1 July 1999 Beverly City Hall
PRESENT: G. Whitney, R. Badessa, J. Murray, V. MeGlynn, P. Allen, C. Raymond, D.
Neuman, J. Bolden, A. Burns
GUESTS: D. McPherson, L. Bochynski, T. Cassidy
G. 'Whitney opened the meeting. There was no public input.
DEP.has issued a Draft Waterways License for the Beverly Port Marine property. If no
response is received by DEP within 21 days from 22 June, it will become law.. G. 'Whitney
advised there are many concerns with the Draft. Since the BHMA and the Harbormaster
'filed .petitions to intervene, the City can request an adjudieatory hearing to resolve the
issues .,.
The biggest concems are associated with public access. Although it does establish a
public walkway across the property, there are no assurances it will allow continuous
passage to other Chapter 91 walkways on adjoining property. The biggest single area of
concern is it eliminates 245 feet of the 12 foot wide public 'walkway from,Water Street to
the harbor. This is in return for requiring an access gate to be installed in the unlicensed
fence between BPM and the City property at the former McDonald's restaurant site.
Other concerns are associated with locations of marina slips and numerous inconsistencies
in~ plans and conditions of the license. It was unanimously voted to file a request for an
adjudicatory hearing. G~ Whitney was instructed to coordinate this task with the City
The minutes of the 3 June 1999 BH1ViA meeting were unanimously approved subject to an
revision 'to note the Public Access Committee future reports will include inputs on the
activities of Coastal Access Group..
Correspondence: Tuck Point Marina has received a USACE one year permit extension to
remove long term slips in the federal Channel.
Mayor ScanIon requested G. Whitney to recommend an appointee to the ,City's newly
formed Open Space Committee. C. Raymond, with his concurrence, was nominated.
The public information meeting scheduled for 15 July was indefinitely postponed due to
cOnffi'cting schedule obligations.
Treasurer's Report: There were no figures available due to the ending of the fiscal. year.
G. Whitney advised there was no income during FY-99 to the Waterways Im~,~Tt
Ftmd since no excise taxes were billed. (// '
Harbormaster's Report: No inputs ~ f .
Planning And Developmere: The Mayor has appointed a committee to review the RFP
responses. It is their intent to complete the review prior to. the end of July. The results of
the evaluation will be presented to the full BI-IMA prior to submission to the Mayor.
'The City has received a $45000 grant from the Seaport Advisory Council to conduct an
. engineering and planning study of the Harbor Center area. An RPP has been issued to
solicit bids for this effort. A bidders briefing will be held on 12 July. Bids are due on 22
July. All effort must be completed by 30 December 1999.
The City Master Plan contract effort will be awarded momentarily to Cecil. The BHMA
'will be required to provide inputs to a section of the Plan which will address the
Public Access: The revised signs have been installed at Bass Haven Yacht Club.
Facilities: Parking signs and lines have been installed. 'Parking control continues to be a
problem on the weekends. G. Whitney has been placing parking violation. notices on cars
in anticipation of invokin8 a towing policy to be implemented by the police. He also sent a
letter to Port Marina requesting their assistance in getting their patrons to park on their
The attached Revisions to Municipal Marina Regulations were unanimously approved.
The me,~tns' to prevent casting from the pier were discussed. It was voted this should take
two appWaches. J. Bolden was opposed. It was voted that an attempt should be made to
pass a City ordinance which establishes an enforceable prohibition on the practice. In the
interim, the Harbormaster will evaluate the options to install a .fence across the westerly
end 0fthe pier. This option is subject to approval of the Facilities Committee.
The Facilities Committee will meet on 16. June.
License and Permit: Bass River Plaza developmere went to Conservation Commission for
review. Still no application to DEP. There appear to be, sil~ificant changes to current
p!ans tO qualify for DEP license. Letter was sent to DEP and ConCorn.
The Margin Street storm drain project will include a 10 foot wide Chapter 91 public
w.alkway per discussion of G. Whitney. The design engineer, and Frank Killiea.
It was voted to put ad in paper for 'Homecoming advising of the improved waterfront
We will discuss the Salem dredSins ~material disposal plan at the next meetins.