August 5, 1999
G. Whitney, R. Badessa, D. Neuman, 'A.."BurnS,. P..
Allen, C, Raymond, V, McGlynn, J. Murray,
Ex Officio: T. Cassidy,
GuestS: L. Bochynski, J. Gillespie, and 5fiSherman from.
BHMA docks.' . ,
G. Whitney opened the meeting, 'asking for Publi'c Input'. C.
Vogler, one of the fishermen present, stated the concern of
the fishermen regarding water to the docks. G..Whitney
asked L. Bochynski about it. L. BoChynski has called
plumber and he says he Will be here'next week. G. Whitney'
asked about black hose that was voted 'to be installed. L.
Bochynskisays that the Harbormaster was to get.tOgether
with someone concerned but no action was taken,. There is
nO estimate of cost of plumbing system now contemplated.
G. Whitney says that something will be implemented. by next.
J. Gillespie stated that she would like to Thank the .BHMA
for pursuing grant money for the Harbor.
A motion to accept the Minutes of the July meet'ing was made
by R. Badessa, seconded by D. Neuman, and appr0vedby all.
A motion to accept the Minutes of the Au'gust 2.'lmeeting 'was
made by D. Neuman, seconded by V. McGlynn, and approved by
Correspondence - from DEP regarding City license for
drainage output at Bass .River near the Car. Wash. For.warded
to Licensing Committee.
G. Whitney stated that the Thursday meeting schedml~d for
.people of Ward II was postponed ~til fall. Unfortunately
no one was advised of the postponement and' G. Whitney.. ...'
changed his plans to be present' and conducted this meeting.'.
Treasurer's Report was handed out and all pp' o~ed.
Includes FY 2000 Budget as approved by City CoUncil.
L. Bochynski spoke of need to replace a large window at
McDonald's which was broken. Estimate for replacement is
$574.50. J. Murray asked him to determine if the City has
insurance to cover this.
L. Bochynski also spoke of estimates for the roof of 'the
white building. He has the permit and is pursuing
estimates. He also has drawings for a replacement Stairway
to the white building. He will bring these to the
Facilities Committee meeting.
He also stated that the ~No Casting" signs on the Pier are
holding up.
.Planning and Development - regarding the lease RFP. The
Committee met with Plum Duff. There were questions not
answered.satisfactorily. The proposal was therefore,~
declared non-responsive. They had no financial or business
The Seaport Council Grant - We~t out.with RFP's for
waterfront usage study. Received 4 proposals, 'all very
good. 2 or 3 were totally acceptable, but one stood out.
Fort Point Associates of Boston was selected. ,They would
be teaming with Nucci-Vine, a company from Newburyport.
This is.moving ahead. There 'will be meetings involved. It
is to be completed by 12/15/99
The City Master Plan - Tl'Cassidy spoke of a revised
contract from the consultant. It needs to be reviewed.
There will be a meeting in 2 weeks. C. Raymond is BHMA
T. Cassidy Stated that Next Monday the City Council will
formerly appoint members for Open Space and Recreation
Public Access - C. Raymond spoke of Port Marina Walkways.
D. Neuman asked it L. Bochynski could paint an arrow on the
'hot top pointing to the gate at, Bass Haven Yacht Club.
Also there are no public bathroom signs. L. Bo~hynEki will
do the arrow.
Licensing and Permitting - Cummings Center. D..'lNeuman
can't reach T. Maguire. T..Cassidy stated thatt the
Conservation Committee is interested. Maybe this could be
handled as a joint effort
D.Neuman stated that the Bunk property will need a
Certificate of Compliance' from the Conservation ~Committee.
He stated that Bunk is not meeting the terms of the DEP
Margin Street.
There is'no segregated lateral access'from
T. Cassidy will look into this.
Bass River Plaza Requested Public Hearing ExtenSi6n because
'of drainage problems.
The City has requested am adjudicatory hearing .regarding
Beverly Port Marina draft license. G. Whitney 'stated that
their gate has been padlocked for 24 hrs. per day. He.has
advised .DEP.
Other Business - R. Badessa asked about dumping and
dredging in Salem Harbor. R. Badessa made.a motion to
draft a letter objecting to the dumping from ot~er
communities. J. Murray secondedl After'much'dlscussion.R..
Badessa withdrew his motion and J. Murray withdrew his.
second in favor of someone attending the next.meeting
regarding this. R. Badessa and G. Whitney will a~tend.
P.. Allen made a motion tO adjourn.
September 2, ~999
Next meeting will be
Respectfully submitted,
iI ,