1999-05-06May 6, 1999
R. Badessa, C. Raymond, D. Neuman, J. Murray, J.
Bolden, V. McGlynn
D. McPherson, Harbormaster; L. Bochynskl, Facilities
Manager, T. Cassidy, City Planner
D. Neuman opened the meeting. There was no public input.
R. Badessa made a motion to accept the Minutes of the previous
meeting. C. Raymond seconded. All approved.
D. Neuman reported that an inquiry was received from Mr.
Thibodeau as to proper procedure for approval or removal of the
pier on his property. D. McPherson is taking care of this.
T. Cassidy provided the status of the Master Plan relying on the
BHMA for the Harbor Plan portion. She also provided status of
our RFP.
R. Badessa handed out a finance report, and reminded all that we
need to work on next year's budget.
D. McPherson stated that he had nothing to report at this time.
L. Bochynski reported that the wood fence is down. There has
been preliminary engineering for the parking lot lines.
Hopefully these will be-completed when the rain subsides.
Planning and Development Committee - T. Cassidy covered all.
Facilities Committee - Held a meeting on April 23. Discussed
parking lot lines at McDonald's, fence, and consolidation of
signs. The signs should be in any day. Picnic tables should be
arriving any day. L. Bochynski sent a letter to the Conservation
Commission regarding handicapped walkway. Also discussed pigeon
control and budget.
D. Neuman asked about occupancy. L. Bochynski stated that the
waiting list has many boats that are small relative to the size
boats that can be accommodated. It was reaffirmed that a policy
should be followed that is economically sensible for the City.
When asked about Commercial vacancies, D. McPherson answered a
few. He also stated that he would like to see it in the paper
that there are commercial slips available.
D. Neuman stated that Dan should consider putting a pleasure
boats in with commercials rather than have vacancies.
J. Murray - update on Ventron. The City has first refusal, until
November. It has been discussed, but no decision has been made.
Public Access Committee - C. Raymond reported no activity. V.
McGlynn spoke of a Coastal Access Conference in Boston at the
Gardner Auditorium. She was not sure of the date, but will look
into it. (June 21)
Licensing and Permits Committee - D. Neuman stated that he has
been unsuccessful in getting to T. McGuire. Two months ago Tom
said he was the critical person on the Cummings Property.
Bass .River Plaza - seems to be reasonable.
Public Access is adequate.
Need to see that
City Marina Licenses - Nothing
It was brought up that there is a large hole in the Launching
Ramp at Sandy Point. D. McPherson will contact DPW. BHMAwill
write a letter and BHMAwill speak to R. Rollins. We should
speak of the Public Launching Ramp at next months meeting.
J. Bolden was asked to report on the Coastal Access Group. She
said that at their meeting they are working on a Historical walk
around Fish Flake Hill, and other areas.
Other Business - None
J. Murray made a motion to adjourn. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Eileen Twiss