilities Committee is Friday, February 12, @
9:00 a.m.
T. Cassidy stated that she, R. Badessa, G. Whitney, and D. Neuman
have been working on the RFP for the waterfront, with the help of
C. Bradley. This will cover lease of all the City Property. It
will call for use of all or any portion.
K. Stotts has put together a marketing brochure.
It is almost
G. whitney stated that the State owns the land under the bridge.
The BHMA asked the City Solicitor to acquire an easement for the
BHMA to utilize this area'for. parking and harbor access. The City
Solicitor has indicated thathe will not do this. If we do not
have this easement, the wording in the RFP will have to change.
T. Cassidy stated that the City Solicitor said that the City did
not have much chance of getting an easement. It was explained that
to put the slips back that were there before bridge construction we
need an easement. The City must also provide legal vehicle Marina
parking per ordinance.
T. Cassidy cautioned all present regarding release of information
to parties interested in leasing the waterfront. This is a
competitive bid process. Any data provided must be accurate and
provided to the same degree to all prospective bidders. The RFP
will indicate the process to obtain information.
C. Raymond stated that A. Burns received a phone call inviting her
to a meeting at the Bass Haven. She could not attend, but C.
Raymond and J. Bolden artended. There is a communication problem,
they way they do not receive letters.
C. Raymond stated that it was a good meeting. One sign has been
changed to Please enjoy this public walkway, because a vehicle came
onto their property. He also stated that the rest of the signs
should be kept as they are.
D. Neuman spoke of Licenses. Cummings - T. Maguire was going to
ask Cummings for proof of remediation of the health hazard. D'.
Neuman and G. whitney also spoke to Cummings. They are waiting to
hear from DEP, but will write a letter requesting near term action.
McDonald's Elliott Street - G. Whitney stated that he read in the
newspaper that the land has been sub divided. The new McDonald's
should be subject to Chapter 91 rules. There should be no
freestanding sign. He will write letter to Planning Department on
this matter.
License for 7 Front Street - the building is actually on Water
Street, across from Port Marina. They want to establish take-out
food and variety store. This is the former Thibodeau property.
There is inadequate parking. Their intent is to use the ~'Municipal
Parking" at McDonald's. Members say no. The Historical Commission
also has objections.
G. whitney says that the Seaport Council did not meet in January.
All were in favor of R. Badessa's Mammal sign for the waterfront.
A. Burns stated that she artended a Washington's Naval Base meeting
last night. She would like to have them attend our meeting to
better understand our operation.
D. Neuman stated that he thought the Mayor seemed interested in
dredging the Bass River.
P. Allen made a motion to adjourn. A. Burns seconded. All
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Twiss